
~The Broken Smiled Angel~

~Reina POV~

I was sitting on top of the entrance of the roof. My algebra book was propped open in front of me, my half-eaten lunch cast aside. I tried to do the problem listed on the page, but it was difficult. How could I concentrate with so much on my mind. My brother, Chanyeol-oppa, is joining the army. Yes, it's mandatory for him, but I cant help but worry about him. And my sister, Yura-unnie, is scampering around the world being an announcer. I'm proud of both of them, don't get me wrong. But why did they have to leave me alone with mom? Or should I say, the person who used to be our mom.

Our parents got a divorce when I was around 8. All three of us kids had to live with our dad since he was the most fit to raise three kids. But then he died from a sudden car accident one winter night. So we had to move back with our mom.

And that's when all hell broke loose.

She was like...no...she WAS a dictator. It was always her way or the highway. She only cared about herself and not for the three kids that she gave birth to. The three of us had to rely on each other to make sure we survived. But then, once we all started growing up, mom started throwing everyone out. She didn't like Yura-unnie's dream to become a MBC announcer and how independent unnie was, so out unnie went. Then Chanyeol-oppa had to leave to join the army. I'll be back by the time you graduate college. After that, all three of us will move out of the house and be together like a real family again.

I wish I could believe Chanyeol-oppa's words. But it's getting harder and harder with each passing day. Everyday, mom would treat me wrong and made sure that by the end of the day I would go to bed crying, praying that Yura-unnie, Chanyeol-oppa, even dad if he was still alive, to come and save me. But that's not going to happen. Yura-unnie tried once before leaving for America for a month, but mom called the police and said I was being kidnapped. So now I have to stay here with her until Chanyeol-oppa, the man of the house, came to get me, as he was the only one left with the family name.

Algebra became harder and harder to concentrate on as flashbacks of the last few nights started ringing through my head. "God dammit child! Cant you do anything right?" "I'm sorry umma~" "Krisus~ Just when is the boy coming back to get you? You're nothing but a free loader here anyway." "It's not my fault you didn't let Yura-unnie take me with her..."  SLAP "That's what you get for talking back to me, you ungrateful child."

Tears started falling down my eyes and dripping onto my book. I touched my left cheek, as it still stung from the slap I received last night plus the ones from previous nights. Why must life be so hard on me? Why?

I heard someone come up the stairs and open the door, rather frantically. I quickly wiped my eyes and the tears off the page before they started to sink in. I softly patted my cheeks to make the redness that usually came up while I cried disappear, trying to make myself look decent.

"Who's ther- Oh! Hi Jongin!!" I tried to say without obviously cracking. He turned around and looked relieved. Why are your eyes watery Jongin? I smiled my signature smile and motioned for him to come sit with me. I watched him come up the same way I did and sat down next to me.

"What brings you up here Jongin? Is class starting already?" I checked my watch, seeing that I still had about 20 minutes until lunch time was over and we had to get back to class. "A-Ah no~ I just came up here for some fresh air." He said while adjusting his sitting position. I nodded and started going back to work.

It was hard to keep the tears in. I just wanted to cry in peace. I had to take many deep breathes in order to keep calm, and I could tell Jongin noticed too. Please don't worry about me Jongin...

Jongin has always been the outcast of the class because of his non-Korean appearance. But I personally think that he makes it look amazing. I've had a crush on him since elementary school, but I could never bring myself to tell him. And no that we're in college together, I've realized that he matured handsomely. I don't understand why no one likes him. Sure he's tanner than everyone else naturally, but that shouldn't be the reason why he's judge that way. I want to get closer to him and know more about him. But he gives off the aura that he doesn't want to be disturbed and wants to be by himself.

Because he doesn't want to get hurt....

We're sitting comfortably in silence besides the sound of my pencil to my notebook and the soft wind that's blowing through our hair. I glanced over to him and noticed that he's staring at me with worried eyes. Please Jongin...I'm okay....I think....

I finished the last problem as Jongin spoke. "How?" I closed my books and looked up at him. I tilted my head slightly to the side, wearing a confused look. "How what?" He scoots closer to me and looks deep into my eyes, as if trying to read my soul. He gently pushed back some of my hair behind my ear before speaking again.

"How can you smile so much, yet look so sad?"

My heart nearly stopped. I was nicknamed the smiling angel of the school, as it was apparently a family nickname, but for me, it was only a cover. On the inside, that no one besides Yura-unnie and Chanyeol-oppa know of, I'm constantly crying, sulking, cringing in pain, and wishing that I wasn't so alone in the world as I am right now. No one figured out my secret. That is, until Kim Jongin came along.

Jongin's eyes grew large as he scooted back and got up. "I-I-I'm sorry~ I shouldn't ask such crazy questions." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked up at the sky. I got up as well and picked up my bag. I wish I could tell you... "U-Uhhhh...we should get back to class, huh?" He asked, still rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded as we made our way down.

Jongin was already on the ground as I was having difficulty getting down from the ledge. Damn you school skirt! Jongin looked up at me and held out his hand. I gently took it and felt electricity when our skins touched. Both of us looked at each other. He felt it too... I got down to the floor safely and looked up at him. "Ummm...Thank...J-Jongin~" I let go of his hand and started missing his warmth. "N-No problem.." He said almost inaudibly. We looked into each other's eyes for a few moments before we heard the warning bell. Jongin cleared his throat as he motioned me to lead the way. I walked slightly in front of him as we walked back to class. My heart was pounding and I just realized that my urge to cry finally seized. I looked behind me to see Jongin walking slowly and looking at the posters posted on the walls and lockers. Is it because of him?

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After the long wait, THE NEW CHAPTER IS FINALLY UP!!! Sorry for the wait yeorobeun~ School ~


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shineeFANt #1
Chapter 13: So coool!! Please update soon :)
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 9: this story so interesting.. update please
Chapter 8: updatew soon!!!! wanna see what happens next!!!!
Sophie93 #4
Chapter 3: I love it :))

pls. Update soon ^^

Thank you.