
~The Broken Smiled Angel~

~Reina POV~

Jongin and I were walking out of class together. He was falling behind, probably because he thought my reputation of bring the "smiling angel would be tarnished after hanging around the "school's loser". But I honestly couldn't care any less.

I slowed down so I was walking right next to him. "Jongin~ where d'you wanna go?" I asked, noticing my slight country accent was coming out. Jongin looked dazed, probably because he still doesn't get that I practically asked him to a date. Study date, but still a date. "I have no idea. You hungry? I saw you only ate half of your lunch on the rooftop."

My eyes widened as he said that. Was he that observant? Could this mean...he might've noticed something else on the roof? "Uhhh~ I don't know if I'm hungry or not." At that moment, my stomach started making whale mating calls. Jongin and I looked down at my stomach before bursting out laughing. "I'll call that as a yes~ C'mon! I know a great pizza place!" Jongin took hold of my hand before speeding through the crowd of people leaving the building.

We ran from the school all the way to the first bus stop. It was only a block, but with Jongin's long legs, it was hard for my short ones to keep up. Once we got to the bus stop, I was out of breath. Jongin held out a bottle of water in front of my face. "Here. Sorry for forcing you to run." He chuckled softly. I smiled and took the bottle from his hand. I looked down and saw that we were still holding hands. A light blush started flourishing on my cheeks. I want to let go so I can open the bottle....but I also don't wanna....

As if reading my thoughts, Jongin twisted off the cap with his free hand. "There you go. Now drink up~ the bus will be here any minute~" I nodded slowly before drinking some of the water. Wait a second. Where did he get this water? From his backpack? Had to be it, he was sipping it during English class. And wasn't this half full when he gave it to me? Does this mean.....indirect kiss.....?

I swallowed the water before Jongin looked down at me. "All good?" I nodded while biting my bottom lip slightly, a habit I seemed to have since I was like 4. Apparently I did it whenever I was shy. Jongin twisted the cap back on and placed the bottle in the side pocket of his backpack. He looked down the road, waiting for the bus to come around the corner. Bus.... "A-A-Ah~ Jongin~ I forgot my bus pass in my bedroom. I don't think they'll let me on." Jongin looked over at me and smiled. "It's alright. I know the driver. He'll let you on as long as you're with me." I nodded again and followed Jongin's line of sight down the road.

~Kai POV~

The bus came around the corner and I slightly tightened by grasp on Reina's small hand. I know the bus at this time, and if you don't have a good hold on someone you're with, for sure you will lose them. The bus parked in front of us and opened the doors. "Ah~ Jongin-yah~ nice to see you again~ and I see you brought a friend~" Jongdae-hyung exclaimed as he saw me. Jongdae-hyung was a good friend of my noona and has called me his little brother since we both have "Kim Jong" in our names.

"Hey hyung~ nice to see you too even though I just saw you this morning~" Jongdae-hyung smiled before closing the doors behind me and Reina, who was looking at the floor. "Hyung, is it alright that she forgot her bus pass? I mean she's with me." Jongdae-hyung looked at Reina up and down, making her blush slightly. "A friend of yours is a friend of mine~ as long as she's with you though~" I nodded and passed through the little pass point. I found two empty seats for Reina and I at the back of the bus. We squeezed through the people, still holding hands miraculously. By the time we reached the back of the bus, Jongdae-hyung hit a bump in the road, causing Reina and I to stumble in our seats. I opened my eyes to see Reina's face a few centimeters away from mine and her free hand on my chest.  I realized a bit too late that my free hand was resting around her small waist. "You okay Jongin?" She asked in a small tone while helping herself up. "Y-yeah~ you?" She nodded and sat herself beside me. Why are you so quiet today?" I looked at her and saw her blushing while looking at her hand, which was still intertwined with mine. "Is this making you uncomfortable?" I asked, moving our hands a bit. "N-no~ It's fine~" Reina cleared and looked at me. "So tell me about yourself Jongin~"

My eyes widen. No one has asked about me before...."There's nothing much about me though..." Reina nodded but still stared at me. "I don't care. Tell me about yourself Jongin." I gulped, not knowing what to say. "I don't know what to say though..." I said nervously. She looked me in the eye and smiled. "Say anything." I had to think. I never said anything about myself to people before. "Well...I have two noona and I have a passion for dancing." She looked at me with large eyes. "You can dance?! I wanna see!!" She was jumping slightly in her seat, reminding me of a little kid. "B-but...I'm kind of shy...." Reina tightened her grip on my hand. "It'll come in due time." She gave me a reassuring smile, which made me smile back. I've never smiled this much before...

Reina and I learned a lot about each other, playing 20 questions until we got to our stop. We bid goodbye to Jongdae-hyung and started walking to the pizza parlor just a block down. The minute I opened the door, the strong smell of pizza ingredients, I think it was oregano, hit our noses, making both of us hungrier. We sat down by the window and Taemin-hyung came to take our order.

"Oh lookie here~ Baby Jong got himself a girlfriend~" Taemin-hyung teased. Reina and I became wide-eyed and started blushing. Both of us rose our hands in defense. "W-W-WE'RE NOT DATING!!" Taemin-hyung had a sly smirk on face. Reina and I looked at each other and saw that our hands were still glued together. We blushed even more when we finally let go of each other. I feel cold now... Taemin-hyung laughed and took out his notebook and pen. "So the usual Jong? Large pepperoni with stuffed crust, light sauce?" I looked over at Reina, seeing if that's okay with her. "That's my favorite! I guess we do have some things in common, huh Jongin?" She giggled while playfully hitting my arm. "I guess the usual then~ and to drink, milady?" Taemin-hyung asked, causing Reina to nervously giggle. "Cola's fine~" Taemin-hyung nodded and started to walk away, but not without giving me a smug look. I'll kill you later Lee Taemin...

Reina and I worked on our assignment while munching on the pizza. "Good right?" I asked while reaching over for my second slice. "Oh my goodness so good! You were right! This pizza is amazing!" I smiled as I noticed some sauce on the corner of her lip. Oh jeez...why does this feel like some cheesy drama? I chuckled inwardly and reached over to Reina to wipe off the sauce. She smiled once I pulled my hand away. "Thank you Jongin~" I smiled back and continued working on the problem in front of me. I could feel Taemin-hyung behind me, probably trying his best not to freak out in front of some customer. He's probably wearing that stupid smug look again. I refused to look behind me and viciously took a bite of the pizza. Wait one second Kim Jongin....Dont look gluttonous...

~Reina POV~

The date was going by nicely. Food, studying which could be taken out of the picture so it would've been even better, and Jongin. I glanced over at him, writing out the problem while slowly chewing on his pizza. I studied more on his features than on the assignment itself now. Since he's so close now, everything is so noticeable.

His soft, smooth skin. His long eyelashes. His defined jawbone. His full, plump lips. That would be perfect for kissing.......GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF PARK REINA!! YOU'RE NEARLY DROOLING!!I shook all those thoughts out of my head and started working on my last problem, which was kind of hard since now I just want to stare at Jongin all day.

The two of us finished the assignment and were left with four slices of pizza on the pan. "Taemin-hyung! Can I get two boxes please?" Jongin signaled out to our waiter. They seem close...I mean he called Jongin "Baby Jong"..That's nice~ The waiter, I know that is Taemin, came with two small boxes and the receipt. Jongin and I started reaching for our wallets. "Oh it's okay Reina, my treat." He said while holding my shoulder softly. "No no Jongin~ I wanna pay. You already got me into the buss without my pass, so I should do you a favor back." Jongin shook his head. Why are boys so stubborn? "How about this; we split the check so both of us pay and both of us will be satisfied?" I smiled and patted his back. "You're one smart cookie, Jongin. I didn't even think of that~" Jongin smiled and took out some money for his half of the bill and some for Taemin's tip. I did the same as Jongin placed the leftover pizza slices in their designated boxes. We grabbed our backpacks and pizza boxes and waved to Taemin before we left for the bus stop again. "Oh~ that was the best pizza I've ever had~ Thank you so much Jongin~" i looked up at him with a smile. He looked back at me, smiling right back. "No problem~" the two of us were just half a block away from the bus stop when we faintly heard thunder. Oh please no....

Jongin took hold of my free right hand and started sprinting towards the bus stop. "C'mon! Before we get wet!" He said. We were under the little roof of the bus stop and the thunder started getting louder. Each time I heard it, I jumped a little and held Jongin's hand a little tighter. Please let me make it home before it starts....

~Kai POV~

While waiting for Jongdae-hyung's bus to come around, the sound of the thunder started getting louder, the storm approaching closer. I felt Reina's hand around mine tighten each time the thunder roared. Don't tell me....she's afraid of thunder.... I was concerned. I truly was. I looked down at her. She was staring up at the sky, fear shrouded her eyes. "Reina...how far away is your house from here?" She looked up at me, her expression trying to hide the fact that she was afraid. Scratch what I said earlier; she's terrified of thunder. "From the school, it's like a 20 minute ride. From here, maybe an hour." Her voice was trembling slightly. We won't be able to be in Reina's neighborhood before the storm unleashes at full fledge. Reina. I know this is kind of last minute, but do you want to stay at my house until the storm ends? I don't want you to get caught in the middle of it. She looked up at me with a bit of concern written on her face. "How far away from here do you live?" "A few blocks." With that, she breathed in a sigh of relief. "Just until the storm ends should be fine. Thank you Jongin." The two of us smiled as Jongdae-hyung parked right in front of us.

We arrived at my bus stop in about 10 minutes. By the time we were half way to my house, the rain started pouring down hard. The umbrella Reina was holding as I was holding our pizzas had no chance against the strong storm. The two of us laughed embarrassingly and ran to my house, our fingers intertwined once again. I quickly open the door and slipped off my shoes and school jacket. "Umma~ I'm home~ and my friend's staying here until the storm ends~" I said loudly. Knowing my mom, she was probably in the living room watching one of her drama reruns. She came into the foyer with a smile on her face. "A friend of Jongin's?? My my my~"

Reina turned to my mom and bowed 90 degrees. "Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Park Reina. Please excuse my intrusion." Umma came up to her and shook her hand wildly. "Oh Reina-ah~ You're so polite. It's no intrusion at all. You must live far in order for my Jonginnie to bring you back home with him." "Ah yes Mrs. Kim~ I live on the outskirts of Busan." "Oh so far away~ if need be, you could stay over night if the storm is that bad. I could probably dig up some of my daughter's old clothes for you to wear for pajamas and around the house. Oh I should start now! Your uniform is soaking wet. Jonginnie~ sweetie~ show her to the bathroom where she could wash up. Don't want her catching a cold and all." I nodded and led Reina up the stairs. "Sorry about my umma Reina. She can be a bit talkative. She's probably just shocked that you're the first friend I've brought home...or the first friend she's ever met that was my age...." I whispered the last part, but I could tell Reina was still able to hear it. Her face looked hurt. "Am I the only friend from school that you have Jongin?" i nodded slightly, and then I felt a pair of small arms encircle my back, her hands stopping right under my rib cage. I stopped in my place. Reina's back hugging me... I placed my hands over hers. "I'm gonna change that Kim Jongin. I don't want you to be alone anymore. Don't you worry." Her comforting words brought tears to my eyes, but I have to hold them in like a man. I turned around and hugged her back. "Thank you so much Reina." She looked up at me and shot me with her signature smile. Be mine....

I left Reina in the bathroom, where she was currently taking a shower. I went downstairs to find umma, who probably has clothes for Reina. "Jonginnie~ the only clothes that are left from your noonas are way too small for Reina~ do you think she could wear something of yours?" I was afraid of this. "It's fine umma." I went upstairs and into my room. I took a plain white v-neck and a pair of sweatpants that started shrinking in the wash a few months ago. This should fit her...I hope...

I walked over to the closed door of the bathroom, where only music from her phone could be heard. "Reina~ my mom couldn't find any of my noonas clothes that could fit you, so I got you some of mine. Is that alright?" I said after I knocked a couple of times. "It's fine~ just leave the clothes by the door please." She said, muffled by the door.I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. I neatly placed the clothes on the floor in front of the door and walked back to my room. I should get changed too...

~Reina POV~

I opened the door after I knew Jongin was away from the door. I picked up the clothes and started getting dressed. I'm wearing Jongin's clothes~ I smelled the shirt and Jongin's musky manly scent overwhelmed my nose. I blushed, knowing that I probably look stupid doing this. After I got dressed, I picked up my wet uniform off the floor and left the bathroom. I saw light coming from one of the bedrooms, indicating that's Jongin's. I knocked on the door before entering. "Jongin~ where does your mom want me to....to....." I looked up at Jongin and was mesmerized.

Jongin was shirtless. He was changing out of his uniform into pajamas. But he was shirtless now. Both of us stared at each other. Awkward silence filled the room. Jongin's eyes became wide before he pulled a t-shirt, similar to the one I was wearing, over his head. "S-s-sorry Reina! I should've locked the door." "NO NO NO~ I SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO'S SORRY~ I WALKED IN BEFORE YOU SAID ANYTHING~" Jongin chuckled, I honestly don't know why. "Well it's alright~ it's not like you saw me . Then that would be embarrassing.." I nodded, a slight flush of red appearing on my cheeks.

Jongin took my uniform out of my hands and stood close. His eyes were unreadable, yet mesmerizing. "I'll go drop these in the dryer. I'll be back." Jongin ruffled my hair before walking out of the room. I breathed in after realizing I was holding my breath after walking in on Jongin. The sight of him was still clouding my mind. He had abs. Nice ones at that. And a very muscular back. He must work out.. A faint blush crawled onto my cheeks again. STOP THAT REINA!! IT'S RUDE!!

~Kai POV~

She just saw me shirtless. Her eyes just bore into my skin. Oh geez what did I do? Her innocence is all gone because of me.

I placed our uniforms into the dryer and started it up. "Jonginnie~ it seems like the storm isn't going to lift until like early morning. Set up the futon in your room for Reina, will you? Oh! And ask her for her preference on dinner. You know~ I don't want to cook something and realize she's allergic~" Umma said as I walked out of the laundry room. "Wait Jonginnie! Bring these up with you!" Umma handed me a tray with chocolate chip cookies and two glasses of chocolate milk. No wonder why I'm tan.... I took the tray carefully out of her hands and padded up the stairs, trying not to spill anything.

I opened the door and saw Reina looking through the picture frames. She was smiling at the picture of me and my noonas when I was 5. "Jongin~ you were so cute as a kid~" Reina exclaimed. I smiled and set the tray down on my night stand. I bet you were a cute kid yourself Reina." I said as I sat down on my bed. "Hmm~ maybe~ but definitely not as cute as you were~" She placed the picture frame back and sat down next to me. "So what's the deal with the weather?" Reina asked while looking out the window. "Umma said it isn't letting up until early morning, so you'll have to stay the night." Thank you Krisus~ Reina nodded in understanding. "Alrighty then~ but were will I sleep?" i thought back from what Umma said. "You're sleeping in my bed while I sleep on the futon." She tilted her head to the side a bit. "But aren't I supposed to be the one on the futon? I mean, it's your bed." I smiled and wrapped an arm around her small shoulders. "I want you to take the bed." An obvious pink blush started inching its way around her face. "W-w-well....I-I guess if i-i-it's alright w-with you~" I chuckled and pinched her pink cheek softly.

The two of us were sitting on the floor, homework assignments scattered throughout the room well on my side anyway. Reina was drinking her chocolate milk quietly while reading over her Japanese homework. The rain hitting the roof and window started to get louder. I looked over at Reina and saw that she was starting to tense up. She must really hate thunder storms...

I crawled over to her and leaned my back against hers. She looked over at me, pretending to be doing my Chinese homework. I saw her faintly smile before going back to work.

Before I knew it, after dinner and some more studying with chocolate filled treats, it was nearly midnight. Both of us started dozing off. Well, in Reina's case, she already did. I left to use the bathroom for a few minutes and I come back to see Reina asleep on the floor. I had to laugh. I gently pushed her bangs back behind her ear and was mesmerized by her beauty. It felt like hours had passed by, but it was only mere seconds. I carefully lifted her up and put her inside the blankets of my bed. She looks so peaceful...yet so sad...oh Reina. What are you hiding behind that smile of yours?

I tidied up our homework that was spilled across the floor before moving over to my closet to get the futon out. Once it was comepletly set up, I went over to the night stand to turn off the light. It was comepletly dark besides the light emanating from the tv that was softly playing in the background and the lightning cracks outside. I looked over at Reina and smiled. I kissed her forehead and whispered "Goodnight Reina.." When I pulled back, Reina was still asleep, but she was smiling. I smiled once again and made my way into the futon.

~Reina POV~

It was the middle of the night. I knew that much. I woke up to the loud sound of thunder. Man~ do I hate thunder~ I looked out from under the blankets and saw Jongin's outline in the futon. I hope he won't mind...

I silently got out of bed and slipped into the futon next to him.. I kept my distance, but I really didn't want to. I was scared. I remember whenever the weather was like this, Chanyeol-oppa would sleep in my room and hold me tight until the storm blew over.But it was different this time. Now all I have is Jongin. I slipped further into the futon before I felt Jongin move in his sleep. Now he was facing me. I held my breath. Don't move.....dont breathe......

Jongin didn't look fathomed by the thunder and just continued sleeping peacefully. I wish I could do that right now... I closed my eyes in order to force myself to sleep, but the thunder was just too loud tonight.

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After the long wait, THE NEW CHAPTER IS FINALLY UP!!! Sorry for the wait yeorobeun~ School ~


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shineeFANt #1
Chapter 13: So coool!! Please update soon :)
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 9: this story so interesting.. update please
Chapter 8: updatew soon!!!! wanna see what happens next!!!!
Sophie93 #4
Chapter 3: I love it :))

pls. Update soon ^^

Thank you.