
~The Broken Smiled Angel~
~ Reina's POV ~

Jongin and I finished my room in just a few hours. As we were sitting on the bed, just examining the room, we heard the door bell. "ANYEONGHASEYO MRS. KIM!!" We heard a choir of boys say. "I guess the guys are here." Jongin sighed as he got up and patted the front of his pants.The door opened and Baekhyun popped his head in. "REINA-YAH~" He exclaimed as the other three followed him. Sehun sat right next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Are you feeling better now noona?" He asked, showing me a cheeky smile. "A lot better~ Thanks for caring Sehunnie~" He chuckled as Baekhyun sat on the other side of me. "Reina-yah~ I heard that you're going to be staying here now~ Is that true?" Baekhyun asked while wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Ne Baekhyun-oppa." I guessed this peaked Junmyeon-oppa and Kyungsoo-oppa's interest as they looked over at Jongin with terrified and shocked eyes. The two of them dragged him out of the room and into his, which was across the hall.

"What was that all about?" I asked as I stared at Jongin's closed door. "Probably giving him the talk." Baekhyun-oppa said. "What's the talk?" Sehun asked. Didn't this kid go through education yet?! "I'll tell you later Hunnie~" Sehun nodded obediently and started walking around the room.

~ Jongin's POV ~

Junmyeon-hyung and Kyungsoo dragged me out of Reina's room and into mine. Junmyeon-hyung made me sit down on my bed while Kyungsoo closed and locked the door. "Jongin. We need to have a serious talk." Junmyeon-hyung said in his authority-filled voice. I gulped as Kyungsoo stood next to him, his arms crossed. "Hyung, I know why you guys are on edge, but I know my limits. I'm not going to pressure Reina into anything she's not ready for." Junmyeon-hyung and Kyungsoo looked at each other and nodded. "I'm glad we raised you right. And another thing..." "I know. Reina and myself already know that when the time comes, I must use protection. Well, both of us have to use protection." They looked as each other again and smiled. Junmyeon-hyung sat down next to me and hugged me. "I'm proud we raised you right. Now all we have to worry about is Sehunnie."

~ Two Weeks Later - Jongin's POV ~

Everything is wonderful now. Reina got her stitches out yesterday, school has been going by like a breeze. Life has been going well these past few weeks. Right now, Reina and I are working on our Music Composition class project. Sadly, we weren't able to work together for this project. And that for me because I cannot write music for the life of me. And Reina....well she's like half way done with hers. What the hell am I supposed to write about? Oh~ Did I mention we have to perform our song in front of the class? Jeez~ I should just get help from Kyungsoo. 

~ Reina's POV ~

I looked over at Jongin, admiring his confused face. He was staring at the empty sheet paper as if he was given an essay on how to accomplish world peace. "Having trouble there sir?" I asked with only a smile on my face. "Shh~ I got this." Jongin whispered while giving the sheet paper a death stare. I just had to laugh. I mean, who would've thought he was so cute? "You know you have to write down the notes in order for it to work." Jongin gave me a death stare before playing with his phone. "Calling Kyunggie?" I asked with a mocking smile on his face. "Maybe." Jongin said before getting up and walking out of the room. 

~ Jongin's POV ~

I walked out of the room and called up Kyungsoo. I mean he should know how to write a love song. He was the top of his class. "Yeoboseyo? Jonginnie?" I heard his small voice ask from the receiver. "Kyung! I need help with my Music Composition class!" I asked with desperation written in my voice. He sighed a little before talking. "What kind of song are you composing?" I looked back at Reina, perfectly writing down lyrics and notes while playing with the piano. "Well, I'm making a love song. It's for Reina." I can hear Kyungsoo stifling a chuckle. "You do realize you have to perform it in front of the class, right? I nodded, even though Kyungsoo can't see me. "Yeah~ but still~" Kyungsoo sighed again. "Meet me at my house in like an hour. I'm getting out of work in a half an hour." I smiled, once again, Kyungsoo can't see me. "Thank you so much Hyung!" Hyung? "Oh~ So you only call me 'hyung' when you want something, don't you?" I laughed and hung up the phone.

~ An Hour Later ~

Before I knew it, I was done with the first verse of the song. "Kyungsoo! You're a genius!" I exclaimed as he stopped playing the piano. "I know. You better treat me to lunch after though. I don't work for free y'know~" I nodded and wrote down the lyrics. Hopefully she'll like it~ "Oh by the way Jongin, when do you have to present the song?" I hummed to myself as I recollected the date. "October 20." I said as the date came up to me. "Isn't that Reina's birthday?" Oh ... I dropped the pencil and looked up at Kyungsoo with wide eyes. "Don't tell me you forgot your own girlfriend's birthday." Kyungsoo said with a little sass in his throat. Of course I didn't forget. I just didn't realize that the two dates were the same. "Well I guess now we're going to have the song extra special. Damn kid, you're going to be in a rut. 

~ The Next Day - Reina's POV ~

Yay~ I finished my song for Music Composition class!! I hope Jonginnie will like it~

I wrote this into my journal I keep in my drawer. I looked over at the sheet music on the other side of the room. I placed the journal back in it's place and looked at the lyrics in front of me. I started humming the song when someone started knocking on my door. "Come in~" I said as I placed the lyrics into my binder. Jongin came in and plopped himself down on my bed. "Reina~~~" He whined as I sat down next to him. "Nani?" I asked in Japanese. "I don't know what to get for you on your birthday~ I feel like a bad boyfriend~" He complained as he buried his face into my shoulder. "You don't have to get me anything Jonginnie~ Let's just have some jajangmyeon here at home and watch a movie. Inexpensive and we'll still be together." I said while patting his head softly. He laid down and buried his head in my pillow. "But that would make me feel horrible on the inside. Just eating and watching a movie is not a real birthday. I want it to be extremely special." He was muffled by my pillow, but I still understood him. I smiled and laid down next to him. "Jongin. I don't want you to go and spend a lot of money on me. Just a simple dinner and movie with you would be enough for me." He peeked out from the pillow and looked at me. "Are you sure? That's all you want?" I nodded. "That is all I want." He peeked out a little more. "Can I still get you a present?" He asked cutely. "If you want. But don't get anything extremely expensive. You know I don't like spending a lot of money." His face was completely out from the pillow. "But what if I couldn't find you something?" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "Then I'll be happy with just a movie and dinner." He wrapped one arm around my waist and placed his other hand on my head. "Are you sure?" He asked, bringing me closer to him. I nodded. "I'm sure."

The two of us fell asleep since the clock read 4:30 am. I tried to sneak out of Jongin's grasp, but it was just too tight. "Don't Rei~ I'll get cold." He complained. I shook my head and brought the blanket over our bodies. "Better?" I asked, looking at his peaceful face. He nodded, his eyes still closed. I admired his features as he slowly fell back to sleep. I continued until Jongin whispered. "I know I'm handsome, but I'm trying to sleep." He opened one eyelid and smiled. I kissed his nose and chuckled. "Don't be cocky now Mr. Kim~" He closed his eyes and wiggled his eyebrows. "You're the one staring Ms. Park~" I softly punched his chest and he pretended that it hurt. "Oh~ The pain~ I'm gonna die~" He chuckled as he whispered. I laughed and kissed his lips. "Pabo~" I whispered as I laid my head down on his chest. "But the pabo you fell in love with~" He smiled as he patted my head.

I sat in a comfortable silence in Jongin's arms. His low and slow breathing indicated that he fell back asleep. I looked up at him and smiled. He was smiling in his sleep, making him looked like a little kid. I laid there and wondered. Are the two of us always going to be like this? Will we stay together for a long time and fix any and all bumps in the road? What would it be like to be married with him? To have our first time? To have kids together? He opened one eye and smirked. "Ms. Park. We already went through this~" He chuckled, his voice raspy from tiredness. "I'm sorry Mr. Kim~ But you're just so damn attractive I can't help myself." His smirk became deeper and ier as he lifted my chin with one finger. "Oh really now?" His eyes showing his mischivious side. "Really~" I loved playing this game with him. "how about you tell me all about it, hmmm? But not with words~" He winked, that smirk still playing on his lips. I got closer to him, our lips slightly touching. "I would love to....but I have to make breakfast~" I got up fast and ran towards the door. "DAMMIT REINA~ GET BACK HERE AND FIX THIS~" He exclaimed, pointing to his *clears throat* little friend. I looked back at him, frustrated and . "Sorry babe~ But I don't chop the morning wood~ Go take a cold shower~" I should be done cooking by then~" I winked and ran off to the kitchen laughing while Jongin groaned and walked to the bathroom.

Jongin came down the stairs with only his school shirt and undershirt on. "Babe~ I can't find my school shirt~" He complained as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Check the laundry room. I washed it last night since SOMEBODY spilled strawberry milk all over themselves." I chuckled when he whined, blaming it on Taehyung, one of the guys on the soccer team that hangs out with us. "Jongin, stop being so clingy. She'll stop loving you." Jongin's mom groaned as she came into the dining room. Her hair was fixed nicely and she was wearing a dark pencil skirt and a black blazer. "Ew Umma~ Appa lets you leave the house like that?" Jongin complained as he started walking to the laundry room. "I never got a say in what she wears Jongin. She just does what she wants." Jongin's Appa complained as he kissed my temple. "Good morning daughter." He said cheerfully as I handed him his coffee and breakfast. "Good morning dad~" I said with a smile, although it still feels kind of weird calling Jongin's parents as if they were my own. I placed Jongin's Umma her plate and hot tea in front of her as she said her thanks. Jongin came back out, adjusting his tie. "Rei~~~~" He whined cutely. I giggled and walked over to him. "You can't even get dressed by yourself? " I asked sarcastically as I fixed his tie and collar. "No~ And I don't know how to undress without help either~" He whispered into my ear ily. I smacked his chest and pushed him towards the table. "Nice try~ Now eat~" Jongin was about to sit down when his Appa smacked him upside the head with the newspaper. " teens these days...just can't keep it in their pants.." Jongin's Umma started chuckling. "Says someone I know. I remember-" "ALRIGHT UMMA!! STOP!!!" Jongin and I screamed as I ran upstairs to get ready for school.

~ Jongin's POV ~

"Such a lovely girl. I'm glad you picked her Jonginnie~" Umma said with a smile on her face. "Yes~ I'm glad to call her my daughter-in-law." Appa said with an approving face. "You do realize that we are still dating and not even out of college yet, right?" I asked them nicely, not wanting to crush their dreams. "Oh we know son. But it would be nice if you married her. I could tell she will take great care of you." "And you better make sure you take good care of her too. Shes the kind of girl that every guy wants.Pretty, smart, caring~" "Umma, do you have a crush on Reina?" Both of them laughed. "Jonginnie. We love Reina. We took her into our home so she could have a better life, right? So we have to show her the same affection that we did your noonas." Appa nodded to what Umma was saying.

I nodded along. I do WANT to marry Reina. I really do. But I want to be done with college first. Have a decent job so we could live in a small apartment or small house with two bedrooms if we have a kid. "Son. We know this kind of thing takes a lot of planning. Just be patient and wait for Reina. "Listen to your father Jonginnie. Reina is a special girl. Wouldn't want to do something stupid and have her fall into someone else's arms."

Both of them were right. I don't want to lose Reina again. I already almost did to the China line, and I'm not repeating that. "JONGIN LET'S GO! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I heard Reina scream from the doorway. She was already carrying my bag and jacket with a playful smile on her face. I got up quickly and placed my plate in the sink. I ran over to her as she helped me put my jacket on. "BYE UMMA! BYE APPA!" The two of us said as we ran out of the door.

~ On the way to School ~

 Reina and I were walking a little slower now since she lied to me saying that we're late. There's not even people out yet, meaning we were early as hell. "I hate when you do this to me." I complained as we stopped at the bus stop. "Well I know you. And you would've ate everything on the table if I didn't warn you that we had school." She made a point. She took hold of my hand and smiled. "Forgive me?" She asked in her aegyo voice. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "How can I ever be mad at you?" After that, we heard some gagging noises coming from behind us. "Oh god that was so cheesy hyung~" We looked back and saw everyone. Junmyeon-hyung, Baekhyun-hyung, Kyungsoo, and Sehunnie. "Hey~ I didn't know you guys take the same bus~" Reina exclaimed as she ran over and hugged all of them. "We didn't know you guys left for school so early." Kyungsoo said as he wrapped his arm around Reina's shoulder. "We usually don't. But the princess here tricked me into leaving from a magnificent breakfast~" I said as I took Reina back from Kyungsoo. "Noona, it actually worked?" Sehun asked as Reina just nodded. "So that would be $5 please~" Reina cheered as she held out her hands. Sehun grumbled as he fetched out his wallet from his backpack. "I told you it was dangerous to bet things with Reina. She always wins." Junmyeon-hyung said with a chuckle.

"Wait. You guys betted on me?" I asked. Sehun nodded while giving Reina her $5. Kyungsoo came over and awkwardly wrapped his arm around my back. "Reina and Sehun both know that because of you, you guys always almost arrive late for school. So Reina thought up a plan to make you move faster and get you to arrive here quicker. Sehun didn't believe her, so they made a bet. Sehunnie just doesn't know that Reina works in mysterious ways." I pouted, which made Junmyeon-hyung come over and use his fatherly advice. "It's only because they love you."

Reina and Sehun were walking ahead of all of us, probably planning on who to bet on next. I pulled Kyungsoo off to the side. I talked softly just in case Reina was in hearing range. "So all the guys know the plan?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. "Yup! We all scheduled a day-off for Rei's birthday and Sehun doesn't have a class last block so he'll be able to catch up with us. We're gonna meet up in the other music room so Reina won't see us." I nodded and smiled. "So what do you say to Reina when we have practice?" "She usually hangs with the girls because they feel like shopping and gossiping and other stuff girls do." Kyungsoo and I laughed until we caught up to the rest of the group. Reina. You are going to LOVE our present!

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After the long wait, THE NEW CHAPTER IS FINALLY UP!!! Sorry for the wait yeorobeun~ School ~


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shineeFANt #1
Chapter 13: So coool!! Please update soon :)
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 9: this story so interesting.. update please
Chapter 8: updatew soon!!!! wanna see what happens next!!!!
Sophie93 #4
Chapter 3: I love it :))

pls. Update soon ^^

Thank you.