
~The Broken Smiled Angel~
~Kai POV~

The rest of our college years past by in a flash. It was now our senior year of college and Reina was in the office for being granted the position of valedictorian. Look at her now. She grew up so much. I watched her come back into the classroom and it was like I was looking at her in the future. I saw her in her home attire. I saw her in her business attire. I could see her being pregnant. I could see her having a kid. I knew it from the second. I was going to make her my wife.

This was something different. She was something different. She was the first and only person who was genuinely nice to me. Who didn't care that I had a different skin color. Who didn't care about her title more than she cared about other people. She was different from everyone else. She was so strong. She had endured so much. She was brave. She was just a person that has been hurt and slammed down to the face of the earth so many times, but came right back up many times more.

She wasn't the ordinary person. She wasn't someone that you just hang out with for a day or a week. When you became friends with her, you became her friend for life. Even after the two of you have a huge fight that no one would believe that would ever be reconciled, Reina was there, backing you up when you were in trouble no matter how much she hated you at that moment. Was it because that she endured so much pain and hurt and lies that she doesn't want another person to experience it, even if it wasn't and never will be to her level of extreme? Or was it because she felt that a person should never have to experience that kind of emotional pain?

These were things I always wondered. Things that I may never know the answer to. Things probably even she doesn't know the answer to. It was just in her nature. It was that aura that she gave that made everybody love her. It was that aura that made me love her. It will be this aura that will make me love her even more with each passing day.

"Yah Jonginnie~ You have been staring at me with a dumbstruck look on your face since I came back. Are you alright?" She asked as she was waving her hand in front of my face. "I'm fine. Really. Sorry. Probably just spacing out again." She sat next to me, nodding but I could tell she wasn't convinced.

"So how does it feel?" She asked all of a sudden. "Feel?" "You know. To be graduating college." I pondered for a second. "It feels amazing, as long as I have you by my side." I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Stop being so cheesy Kim Jongin. It's disgusting." She said as she inched her way out of my embrace. "But I loveeeee you." She looked at me, disgusted.

"Yah~ Kim Jongin. Get a damn room." The two of us looked at the door and saw Junmyeon-hyung standing there with a large box in his hands. "Myeon-Myeon~ What are you doing here?" Reina asked as she got up and hugged him. "Just dropping by to say hi and giving the two of you your graduation gift early. And I told you I hate that nickname." Junmyeon-hyung said as he gave the box to Reina. She sat back down next to me and started shaking the box. "But why so early hyung? We graduate next week." He shrugged as he sat down in front of us. "Well, this is hard to say, but I'm leaving for the military the day before your graduation. I already asked and the lieutenant said I can't move my date since it's not blood family." Reina pouted. "But I was already expecting flowers fro you Myeon-Myeon~ I even got a vase and everything." She complained as she continued to shake the box. "Well, I'm still sending you flowers. Just not face-to-face. I mean I guess it would be, but with Kyungsoo or the mailman. Whoever gets to the flower shop first. And you may open it Rei~" Junmyeon-hyung explained. Reina exclaimed as she tear the box's wrapper apart. She opened the box to find more boxes, of smaller sizes. "You got to be kidding me." I sighed as I looked at Reina's slightly disappointed face. "Keep going Rei. You'll see why." Reina kept opening the smaller boxes until she got to a flat one. With curiousity streaming, she opened the box to find a portrait of all of us. The entire gang. Chanyeol-hyung was in the picture as well. "Sorry my photo shop skills are horrendous. But I figured it would mean more to you if your brother was in it."

Reina started tearing up and hugged Junmyeon-hyung. "I love it anyway. Thank you Junmyeon-oppa." He hugged her back. "It was no problem. Hey Jong~ Go into the box. There's another flat one in there for you." I looked into the box, seeing that hyung was right. There was another flat box. I opened the box to find a certificate with a picture of a mother dog nursing her newborns. "I got one of them for you. He's all picked out and everything. All you have to do is pick him up and name him after your graduation ceremony." I ran around the table and hugged Junmyeon-hyung as tight as I can. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" I exclaimed. "Wow...so uncool Jongin." Reina mocked as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Shut up. At least I don't cry like you." "Oh puh-lease~ You cry every time your hand hurts when we're writing an essay at home. "Well at least I didn't cry during the end of Marley and Me." "Excuse me sir? You were crying for an hour straight after that movie." "I'm sorry I have a weak spot for dogs." "And everything else, you big baby." "WHO are you calling big baby?!"

Junmyeon-hyung whistled his infamous whistle, making the two of us finally stop arguing. We both looked at him, then looked down at the desk. "Sorry hyung/oppa." We said simultaneously. "Geez. I can't believe how much of a married couple you two already sound like now." Junmyeon-hyung stated as he patted Reina's head. "More like an OLD married couple. Hyung, you don't know the half of it." One of our classmates, JinHee, said. Junmyeon-hyung nodded in his direction, his symbol for "understood". "Well, the two of you get home safe. I have to go get my haircut now." Junmyeon said as he got up and picked up all the discarded boxes and wrapping paper. The two of us got up with him,  grabbing our bags. "Let us come with you, Myeon-Myeon!" Reina exclaimed. I looked at her with surprised eyes. She never even came with me to get my hair cut! "It's fine Rei. I promise to see you guys before I leave." He kissed Reina on her temple and gave me a good ol' pat on the back.

Reina was walking ahead of us since she had to ask one of her classmates about how the teacher graded their last test. Junmyeon-hyung started walking slower. "So~~~ is the ring bought already?" He asked me. "Yup! And surprisingly she hasn't got a clue about anything." Hyung looked at me. "Seriously?! No way! But everyone else knows about it right?" He asked, trying to keep his voice down. "Yup! I already told Chanyeol-hyung. He was the one that gave me the blessings. And I already planned that the wedding will be just in time for him to be out of the army so he will be the one walking her down the aisle." Junmyeon-hyung started fangirling, which made me worried for his health.This damn guy is already going insane. I guess that's what happens with age. Reina looked behind to see us, motioning us to hurry up. We ran up to her and followed her way out of the school.

~ A few days later - Narrator's POV~

"Hyung! You should seriously just ask someone to help you plan this stuff." Sehun complained as he had to research a bunch of stuff like where a nice location for a wedding would be in South Korea. "Sehun is right, Jong. The way we are going right now, we won't be able to get you guys an even decent eloping." Kyungsoo sighed as he put some eye drops in for the eighth time this day. Kyungsoo had to look up statistics and prices of everything; location costs, dinner arrangements, cake, etc. "You guys may be right. I was in way too over my head. By the time we get this done, Junmyeon would be a great-grandpa." Jongin stated as he ruffled his already disheveled hair. "Does anyone know of anyone? You know, who does this crap for a living?" Baekhyun asked as he closed his laptop with a slam. "Jongin. You think your sisters know anyone?"

Jongin wondered for a moment. It's been months since he last talked to them since they were busy at university and work. They haven't even called home to ask if Reina had transistioned well into the house. Now that he thought about it, Jongin realized that his sisters have completely gave up contact with him. "They haven't talked to you in a while, huh?" Kyungsoo nudged, noticing Jongin's silence. "They haven't talked to me since I told them that I was thinking about marrying Reina. Is she bad? Do you think she gave them a bad first impression?"

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo looked at each other. "Jong. It's probably not easy to tell you this, but they told us that they didn't approve of you marrying straight out of college." Kyungsoo said. Sehun left the room, noticing the awkward tension that was about to ensue. Jongin was flabergasted. "Didn't they marry straight out of college?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrows. "And are they still married now? No. Both of your sisters got a divorce within a few years. Your first sister was in such an emotional state after the divorce that she went back to school just to get her mind out of it." The tension was beginning to rise, and Sehun could feel it from the other room.

Jongin placed his laptop on the table, just in case. He could feel something stirring up. He didn't know if it was anger, disappointment, betrayal, or a good mix of all of the above. "So?! Both of their first husbands were complete jerks anyways! I told them not to date them and they did! I told them not to get married and they did! They didn't listen to me, so why should I even listen to them!?" Jongin stormed out of the room, passing by Sehun in the kitchen...with Reina.

Jongin stopped and looked back at the two of them. Reina looked so confused as to why he was in his state. Sehun just stood there with his hands in his pockets, refusing to look Jongin in the eye. "How much did you hear?" Jongin asked Reina, his voice much more mellow than earlier. Reina looked down at the ground. "Since Sehun let me in since I couldn't find my keys in my bag." Jongin's face darkened as he himself looked down at the ground, refusing to look Baekhyun and Kyungsoo in the eyes. "So about where about the conversation was that?" He asked, his voice slightly deeper. It was quiet for a few moments. "Where your noonas didn't approve."

Jongin sighed as he stormed out of the house. He didn't care that he wasn't wearing a jacket even though it was kind of chilly outside. He didn't care that he just slipped on his dad's old sneakers that were on the ends of being thrown out. He just needed to leave. He just couldn't be in the house at the moment. He just needed to walk. He just kept on walking. Even as the sun started going down, he just kept on walking. He didn't stop. Not even once. He went through sidewalks and streets and dirt paths. He didn't even know where he was going. He had no destination in mind. He just left without even saying goodbye. He stopped and realized where he was.

He was in front of Reina's mom's house.

~ Back at the Kim's residence ~

"You guys, I'm starting to worry. Hyung is not picking up the phone. Do you think he has no more battery?" "Another question is, did he even bring his phone with him?" Reina was standing in front of the window, watching down the street for a familiar figure to come past the horizon. Did I do something wrong to upset him? Should I go talk to his sisters? Should I go out and find him. Reina felt a warm hand fall onto her shoulder. She looked behind her to see Jongin's dad. He had a worried smile on his face. "He does this a lot when he's frustrated. He just needs some time for himself. Gather his thoughts. It's something that runs from my side. In order to not blow up and hurt another's feelings, we leave the situation until we feel like the water has cooled down from its boil." Reina nodded and looked back out the window. "I just hope he's okay."

~ Back at Reina's mom's residence ~

Jongin didn't know how he got here. He didn't have one clue. He was just walking. But now he was here. The place has been vacated, as Reina's mom has been in jail ever since that incident. But he didn't know why he was here. He opened up the front gate, it creaking into place. He walked up the steps to feel an ominous feeling again. He noticed that the front door was open. Did someone ransack the house? He walked in to see that everything was still in place since he last came here. There was dust on everything, since it hasn't been cleaned in years. "Hello? Is somebody here?" He heard footsteps coming from upstairs, the banging of stuff being thrown on the floor. He gulped and walked towards the staircase.

He slowly started coming up the stairs. Is this place haunted? He thought to himself as he reached around the corner. The only door open was one of the bedrooms he didn't explore. He saw a shadow pass by the door, startling him. He had to swallow down in courage and continue to venture forth. He looked from the doorway to see Chanyeol, packing up his stuff. Chanyeol, turning around, saw Jongin's hair and beamed.

"JONGIN!!" He exclaimed. "Hyung~ You're home?" Chanyeol nodded. "I just got out today. I didn't want to tell Reina because I got out early. I was going to surprise her during graduation." Jongin's heart returned back to normal as he came into the bedroom. Everything was in boxes and the closet was almost empty. "You're moving out?" Chanyeol nodded. "Why the hell would I come back here? I'm moving in with Yura-noona so then I could take care of the house when she goes abroad." Jongin nodded as he sat on Chanyeol's bed.

"Hyung. Do you believe that it is wrong to marry straight out of college?" Chanyeol stopped what he was doing and sat down next to Jongin. "Well, I believe that you should just follow your heart. I also believe, though, that you should be able to think of the future. Will you be able to support the family? Will you be able to handle the stress that comes along with marriage? I know that the two of you have been living together, but you were under the support of your family. You just have to think about the life ahead." Chanyeol patted Jongin's back and continued packing up his stuff.

Jongin was in deep thought when his phone rang. Reina's ringtone. He picked it up right away. "Yeoboseyo? Jongin? Where are you?" She sounded distressed, worried, and scared. "Hi Rei~ Sorry. I just needed to cool off. Have time to think. I'll be home in a few." "Where are you though. Baekhyun-oppa is willing to come pick you up." "AND WHEN I DO I'M GONNA KICK YOUR !!" Jongin laughed as he heard Baekhyun's voice in the background. "It's fine. Just stay home. I'm on my way home anyway. I'm fine." Chanyeol, finished packing, just listened. "Yes Rei. I'll be home soon. Alright. Alright. Okay. I love you too. Bye." Jongin hung up the phone and sighed.

"So what is troubling you, young tiger?" Chanyeol asked as he picked up a box of clothes. Jongin did the same as they both started walking towards Chanyeol's car in the back. "My noonas don't approve of me marrying right after college. They did so, and now both of them are single and regretting even dating." Chanyeol laughed as he placed the box in the way back of his trunk. "Well, that's how females are. When their first marriage doesn't work out, they believe that marriage isn't the life for them. Yura-noona was the same way." Jongin looked up at Chanyeol. "Yura-noona got married?" Chanyeol shaked his head. "They were thinking about it, but then Yura-noona changed her mind. She said that the relationship was going to fast for her a few days before they got married. They broke up and the wedding was cancelled. The guy is actually still waiting for Yura. They both still have feelings for each other. I could feel it since they meet up every time Yura is back in Seoul. I don't know whether or not they are dating now, but he said that he was willing to wait for Yura until the end of time."

Jongin nodded as he and Chanyeol loaded the last of the boxes into the back of the car. "Do you think Reina will be the same way?" Chanyeol nodded as he locked the backdoor and came back to the car. "Most definitely. She loves you Jonginnie. She would want you to wait until the two of you are finacially stable before the two of you up and get married. I know how Reina works. Since she comes fro a broken family, she would want to be able to raise her future kids in a loving home. Make sure that they will be able to live into their future as people she would be proud of. You know what I mean right?" Jongin just nodded as they started pulling away from the driveway. Jongin looked back and stared at the house, now bare besides of Reina's mom's belongings. What will happen if her mom comes back? That's another question that I really don't want to think about.

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After the long wait, THE NEW CHAPTER IS FINALLY UP!!! Sorry for the wait yeorobeun~ School ~


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shineeFANt #1
Chapter 13: So coool!! Please update soon :)
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 9: this story so interesting.. update please
Chapter 8: updatew soon!!!! wanna see what happens next!!!!
Sophie93 #4
Chapter 3: I love it :))

pls. Update soon ^^

Thank you.