
~The Broken Smiled Angel~
~Reina's POV~

"Reina-ah~ Reina~ no...don't go~" I looked up at Jongin, who was still asleep. I held his hand and kissed his cheek. His eyes snapped open with shock. "Same dream again Jongin?" I asked while wiping off the sweat that started forming on his forehead. He nodded while looking down at our hands.

~Kai's POV~

"You're allowed to leave you know~ You're already discharged. Also, you hate hospitals." I said while rubbing my thumb on Reina's hand. She shook her head while humming. "I don't care how much I am afraid of hospitals or if I was already discharged two days ago. I'm staying here until you get discharged." I smiled at her and kissed her lips softly. "Then I guess thank you for staying by my side~" She smiled while leaning our foreheads together. "No problem Jongin."

The two of us were watching a rerun of The Moon That Embraces The Sun after I had dinner. Well, what was supposed to be dinner. Hospital food is nasty~ Reina would laugh at me because of all the faces I made while eating that crap these doctors call food. Though it was slightly uncomfortable, the two of us managed to fit on my tiny hospital bed. I could tell though, she was keeping her distance. "Jagiya~ come here~ Oppa wants his jagiya~" I said using my aegyo voice, since I knew that Reina was a er for guy's doing aegyo. "Ew~ no~" She said while chuckling. "Jagiya~~~~" I said while clinging to her arm. What dignity do I have left?? "What happens if 'jagiya' accidently breaks 'oppa'?" She asked while mocking me. "Oh well then~ and you should call me oppa more often~" She scoffed while wrapping her arms carefully around my waist. "Pabo-yah~"

~Reina's POV~

I woke up with Jongin's arm still wrapped around me. Apparently I fell asleep while watching the show. I looked up at him, pretending to sleep with a small smile playing on his lips. I smiled and poked his chest softly. "Pabo-yah~ I know you're awake~" He shook his head, his eyes still closed. "Pabo-yah is sleeping~" He said, his voice a little deeper which was extremely y...what the hell am I thinking??? I chuckled and kissed his lips so slightly, they barely touched. He pouted while opening up one of his eyes. "That's not a real kiss~ Give oppa a real one~" He whined while puckering out his lips. "Jongin~ You're so weird~" I chuckled as I poked his lips with my finger. He chuckled as well and kissed my forehead. "Just for you babe~" "EWWWWW~~~ YOU'RE SO CHEESY!!!~~~"

I got up and sat down next to Jongin's bed. "Jagiya come back~ It's cold now~" I shook my head. "No~ last time I did, I got in trouble by that one nurse~" Jongin pouted and shifted his head so he wasn't looking at me. "Jagiya doesn't love oppa anymore~" He whined cutely. I shook my head while moving to the other side of the bed. I kneeled down so I was at eye level with Jongin's face. "Pabo-yah~" I whispered while kissing him passionately. "Jagiya will always love her oppa~" He smiled. "Honto? (Really?)" He asked in Japanese. I chuckled and kissed him again. "Honto ni honto~ (Really really~)"

~ Four Days Later - Kai's POV ~

I was finally discharged from the hospital yesterday. So here we are on a clear Saturday in April. Reina and I were currently laying down on my roof, watching the clouds roll by. "I wonder what it's like to be a cloud." Reina said randomly, her eyes fixated on one large cloud. "Probably cold, damp, and fat." I said, staring at one cloud that looked like a pizza slice. "Not that Jongin~ I meant to be free~" I looked over at her. "To just do what you want while the wind drifts you wherever it leads you to. You never know what or where it leads you to, but you're content to wherever and whatever it is." I admired her features as she said that. To be free.... "Rei~ why don't you just come live with me? Umma and Appa are already okay with it." She shook her heaqd and closed her eyes. "It's not that easy Jongin. I can't just up and leave." I held her hand a little tighter. "I'll help you Reina. I just....I just don't want to watch you suffer anymore." She took a deep breath in and looked over at me. "Please Reina. Even Chanyeol-hyung and Yura-noona already gave you the blessing to leave." I placed a hand on her red cheek. "I know it's going to be hard. But it will be all worth it in the end. You'll be free. Just like that cloud." I wrapped my arms around her as she started tearing up. "Listen to the wind Reina. It's guiding you to freedom." I said while smoothing out her hair. I felt her tremble and hugged me a little tighter. "Oppa...I want to follow that wind..." She muttered. I nodded and shushed her as I felt her start crying. "By the end of this school year, jagiya. I promise you'll be that cloud. You can start anew." I whispered while rubbing her back.

~ Narrator POV ~

And so you have it. That day on, Reina slowly started packing her things and bringing them over to Jongin's. She started spending less time at her own house and more time at Jongin's. Everyone could see the change of aura between the two. Reina, who was known to be a happy virus, seemed to be even happier. Now, even her aura was happy instead of the "first impression scary". Jongin started opening up more to people and gained a lot more friends thanks to the help of Reina. As the two's freshmen year of college started to wane down, the two became th most popular couple in the entire campus. The two had fan clubs dedicated to keeping away any haters China Line.

It was their second to last week of their freshmen year, a.k.a. the week Reina would finally tell her mom that she was moving out. Reina was scared beyond wits, but Jongin was right behind her every step of the way to make sure she doesn't fall. "Jongin~ can you come over and help me get the last of my things?" Reina asked on the phone that Saturday afternoon. "Of course sweetie~ I'll be right there~" Jongin said before hanging up and going down to the bus stop.

As Jongin approached Reina's house, which was now a regular route for him the past few weeks of helping her move out, he noticed something different. Something wrong. He was now standing at the front gate of Reina's house, and oddly enough, her house was emitting an ominous aura. Something was definitely wrong. He walked cautiously over to the front door and knocked. Not a minute later, the door swung open to reveal Reina's mom, slightly disheveled and a slight scent of last night's vodka. "Mmmm~ So you're the boy toy ey?" Reina's mom said while checking Jongin out. Before Jongin could say anything, Reina's mom rolled her eyes. "The little is upstairs. Now move kid, I'm late for work." Reina's mom scoffed as she shoved herself between what little space was left from the doorway and Jongin. She pushed Jongin slightly as she passed by, causing him to give her the stink eye. The hell is her problem?

Jongin entered the house, the ominous feeling increasing. As he walked up the stairs, all he heard was his footsteps and....sniffling? REINA!! Jongin darted through the hallway and finally made it to Reina's room. She was sitting on the ground next to her luggage. "Reina?" Jongin said with worry. Reina looked up at Jongin, his eyes becoming wide in disbelief. Reina was crying, but that wasn't it. She had a large gash on her forehead, blood mixing with her tears ran down her left cheek. Jongin saw a broken lamp shattered around Reina's legs behind her. "Jongin~" Reina said weakly. Her eyes started to close and Jongin ran towards her. "Reina! REINA!" He held Reina in his arms before picking her up bridal style. He quickly ran outside and hailed a taxi. He tore off the bottom of his shirt and wrapped it around the gash on Reina's head, hoping it'll help stop or reduce the bleeding. Reina-pabo! Why didn't you tell me it was going to be like this?!

~ Kai POV ~

I was pacing back and forth in front of the emergency room. Tears were b my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I heard heels clicking, and pretty fast too. "JONGIN-AH!!" I looked up and saw Yura-noona. She wrapped her arms around me before looking at the door. "How is she?" I sighed. "I still don't know yet." Yura-noona nodded and sat down on the bench. "What happened?" She asked, half knowing what happened. "Was it mom?" She asked, worry laced into her words. I nodded while biting my lips. "If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be like this. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be in so much pain. If it wasn't for me..." The tears I forced to stay now started to flow out. Yura-noona pulled me down to sit next to her as she wrapped a protective arm around me while patting my head lightly. A deep voice cut through noona's calming whispers. "If it wasn't for you, my baby sister wouldn't be happy. She wouldn't have known what freedom and living actually taste like." The two of us looked up to see Chanyeol-hyung, still in his gear. He was just as out of breath as Yura-noona was. "Chanyeollie-ah~" Yura-noona said as her own tears started to fall. "Jongin-ah. Thanks to you, my baby sister will now be able to breathe. I already knew that this might happen, but there always has to be some obstacle before the end of the race." Chanyeol-hyung sat down on the other side of me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "But now, the finish line is just an arms length away. I want you and Reina to run through it together. Holding hands and smiling beautifully."

The door swung open and the doctor came out. The three of us stood up, holding hands waiting for the news. "She'll be fine. She only needed 8 stitches despite how large the gash was. But she will have to stay here for about two days just so we can make sure nothing major will happen to her. We'll be taking her to her own private room shortly." He said before nodding and walking off to the next patient. The three of us breathed a sigh of relief and hugged. Reina~

~ Reina's POV ~

What is this pain in my head? What is that annoying beeping? What is sticking to me? Where am I? I opened my eyes to an extremely bright room. I brought my hand over my eyes to block out the light. "Reina-ah~ You're awake." I know that voice. I removed my hand and saw Yura-unnie standing over me. She was smiling, but I could tell she was crying. "Unnie~ Where am I?" She giggled and held down my hands. "You're at the hospital sweetie. But you'll be released in two days." That doesn't help the fact that I'm still in the hospital....

I looked around the room to see someone decorated the walls with little kid stickers. "Did you do all this unnie?" I asked while looking back at her. "Nope. It was all Jongin-ah. He should be back with your food any minute now. Chanyeol-ah would've been here too, but he had to go back to camp before his chief bit his head off." I smiled. Jongin~ The door opened slightly opened as Jongin tiptoed in with a bag in his hand. I know that smell! He bought me bulgogi~ As he closed the door very quietly, probably thinking I'm still asleep, I hollered out. "HI JONGIN!!" He jumped and placed his back on the wall, his free hand on his chest while he panted. "Krisus Rei~ You nearly gave me a heart attack...AGAIN!!" He said as he placed the bag on the side table and sat on the bed. "Yeah yeah yeah~ Just give me my food I'm starving~" I said while reaching my hand toward the rolling table. Jongin rolled the table farther away from me, which made me pout. "JONGIN!!!" I exclaimed while pointing at my stomach. "I said I'm hungry!" Jongin shook his head. "What's the magic word?" Yura-unnie started laughing at us, and I could understand why. "You guys are the cutest~ Well since Jonginnie-ah is back, I have to head down to the police station. Catch you guys later~" Unnie said as she walked out the door. "Police station?" I asked while looking at Jongin. He sighed and held my hand. "Do you remember what happened yesterday?" I looked up at the ceiling and thought about it. "Ohhhhh~~~ alrighty~" I said and started pleading for m bulgogi again. "Reina~ Tell me what the magic word is and I'll give you your dinner." Jongin said in a very professional tone. I sighed and looked up at him with my puppy eyes. I tugged a bit on his pinky finger and started using my aegyo voice. "Oppa-yah~ Can Reina-chan have her food now please? Reina-chan is verrrrry hungry~" Jongin started blushing before laughing. He kissed my cheek and picked up the bag. "Damn you Park Reina. You know my weakness." He opened the bag and pulled out the Styrofoam container. He took out some chopsticks and opened the container. I smiled happily as the bulgogi looked and smelled SOOOOOOO good. I stuck out my hands  so I could start eating, but Jongin refused. "Jongin~~~ I already said the magic word though~ Let me eat~" I whined. He shook his head and held the chopsticks. "You, ma'am, are injured. As your future husband, it is my duty to take care of you when you are sick and/or injured. And plus, you did this for me too when I was in the hospital." He picked up some meat and rice with the chopsticks and steadily raised it over my lips. "Now say ahh~" I laughed before happily eating. "Is it good?" Jongin asked cutely. Since I was still chewing, I could only nod my head and give him a thumbs up. Jongin chuckled and kissed my cheek. "I'm glad you like it~" Jongin continued to feed me like a child until I was full. "Rei~ Is it alright if I have the rest? Watching you eat made me hungry..." Jongin asked shyly. I laughed and ruffled his soft brown hair. "Of course Jonginnie~"

~Two Days Later - Reina's POV~

FREE AT LAST! FREE AT LAST! The minute Jongin's umma signed my discharge papers, Jongin and I ran outside. I breathed in the fresh Korean air that I was longing for. "You must really hate hospitals, huh Reina-ah?" Jongin's umma asked as she came up behind us. I looked over to her and nodded. She smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Now~ Let's take you to your new home, shall we?" The three of us smiled as we walked over to the car.

~Jongin's POV~

Reina fell asleep on my shoulder on the way back home. Home.... I don't know why, but that word sounds so much better now. I looked over at Reina, sleeping peacefully on my shoulder. There was something different about her. It wasn't the stitches on her forehead, but something else. She looked.....relieved? Grown up? I can't remember the word, but she was different.

Umma pulled up to the house and I was afraid to wake Reina up. Umma looked at us and just smiled. Quietly she said, "Carry her to her room. Appa already cleaned it up." I nodded as Umma ran over to my side and helped me get Reina out of the car. She stirred a bit, but continued sleeping. Umma helped me all the way to Reina's room, which used to be the old guest room. She pulled the covers over her small body before turning to me. She gave me Reina's perscriptions and said, "You know what the doctor said; only give this to her when she starts experiencing pain. And we have to be back there in like two weeks so they can examine Reina-ah's progress." I nodded and Umma slipped out of the room. I looked around Reina's new room and realize that it was bland. I'm sure Reina would start putting up her odecorations so it would have her feel to it, but it just felt so bland. I'm sure she wouldn't mind me putting some posters up. I looked over in the box in the corner that was labeled Decor and smiled. I opened the box and everything, I mean EVERYTHING was so organized. Such a neat freak...Now I'm scared to even touch anything.

I gulped as I gently and quietly pulled out her pink lamp/desk organizer. I placed it on her study table and plugged it in. Knowing her, she might want it in the corner.... I scooted the lamp over and nodded to myself. I continued arranging her desk, as I kind of get the feel of Reina's work ethic and how she wants everything to be organized on her desk. That should do it.

I went back into the box and pulled out her jewelry box. It was very light, as she wasn't much of an accessorizer...if that's a word. I placed it on top of her vanity, right next to the mirror. Right beside it was her small compact she calls her "makeup kit" and a box of tissues. *imitating Reina's voice horribly* "For mistakes, y'know~" I wanted to do more, but I feel that Reina would get mad if I continued going through her stuff.

"That I am~" I hear behind me. Reina was sitting up, her arms crossed across her chest. I looked at her with large eyes, then avoided any and all eye contact. She's psychic... Her eyebrows were meeting in the middle as she looked around the room. Yeah~ I only touched the study desk and half of the vanity, but it's not like I was going through her drawers and playing with her bras and underwears. Dude, that's just wrong. She looked straight through me as she got off the bed. She walked toward me, her arms still crossed. "Did you do all of this?" She asked, her voice hushed and serious. I felt that is I said anything, she would snap my neck in half. I could only nod, but very slightly. She raised her hand and I flinched. I was afraid she was going to slap me. But all I felt was her soothing hand going through my hair. "You thought I was gonna hit you, weren't you?" I opened my eyes and looked down at her. Though she had a bandage wrapped around her head, she smiled as if she wasn't in pain or felt any discomfort. She ruffled my hair as her smile widened. "I was gonna ask you to organize my desk and vanity anyway while I fix my drawers. So good job on the head start!" She kissed my cheek and walked over to one the large boxes of clothes. She diligently slid it closer to the drawers and started unpacking. I smiled as I watched her. Her new home... She looked over at me and motioned for me to continue working. Our home....

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After the long wait, THE NEW CHAPTER IS FINALLY UP!!! Sorry for the wait yeorobeun~ School ~


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shineeFANt #1
Chapter 13: So coool!! Please update soon :)
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 9: this story so interesting.. update please
Chapter 8: updatew soon!!!! wanna see what happens next!!!!
Sophie93 #4
Chapter 3: I love it :))

pls. Update soon ^^

Thank you.