T - Y - I - E

Soul Strings

Little Tiffany Hwang sat in the corner with a giant pout on her face, “Why don’t you believe me?”


Leo looked over to his little sister before he glanced at his noona with a smirk, “Because there’s no such thing, Tiffany.”


“Yeah, you expect us to believe you can see red strings?” Michelle laughed at her imaginative little sister.


“It’s right here!” Tiffany bursted out loud as she waved her left hand around.


“Then how come I can’t see it?” Michelle crossed her arms.


The little girl furrowed her brows, “Because...Because only I can see it.”


Leo rolled his eyes, “Oh, only you can see it? How convenient. I bet you’re just making up the fact you can see the red string.”


“But I can...” she whispered pitifully.


“Then can you see mine?” Michelle challenged.


Little crescent eyes glanced at her older siblings' pinkies which were void of red strings, unlike her own, “N-no.”


Leo sighed as he made his way to the door, “Yeah. So you can’t. I’m gonna go play on my game console.”


Michelle followed her younger brother, “I’m heading to my friend’s house. I don’t have time for this.”


Poor Tiffany stared at her pinky glumly. The bright red string told her that she was telling the truth. She was.




“I’ll miss you, Fany-ah. It’s been a good many years.”


Tiffany turned to her childhood friend with a wide smile, her eyes disappeared into beautiful crescents, “I’ll miss you too, Sooyoungie. You’ll come visit, right?”


A grin covered the giant’s face, “Let’s always stay in contact. I want to be the first one to know when you meet your soul mate.”


Sooyoung was one of her few friends and the only other person she confided in with her ability to see her own fated red string. Tiffany never dated and wasn’t interested in seeing anyone, no matter the gender. She rubbed her hands together, her right thumb caressed the string on her left pinky.


“Thanks, Sooyoungie. For everything,” Tiffany hugged the taller girl firmly, her one true friend.


The giant returned the hug and held back her sadness to see her close friend go, “Keep in touch, Fany-ah. I know you’ll rule the school in Korea.”




Tiffany sat in the car as her knee shook from nervousness. Even with the words of encouragement from Sooyoung she was still a nervous wreck. A new beginning at a new school in her homeland. New faces. New environment. Sort of new language. She bit her lip and squeezed her fingers together. The red string rubbed against her right hand before she gave it a slight tug. One day, it would lead her to her soul mate.

This was fate’s way of telling her to focus on her studies because her soul mate would come in due time. Even in Korea, it would be no different and she would continue bettering herself for her soul mate. The car pulled up at her new high school and Tiffany took in a deep breath. She could do this.




And say hello to Tiffany! It only took seven parts to finally get to her. ^^

So sorry this is late. I could have sworn yesterday was Thursday so I didn't think to post anything. School is sort of kicking my right now. >.<

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Chapter 15: WAIT WHATTTTT THAT WAS TOTALLY UNEXPECTED. Nevertheless, thank you for your great ff author! :D
Chapter 15: SEQUEL.. I can't believe this is over T.T NUUUU I DIDNT GET MY TAENY TAENGSIC MOMENTS
Chapter 15: Really nice fic ♡♡♡♡ good job ^^
mastadin #4
Chapter 14: Please make a sequel!
Chapter 15: Nice story!
I wish you could make a sequel for this ^____^
lookingatyou #6
Chapter 15: Wow nice fic! I do also believe in soulmates and even though the red string thin can seem a bit crazy I like to think that we are connected to our other half. Good job indeed! d (^_^)
Chapter 15: I really loved this fanfiction. Thank you for this great story :D
the foreword is asdfghjkl;
thanks for the nice ending author-shi though i wish youll make a sequel to this X3