
~The Broken Smiled Angel~

~Kai POV~

It was lunch time. I was sitting in the classroom, staring out the window while eating my turkey sandwich. There's not a cloud in the sky...such a nice and happy day....Some of my classmates were sitting in the classroom too, conversing about idols and sports. But there was something wrong. There was something missing. I looked over to the middle of the room where the "class beauties" would sit. All the girls there were pretty, I'll give them that, but there was only one who would always catch my eye. But she was not there. The classroom did seem a little darker without her there.

One of the jocks, Kris aka Wu Yifan - exchange student from China, came up to the "beauties" table. "Hey~ Have you guys seen Reina? I have to ask her about the chemistry homework." One of the girls, Minah, turned to Kris. "We haven't seen her in a while." Another girl, Sunmi, interjected. "I think she said she'll be on the rooftop to finish some algebra homework. She also said not to come bother her since she wanted some alone time."

After that, I zoned out. I know it's bad to disturb someone why they personally ask not to, but something wasn't right. I felt it in my gut to go up to the roof. I've never liked the phrase "alone time". I personally know what "alone time" means. And it was never good.

I got up to throw away my trash and tried my best to nonchalantly walk out of the room without looking distressed.

I made my way through the halls, of course complete with people shoving me into the wall telling me to "go back to where I came from" and "to get out of here. No one likes a blackie like you". Of course they hurt, but my chest was feeling tight for other reasons. As I got closed to the staircase leading to the rooftop, my chest got even tighter. Please be alright.

I opened the door and went up the stairs. The door leading to the roof was propped slightly open with a wood wedge, indicating that someone was out there and don't lock them out. My chest has never felt this tight. Without realizing it, my eyes became watery. But why? I looked around the roof, trying to find the angel. She was no where in sight.

My chest felt like it was going to concave it was so tight. I had to blink back tears. Now I know why I feel this way. It's because I thought that my angel left me. She had done what I've been avoiding to do, and she hid it all behind that perfect smile.

I was about to break down before I heard some shuffling behind me. "Who's ther- Oh! Hi Jongin!!" I looked behind and up. She was sitting on top of the little ledge that made up the roof of the entrance. She was waving at me and showing me her signature smile. But there was something wrong. Her face was swollen looking and her nose and eyes were red. As if she was...


She motioned me to come and join her. I nodded and made my way up. Our algebra book was open in front of her as a notebook and pencil laid on her lap. But there were faint water marks on the pages.


"What brings you up here Jongin? Is class starting already?" She asked while checking her gold watch for the time. "A-ah no~ I just came up here for some fresh air." And to make sure you're alright.

She nodded and went back to working on the assignment. We sat in a comfortable silence as the wind blew through our hair. I looked over to her, admiring her beauty. But she didn't look the same. Yeah, shes wearing a serious look, not her usual smiling self, but it wasn't that. She looked like she was trying to hold back tears. She was taking a lot of deep breathes, trying to calm herself down. She didn't look like the angel I knew all these years.

She looks...


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After the long wait, THE NEW CHAPTER IS FINALLY UP!!! Sorry for the wait yeorobeun~ School ~


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shineeFANt #1
Chapter 13: So coool!! Please update soon :)
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 9: this story so interesting.. update please
Chapter 8: updatew soon!!!! wanna see what happens next!!!!
Sophie93 #4
Chapter 3: I love it :))

pls. Update soon ^^

Thank you.