
~The Broken Smiled Angel~

~Reina POV~

After the bubble tea house, Jongin and I rode the bus to the mall. Once again, Jongin was holding onto my hand so we don't get separated, not that I mind anyway. His fingers intertwined with mine just feels...right. Like two puzzle pieces fitting together. We talked about what we were going to do at the mall and what sales were going on. Apparently Jongin is there every Saturday so he knows almost all the sales there is.

We walked into the mall about an hour after being in the crowded bus. Our hands were still intertwined and smiles never left our faces. This feels just right~ We walked upstairs and went into a clothing store. "Reina~ Would this shirt look okay on me?" Jongin held up a regular t-shirt up against his chest. Anything would look good on you Jongin~ "Yeah! It looks great!" I smiled as I went looking for a shirt of my own, since Jongin insisted. "Hey Rei~ What's your size?" I heard Jongin ask behind me. "Ummmm~ I'm pretty sure I'm a medium. Why?" Before I knew it, Jongin pulled me over to the dressing room. He handed me a handful of shirt before pushing me into the first open stall he saw. "Try on all of them! And come out so I can see them!!" He happily exclaimed. I shook my head towards the closed door. Pabo~

I tried on all the shirts and showed Jongin each one. "I say you should just get them all~" He said once I got out of the stall carrying all of the shirts. "But Jongin...wouldn't that be expensive? I didn't bring much money with me and I don't want to burden you by having you pay for me again." Jongin smiled and placed his forehead on top of mine. "It'll never be a burden." I started blushing as Jongin took the shirts from my arms, his soft hands gliding across mine before heading over to the register. Jongin...  He looked back at me with a smile on his face.

The two of us started walking downstairs towards the arcade, our fingers intertwined and our shopping bags swinging slightly in the air. I couldn't face Jongin, I just couldn't. After what happened at the clothing store, I couldn't stop blushing. I could tell Jongin knew that too, since every time he looked down at me, he would started chuckling or smiling. I glanced over at him. He was wearing a small smile as he looked through the windows of the stores we were passing by. I started smiling as well. "Finally able to look at me again?" He said, not even looking at me. My eyes went big and looked at our feet. I heard him let out a small but cute laugh. Damn you Kim Jongin...

We entered the dark arcade that was filled with teenage boys. Please don't tell me I'm the only girl... "Hey Jongin-hyung~" Some kid, probably still in high school, said. "Hey Junhong-ah~"

The two high fived and smiled. "Junhong-ah~ This is Reina. Tell the others not to mess with her. She's mine." Junhong looked over at me. He might be in high school, but wow was this kid tall. He had a baby face though, which contradicted his stature. He also had blonde hair, which was pretty cool considering he was only a student. "Hi Reina-noona! I'm Choi Junhong! 3rd year of high school!" Junhong said happily and politely. I smiled at his cuteness. "Hi Junhong-ah~ Park Reina. 1st year of college with Jongin over here." Jongin smiled and wrapped his arm around me. "That's right~ Hey Rei~ can you get some tokens from over there please? I need to talk to Junhong for a minute." I nodded as Jongin handed me some money.

~Kai POV~

Junhong and I watched Reina walk over to the machine in the corner. "Hyung~ She's really pretty! Is she your girlfriend?" Junhong asked curiously. "Not yet donsaengie~ But she will be soon...hopefully..." Junhong pouted. "Darn...I wanted to ask her out..." I laughed while ruffling his hair. "Sorry Junhong~ finder's keepers~ and plus, she's too old for you." "ITS ONLY ONE YEAR!!" Junhong exclaimed. I laughed some more. "C'mon Junhong~ I'm sure there's some girls in your school that are dying to date you." Junhong placed his forehead on my shoulder. "But they're not as pretty as Reina-noona." I patted his head. "It's alright Junhonggie~ Theres a lot of fish in the sea." "I hate your analogies Jongin-hyung..."

Junhong left with his friends a little bit after our little conversation. Reina came up with a bucket full of tokens. I'm pretty sure I only gave her enough money for 20...."Never. Leave. Me. Alone. Again. Kim. Jong. In." I looked up at her and she was angry. She was pouting, which I found extremely cute. I looked behind her and saw why. All the kids that I knew from this arcade were gawking at her still. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her. "Mianhae jagiya~ I wont leave you ever again~" I said loudly so everyone looking at her would see/hear. I shot every single one of them a death stare as they looked disappointed to see that Reina was with me. That she's mine."Jongin~ I know you're trying to help, but let go~ This bucket is heavy~" I held onto her even tighter. "I'm never letting go Park Reina." I could feel that she was blushing. "I-I'm serious K-Kim Jongin. L-Let go now. T-The bucket is slipping." I smiled and held the bucket. "Alright~ Alright~ Well we have this much tokens thanks to your beauty. So let's play all the games here!" She continued blushing as I wrapped my arm around her petite shoulders and walked over to the skee-ball machines.

"And that makes it 20 and 0~" Reina teased as she looked over at me, gawking at the current score board. We played 20 games so far and Reina has beaten me in all of them. And I mean ALL. OF. THEM! Skee-ball, she beat me by 1,000 points. Basketball, scored a three-pointer despite her height. Soul Caliber, I didn't even get a chance to hit her character on the screen and I was already dead. Boy~ When she said that her and her brother were gamers, she was not kidding. But there was still a few tokens left and I know just the game I could beat her in. That's right. My forte. The Dancing Machine.

"Reina C'mon~ Last game. All or nothing." I said as she checked the time on her watch. (oh~ did I mention that whoever loses had to make the other one dinner? She looked over at me and smiled. "Are you sure about that Jonginnie? I mean, we already played almost every single game here and you haven't been able to beat me yet?" I smirked. "You just don't know which game I'm picking next." She stepped up and eyed me. "I'll probably be able to beat you anyway." She said, her voice going a little bit deeper which was extremely y and WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING?!?!?! I placed my forehead on hers and looked into her eyes. "C'mon Rei~ All or nothing~" She smirked. "Alright. You win, and I'll make you your favorite meal. I win, and you have to make me dinner for the next week." I laughed. "Since when was that in the agreement?" "Since you've been losing, Jonginnie~"

We walked over to the dancing machine and Reina's eyes lit up. I don't know whether it was in fear or in excitement, but this game is where I was King. I've had the highest score here since last year when I first started going here. So I know that I'm going to win. It was a sure thing. We stepped on and Reina put in the tokens. The music started and the two of us started dancing.

[Video Credits: SMTOWN @YouTube]

I looked over at Reina, who was a lot of a better dancer than I thought she would be. She followed the steps so easily. I was mesmerized. All of a sudden, I slipped slightly, causing me to lose the game. The music ended and everyone in the arcade clapped for Reina. "Someone actually beat Kai!" "And a girl at that!" "Almighty Kai-hyung lost?" I looked up at Reina from the ground. She was beaming and bowing to the boys who were still clapping. That was when I realized something. I love Reina more than I ever could've before. She was perfect for me. She held out her hand in front of my face. "Wanna get up some time soon? Someone has to make me dinner." She said with a smile on her face. I held her hand and got up slowly. I helped her down the machine as she looked down at the bucket. "There's only two tokens left Jongin. What are we supposed to do with them?" I picked up the two tokens and looked over at Reina. "We keep them as mementos. The day the 'King Kai' lost to 'Queen Reina' in his specialty." We walked hand in hand out of the dark arcade and into the light of the mall. "Oh~ By the way, why the name 'Kai'?" I smiled as I thought of the best way to tell her. "I'll tell you later. First, I wanna show you something."

~Reina's POV~

We walked down the block to the old theater. It was still open, but only upon requests of the venue. "Jongin? Are we even allowed in there?" I asked as I noticed the No Trespassers sign. "My dad owns the place, so I come here a lot." He took out a key and unlocked the door. He the light and I was met with an amazing foyer.

Wow~ I smiled as I walked around the large foyer. It's so clean~ Not a speck of dust anywhere~ I looked back at Jongin where he was just standing there with a smile on his face. "So how often do you come here Jongin? It's spotless~" Jongin walked towards another door and unlocked it as well. i'm here everyday. It's my little safe haven." He the lights in the second room and my eyes were met with a large stage.

"Wow~ Daebak!" I smiled as I ran up to the stage. Jongin walked down cooly while I admired the amount of space the stage held. Jongin was standing on the stage now. When did he get up there? Jongin sat down in front of me. He leaned down so his eyes met mine. "So you ready?" I tilted my head to the side. "Ready?" Jongin stood up and motioned for me to sit down on one of the chairs behind me. I sat down as Jongin plugged his phone into a speaker behind him and picked up its remote. "This is the reason why I'm nicknamed 'Kai'. You're the first person who's going to see it. Not even Umma has seen it yet." Jongin smiled as he started started the music. Don't tell me...He's gonna...

[Video Credits: SMTOWN @YouTube]

The music started playing and Jongin danced to it. My eyes grew large as I watched Jongin move so gracefully. Every move he did was so smooth and alluring. It's like he's another person. The music died out and Jongin looked down at me. "What did you think?" He asked with a nervous smile. I was speechless. All I could possibly managed to say was "Beautiful..." Jongin smiled and jumped down from the stage and kneeled down in front of me. I gently pushed his fringe back from his sweaty forehead. Have you always been so handsome Kim Jongin? I smiled as I took out some tissues from my bag and wiped the sweat off of Jongin's forehead and neck. Our eyes met and we both knew exactly what was going to happen. Jongin's hand stopped mine that was currently on his neck. and leaned in. I leaned in as well and closed my eyes. This was it... Our lips touched and I could feel the fireworks going off in the background. My first kiss~


~Author's Corner~

I am so so so so(x10) sorry for the delay of update! I'm just been so busy with school that I never have any time to update anymore. I'll try to be a better author and get the next chapters up for you guys as SOON as possibly!

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~ <3 Roselle <3 ~

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After the long wait, THE NEW CHAPTER IS FINALLY UP!!! Sorry for the wait yeorobeun~ School ~


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shineeFANt #1
Chapter 13: So coool!! Please update soon :)
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 9: this story so interesting.. update please
Chapter 8: updatew soon!!!! wanna see what happens next!!!!
Sophie93 #4
Chapter 3: I love it :))

pls. Update soon ^^

Thank you.