
~The Broken Smiled Angel~
~ Kai POV ~

I impatiently paced back and forth in front of the main entrance of the train station, five tickets for the next train to Jeollado in my hand. Krisus! What the hell is taking them so long?!

I looked out the window of the door and saw just the four guys I was waiting for. Kim Junmyeon-hyung, our eldest and leader. Byun Baekhyun-hyung, the most reliable one. Do Kyungsoo, who I refuse to call my hyung because you can't be my hyung and be that adorable. And finally Oh Sehun, our maknae. They ran into the building and stopped right in front of me. "What's up Jongin? What's the emergency?" Junmyeon-hyung asked breathlessly. "I'll tell you on the train. Now let's go!" All five of us ran through the crowd and into the train.

"So~ You're meaning to tell me those exchange students are messing with you again? Krisus kid, what did you do now to piss them off?" Baekhyun-hyung asked. "Well~ I kind of got a girlfriend and she just so happened to be one of the most popular girls in the school." I said quietly. All of my hyungs stood up and started freaking out. "WHEN DID YOU GET A GIRLFRIEND?!!" The other people on the train looked at them weird before they all bowed and said their apologies. They sat down quietly and asked again in a quieter tone. "When did you get a girlfriend?!" I started rubbing the back of my neck. "Kind of like...in September...." I said quietly. Baekhyun-hyung, who was the most eccentric out of the hyungs, was about to stand and shout a question again, but Junmyeon-hyung and Kyungsoo pulled him down while shaking their heads. "Wow hyung~ you're so cool~ I mean dating one of the most popular girls in the school while you are a....well~" Sehun said in a sly tone. Which made me punch his arm. Kyungsoo looked at me before asking, "So now that you're dating her, the exchange students are bothering you again?" He asked clarifying. I nodded. "They wrote down on a note Stay away from my girl but I paid no attention to it." Junmyeon-hyung shook his head while clicking his tongue. "You always seem to get yourself into trouble when no one is around, don't you KkamJong?" He said. I could tell he was a little disappointed by the way he used my old derogatory nickname. I sighed and looked down at my shoes. I'm sorry~ Kyungsoo wrapped and arm around my deflated shoulders and patted my back. "It's alright. We could tell how much you care about this girl by the way you reacted when you got her phone call." He said in a reassuring voice. I nodded with a small smile on my face. Reina...please be alright...

"Oh~ by the way hyung~ what does your girlfriend look like?" Sehun asked with a cute puppy look on his face. I took out my phone and showed them my wallpaper of Reina.

"Wow~ she's beautiful Jong~ never let her go, or else I'll take her~" Baekhyun-hyung teased. I had to laugh a little. Not in an infinity years hyung~ The train should be arriving at Jeollado in 5 minutes. Please prepare for your departure. The man on the intercom said in monotone. All five of us took a deep breath before standing up and heading for the door. Reina...we're on our way...please be alright....

~ Reina POV ~

I opened my swollen eyes to see I was still in the same place. I was still in the corner of my basement. I looked over to the side to see Chanyeol-oppa and Yura-unnie tied up back to back with tape on their mouths. I'm sorry to drag you two into this. I tried to move my hands, but I forgot that I was tied up by Tao after he found me just hanging up the phone call with Jongin. I looked over to the other side to see all four of the exchange students conversing in Chinese. Dammit! I should've paid attention to Yura-unnie when she was teaching me some Chinese when I was 10!

Luhan looked over at me with his innocent Bambi-like eyes. How can someone that adorable be so evil. He started talking to Kris, which made Kris look over at me. He had a possessive look in his eyes, as if I was a piece of meat in front of a lion. What does he want from me? Kris got up and walked towards me. He kneeled down in front of me and tilted my chin up.

~ Narrator POV ~

"What do you want with me Kris?" Reina asked with spite threaded in her voice. Kris smirked. "I want you to stay away from that blackie kid." Kris said, motioning for the other three to come closer to him. "I can hand out with whoever I want. You're not the boss of me." Reina said, her anger starting to build. How dare he call Jongin blackie! He shouldn't be talking! He's a foreigner!

Reina heard the three other boys laugh at the remark. "I might not be the boss of you, but you are tied up under my will. So be a good little girl and just do as I say, alright?" Kris said with a playful smirk. Reina smirked as well. "I'd rather rot in hell than obey you, you piece of ." She cursed in a fluent Chinese accent. Kris slapped her, causing Chanyeol in the corner to start fighting in the chair he was tied up to and let out muffled screams behind the tape. The three other boys came up to Reina as Kris stood up. "You're going to regret ever calling me that, ." Kris demanded, his bushy eyebrows meeting in the middle in anger. "I might be a , but at least I'm not a foreigner." Kris was about to kill her before Lay and Tao held him back. "Yifan calm down. She's not worth it." Luhan said in a calming voice. Kris calmed down some and fixed his jacket. "Just don't count on your blackie to come and rescue you, princess." Kris muttered before heading toward the stairs. He whispered something into Lay's ear and continued walking. With a regretful face, Lay walked over to Reina and placed duct tape over , but not without a fight. She constantly moved and bit Lay's hands and fingers. "Stupid ! Stop moving!" Lay hollered. Tao came up and punched Reina in the stomach, causing her to cough and tears start forming in her eyes. "We're sorry Reina. Kris' orders." Luhan whispered into Reina's ear as he smoothed out her fringe. That still didn't help the fact that Reina was so defenseless right now. Chanyeol and Yura couldn't help her either. Reina looked over at her siblings with tears finally coming down her face. Yura was crying as well while Chanyeol was forming fists, trying to loosen the rope around his wrists. Jongin...where are you?

~ Kai POV ~

Here we are. Standing right in front of Reina's house. I could tell that if I was here on a good note, this house would look warm and loving. But all I saw was thunder clouds and a dark aura surrounding the house. My anger towards Kris heightened as we walked through the front gate. We snuck over to the side of the house and looked into a window. I looked in and saw Kris slap Reina. My hands balled up into fists to the point my knuckles were turning white. "Junmyeon-hyung. When we get inside, I want to deal with Kris this time. Just get Reina and her family out of there." I mumbled while watching Kris give orders to Lay and Tao. I watched as Tao punched Reina in the stomach. That tears it.

I got up and raced to the back door. It swung open and I began my quest on finding and killing Kris. He's the reason behind all of this. He's the reason my baby is hurt. He's the reason...

I made it to the basement with the others right behind me. Kris was just about to go up the stairs when he saw me. "Well well well~ Lookie what we have here Reina~ Your blackie and his other morons." We all walked down the stairs and met up to Kris.He was wearing a smirk on his face as he moved over to the side to reveal Reina. There was tears running down her cheeks and her face was blistering red from where Kris sapped her. "You bastard!" I screamed and punched Kris straight in the nose.

~ Narrator POV ~

The fight was on. Tao started going after Baekhyun, Luhan started going after Sehun, Lay started going after Kyungsoo. Junmyeon went over to the side and untied Chanyeol. As Junmyeon finished untying Chanyeol He raced over to Reina. "It's alright, Reina-shi. I got you." Junmyeon said in a calming voice. But that still didn't help Reina. She was in pain. The second Junmyeon took the tape off Reina's mouth, she started coughing up blood. Jongin saw this and punched Kris in the jaw. Chanyeol came over with Yura and swept up Reina in his arms. The four of them raced up the stairs. Reina looked back at Jongin, though blurry, watching him fight Kris. Jongin....

Chanyeol brought Reina up to her room and laid her down. Yura was in the living room, calling the police. Junmyeon followed Chanyeol into Reina' room. "Hey kid. Watch my sister for me. I need to teach that foreigner a lesson." Chanyeol said while cracking his knuckles. Chanyeol left the room and Junmyeon sat down on the floor next to Reina. My Krisus...you are beautiful. Yet you live in such a hateful world. Junmyeon wiped some blood off of Reina's chin, causing her to open her eyes and look at him. "W-w-where's....Jongin?" She asked, her voice filled with pain. "Still downstairs. Now don't talk. The paramedics and police will be here soon. Junmyeon said while smoothing out Reina's hair.

Chanyeol came back down the stairs and saw Kris standing over Jongin's body. "When I said 'stay away from my girl', I meant it blackie!" Kris hollered into Jongin's face before kicking him in the stomach. "S-she's not y-your girl. She's mine!" Jongin screamed, though in pain. Kris grabbed Jongin by his collar and punched his face. "I suggest you stay away from her from now on blackie." Kris demanded. Jongin smirked, starting to lose consciousness from blood loss from a gash on his head from falling on the ground. "Never." Kris was about to punch Jongin again, possibly ending his life before Chanyeol kicked Kris in the back of his head. Kris let go of Jongin quickly as both of them fell to the ground. "Don't you dare touch my brother-in-law." Chanyeol said, his voice going about two octaves deeper. Chanyeol picked Kris by the collar and punched him in the face. "And don't you ever come near my little sister ever again." Chanyeol let go of Kris' collar and began using him as a punching bag, releasing all the built up anger towards him when he intruded on the family's snowball fight.

The police came and had to pull Chanyeol away from the now-unconscious Kris. Kris' face was red with blood, but not as bad as Jongin. The paramedics quickly brought everyone to the hospital, having Jongin and Kris in Critical Care.

~ Kai POV ~

I opened my groggy eyes to see only white. Am I dead? I started hearing beeping and other normal sounds you'd hear at a hospital. Not dead...good~

I tried to get up, but my body was in too much pain. "Oh~ you're awake~" I glanced over to the corner of the room and saw Junmyeon-hyung reading a book. He sat it down and took a seat next to me. "Hey hyung. How long was I out?" Junmyeon-hyung checked his watch before looking at me. "About a day now." I nodded before a thought came to mind. "Where's Reina? How's Reina?" Junmyeon-hyung put a calming hand on my chest, telling me not to over exert myself. "She has a small ulcer in her stomach from stress and when Tao punched her." I bit my bottom lip and my hands closed into tight fists. The second I see that damn foreigner, I swear- "Where is she now?" Junmyeon-hyung smiled and pointed to the other side of the room. "She refused to be in another. Apparently she has a phobia of hospitals." I looked over to my left and saw Reina asleep, holding my scarf close to her face. Her eyebrows were meeting up in the middle, probably because she doesn't like hospitals and the pain. Reina... "How're the others?" Junmyeon-hyung took a notebook that was on the side table and began reading it. "Kyungsoo has minor bruises, Sehunnie has a broken arm, and Baekhyun has the most damage since he was going against Tao. Broken ribs, some major and minor bruises." I looked down at the white sheets. "I feel terrible now..." Junmyeon-hyung placed his hand on my shoulder. "They knew you were going to say that. They said not to worry about it. Reina and her family is safe now, and that's all that matters." I nodded and looked over at Reina again. "What's going to happen to the foreigners?" Junmyeon-hyung read down to the bottom of the page. "They have to move to another school on the other side of town. And they are sentenced a week in jail and then 10 months of community service. They also can't leave the country to avoid all of that, so their visas are frozen." No wonder why Junmyeon-hyung was valedictorian...the notes this guy takes~

The door opened and Reina's older brother came in. Wow you're taller in person... "Hey Junnie~ Is it alright if I talk to my brother-in-law alone for a bit?" He asked Junmyeon-hyung. 'Brother-in-law'? Junmyeon-hyung obediently nodded before softly patting my shoulder. He whispered something to Reina's older brother before leaving. He sat down where Junmyeon-hyung sat and smiled widely. "How're you doing kid?" I smiled. Everyone in this family has a nice smile. "Better I guess...still kind of hurts." Reina's brother nodded. "Thank you...ummm...." "Jongin." He smiled. "Jongin-ah~ I'm Chanyeol. And like I was saying, thank you for rescuing my sister. Well, technically all of us, but you know what I mean." He laughed quietly, afraid to wake up Reina. I nodded while smiling. "She means everything to me hyung. I never wanted anything to happen to her." Chanyeol-hyung shook his head. "Just four obsessive foreigners that didn't like you dating my sister. I mean what's up with that? Just because you're darker than others? They're foreigners for Krist sake! They should get picked on more than you! At least you know how to speak Korean fluently and with only your hometown accent!" Chanyeol-hyung exclaimed pretty loudly, which made Reina stir in her sleep. His eyes became large as he looked over at her. "Oops~" He whispered. "Do not wake up the dragon...."

Once we knew Reina was sleeping again, Chanyeol-hyung started talking again. "Jongin-ah. As you know, I'm in the army now, so I can't exactly protect my little sister that way I used to. I have to be back at the camp in like two hours now actually. So I only have one thing to say." I looked at hi, with all my focus. "Do whatever you can to get Reina away from our Mom. That woman is pure evil if Reina hasn't told you that already. If she refuses, just say that she already has my blessing to leave with you." Chanyeol-hyung gave me a large, somewhat creepy smile. "I mean, if you care about my sister to the point that you're lying in a hospital bed from rescuing her, you must be a pretty good guy!" I smiled and bowed my head. "Thank you hyung." He stood up and stretched his back. "Alright kiddo~ Got to go back to camp~ Get well soon alright. And remember what I said!" He walked over and placed a soft kiss on Reina's forehead. He waved at me and made his way for the door. "Oh! By the way! If I hear any news that you're treating my sister wrongly, I won't hesitate to come back and kill you~" He smiled and left the room. I laughed at his last remark, but I kind of have the feeling that he's going to live to that. Don't worry hyung! I won't let you down!

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After the long wait, THE NEW CHAPTER IS FINALLY UP!!! Sorry for the wait yeorobeun~ School ~


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shineeFANt #1
Chapter 13: So coool!! Please update soon :)
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 9: this story so interesting.. update please
Chapter 8: updatew soon!!!! wanna see what happens next!!!!
Sophie93 #4
Chapter 3: I love it :))

pls. Update soon ^^

Thank you.