
~The Broken Smiled Angel~

~Kai POV~

I woke up around 3:30. I opened my eyes and saw Reina, sleeping uneasily. I could hear the thunder still, loud enough to shake the house. Whenever that happened, Reina would tense up, as if she really wasn't sleeping. Maybe she's not...

"Reina~" I whispered. Her eyes immediately shot open and a single tear fell.I wrapped my arms around her small figure and placed her head on my chest. "Shhhh....sleep now..." i whispered in her ear, trying to calm her down. Her sniffling started to wane down as her body started becoming heavier. I smiled, knowing that was now falling back asleep. I slowly traced small circles with my fingers on her back, hoping that would help her fall asleep faster. Before I knew it, my eyes started getting heavier too. She's asleep now, might as well go back to bed too.

~Narrator POV~

The smell of breakfast started wafting throughout the Kim's household. "JONGINNIE!!! REINA-AH!!! BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" Jongin's umma yelled up the stairs. Reina started stirring in her sleep as the alarm on Jongin's phone went off. Jongin, also being disturbed by the loud music, started waking up as well. Reina reached up to the night stand and quickly shut the alarm off. "Is it really 6:30 now??" Reina complained as her head hit Jongin's chest again. "5 mote minutes please..." She murmured into Jongin's shirt. Jongin, who was much more of a morning person compared to Reina, could only chuckle and let her have her precious 5 minutes before he knew his umma would come the stairs.

He was twirling her long hair in between his fingers as she relaxed on his chest. Why does this feel so right? Jongin heard footsteps start to come up the stairs. "Reina~ time to wake up now~" Reina shook her head and buried her face into Jongin's shirt. "I don't wanna go to school~~~~" Jongin had to laugh. "Rei~ it's Saturday." She grumbled some more into Jongin's shirt. "Then why the hell are we up so early??" Obviously she is not a morning person... "Because umma wants me to be. And because she has to leave for work. She doesn't like me home alone while she's at work and Appa  is on a business trip." Reina sat up a bit to look up at Jongin. Her hair was slightly disheveled and her cheeks were puffier than usual, sleep glazing over her eyes. She's adorable~ "Well, what do you do until your mom gets back?" Jongin looked off to the side, a little embarrassed to say it out loud. He looked over at Reina, who had curiosity in her eyes. "Well...I like to go to the arcade. There's a high score on this game that I really want to beat, but I haven't been able to for the past few years. Then, I usually hang out at the mall." Reina smiled and looked at Jongin. "What?" Jongin asked as he felt she had something planned. "Guess who had nothing to do this fine Saturday and is actually pretty good with video games?" She had a sly smirk on her face, which made Jongin do the same. Wow does he look hot doing that~ She looks cute doing that~

Reina stood up and sat on the bed, just in time as Jongin's umma opened the door. "Breakfast is ready you guys." Jongin and Reina nodded as Jongin's umma closed the door. "That would've been awkward if we were still sleeping..." Reina muttered. Jongin nodded as he slipped out of the futon. The two walked out of the room tiredly and into the bathroom. "Uhh...Jongin....what are you doing here?" "I was just about to ask you the same thing Reina..." The two stared at each other before Jongin left the bathroom. "I'll be downstairs..." Jongin muttered before closing the door. Reina sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. Why am I blushing so much? Reina quickly splashed cold water on her face and reached for the towel she was using yesterday to dry off. This towel smells better than mine yesterday...She looked at it and saw that she grabbed Jongin's towel (his name was written on the tag). She smiled and buried her face into the towel again. I can get used to this smell~

~Reina POV~

I walked down the stairs and overheard Jongin and his umma's conversation. "Jonginnie~ Reina seems like a nice girl~ you should ask her out." Jongin started choking on his waffle. "W-w-what?! Umma!!" "Oh don't tell me you don't like her~ it's so obvious that you like her~" "R-really? It's that obvious?"

I hid behind the wall, my face completely red. Like cherry tomatoes. Jongin likes me..... It seems like Jongin's umma noticed I was hiding. "Good morning Reina!!" Would you like eggs or bacon with your waffles?" I peeked out behind the wall, trying to hide my blushing face. "Ummmm....bacon sounds good right now~" Jongin's umma smiled and started setting up my plate. I sat in front of Jongin, to see him blushing as well. "So~ what do you kids plan on doing after breakfast?" Jongin's umma asked as she set my plate down with a glass of orange juice. "Well~ Reina was going to accompany me on my Saturday journey~" Jongin said before drinking some of his milk. "Really? Why thank you Reina~ i appreciate you taking care of my Jonginnie when I'm not around~" Jongin's umma said as she sat down at the head of the table with her waffles, eggs, and hot tea. "It's no problem Mrs. Kim!" Jongin's umma started laughing. "Why so formal, Reina-ah? I'm not considering you as my third daughter, so just call me umma~" I blushed ad looked down at my half eaten plate. "N-ne~ u-u-umma~" I said quietly.

Jongin was currently taking a shower while I changed back into my uniform before going back out. I looked at myself in Jongin's mirror before sighing. I should probably go home and change out of this first.... Apparently I was thinking out loud as Jongin walked into the room. "You probably should. I mean it's Saturday and you're walking around in your school uniform? That's just weird." I looked over at him. He was wearing a short sleeved grey shirt with dark skinny jeans.

He looks good in regular clothes. He started messing with his hair in front of the mirror and saw me staring at him, blushing. "Handsome, right?" He said, turning around for me to see him smirking. Damn you're hot....wait a second Rei... I shook my head and smirked back at him. "Nah~ Just average~" I giggled at the end, which made him smile. "C'mon Rei~ let's hurry and get to the arcade before all the younger brats try to beat my high scores!!" He said while gently pushing me out of the door.

We arrived at my house by taking Jongdae's bus again. It was probably half an hour since we left Jongin's house. I started biting my lip as I could see my hell-home start coming into view. Mom is going to kill me if she sees my walking in like this... "Ummm~ Jongin~ Could you stay by that park across the street?" Jongin looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "It's just that~ my mom doesn't like me bringing people over even if it's just for a few minutes~" Jongin nodded and patted my head. "Alright~ I'll probably be sitting under that tree~ so come back soon before I just up and leave you~" Jongin joked as he walked across the street. Phew~ That was close~

I opened the door to my house and saw that no one was home. Thank Krisus! She already left for work! I quickly darted up the stairs and into my room to change. It's pretty chilly outside..probably should wear a long sleeve... I slipped on a simple outfit and put my hair up to make it look like I cut my hair.

I grabbed my purse and looked at myself in the mirror for the last time. Do I look weird....nah~  I was just about to open the door after slipping on my boots when: "And just where d you think you are going?" Mom appeared from around the corner of the living room. DAMMIT! "I-I-I'm going out with a friend." I said nervously. Mom came up to me and slapped my cheek. "And you couldn't even call to say that you were probably staying wit that friend too last night? Krisus~ you should just live with them already~" She exclaimed while throwing her hands up in the air. I wanted to cry, but I knew that Jongin was just a few yards away. "I'll be home soon." I said while closing the door. "DON'T EVEN COME BACK!!! YOU'RE NOT WANTED HERE ANYWAY!!!" I heard mom scream as I locked the door. I took a deep breath in before walking across the street to where Jongin was.

~Kai POV~

I looked at my watch and saw that Reina has been gone for about 20 minutes now. Why must girls take forever to get ready? I was about to text her when I saw her coming from a distance. Wow~ she looks beautiful...but why is she...crying? She saw me and quickly wiped her face. I saw her take a deep breath before putting on her signature smile. "SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT JONGIN!!" She exclaimed as she approached me. I got up and the sight pained me. Why must you keep everything to yourself Park Reina? I wanted to see her smile genuinely like she did last night, not this fake smile with tears invisibly running down her porcelain cheeks.

I hugged her tight as she looked up at me. "What's wrong Jongin?" Her voice was shaking like she was about to cry. Why do you make me worry so much Reina? She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled a little on my shirt. "Hey~ Jongin? Are you alright?" I wanna know if you're alright. I looked down at her, my arms still around her small shoulders. "Reina. If there is anything bothering you or upsetting you, I want you to talk about them with me alright? Just...don't hold it in to yourself anymore alright?" I asked, tears about to start falling from my own eyes. Her eyes looked shocked. She buried her face into my chest and I felt her tremble. "Can I trust you Jongin?" I patted her head and held her tighter. "Of course Reina. Tell me anything. What do I have to judge?" She looked up at me with tears welling up in her beautiful brown eyes. "But it might take a while to tell you. What happened to the arcade?" I shook my head and gave her a reassuring smile. "The high score can wait."

~About 10 minutes later~

I bought the two of us some bubble tea at a nearby restaurant. Reina was currently sitting at the table in the back. I saw her wiping her tears with the napkins provided at the table. From here, she looked worn out. Small. Fragile. After hearing everything from start to finish about her mom, I couldn't help but feel bad. I mean, how evil can you be to tell your own family to get out of the house for no good reason at all?! It pisses me off! I don't want Reina going back there. She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. A family is supposed to love each other no matter how bad the situation. Something inside me told me I should ask Umma if Reina could stay with us. I'm sure Umma would understand.

I grabbed our bubble teas and walked back to Reina. "You alright now?" I asked as I slid her bubble tea over to her. She nodded and took a sip of her bubble tea. I think she forgot she ordered a Frozen Taro. I laughed at her face as she started exclaiming: "WAHHH~ THAT'S COLD~~" I started laughing some more as she started hitting me. "IT'S NOT FUNNY JONGIN!! YOU PURPOSELY TOLD THEM TO MAKE IT EXTREMELY COLD DIDN'T YOU?!?!" She started fanning her tongue as if she ate spicy curry. "You're the one fanning your mouth as if you ate something spicy." I said between laughs. She punched my arm lightly and pouted cutely. "I'll get you back someday Kim Jongin." She threatened. I smirked and looked over at her. "Oh really now~" I edged closer to her, which made her do the same. "Really~" The two of us had a stare off before laughing hysterically again. Now that's the kind of smile I want to see~

"Jongin~" Reina said quietly after calming down and drinking half of her bubble tea. I looked over at her to see her blushing. "T-thank you. For everything." She looked up at me and I smiled. "I should be the one thanking you, Park Reina." I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and her head leaned against mine. This feels so right...maybe I should....

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After the long wait, THE NEW CHAPTER IS FINALLY UP!!! Sorry for the wait yeorobeun~ School ~


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shineeFANt #1
Chapter 13: So coool!! Please update soon :)
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 9: this story so interesting.. update please
Chapter 8: updatew soon!!!! wanna see what happens next!!!!
Sophie93 #4
Chapter 3: I love it :))

pls. Update soon ^^

Thank you.