Chapter 10 - Complications

The Revival of Time

---During the judging---
“Girls, the score is 3 for the girls and 4 the boys now. So the final decision lies with the both of you.”
“JY oppa. Give us a moment.” Cosy said as she and Gyuri left their seats and went out of the auditorium.

As the door closed behind them, Cosy just stated clearly as a matter of a fact.
“My vote goes to the boys.”
“Are you crazy? You want to change the history of events?! I mean the Kpop wave started because Wonder Girls sang ‘Nobody’. So you want 2PM to go out there and dance ‘nobody nobody but you’? And can’t you see that 2PM and 2AM and BEAST is mixed up? Gyuri tried reasoning with her.
“We already changed it. Change was released, the main lead for the popular drama Princess Hours and 200 pounds Beauty is different. The Kpop wave is already starting because of us.”
“But it will only skyrocket up when ‘Nobody’ is released! I know you love Taec, I love Jay too. But this formation for 2PM now, is OBVIOUSLY not the original 2PM. So you want Jay, Taecyeon, Dongwoon, Nichkhun and Changmin to form a ‘new’ 2PM? What will happen to 2AM without their main vocalist and BEAST without their maknae? And you want the ballad prince to tear his shirt off on stage?”
“The one who will be doing the tearing will be Jay, Taecyeon and Nichkhun!”
“But you know that Jay will leave 2PM!”
“FUNNY GYURI! I doubt you will let that happen.”
“Yes, I won’t but AISH! That’s beyond the point. The point IS that you’re going to affect the ENTIRE K-pop industry! We won’t know what happens next! Will K-pop branch out into the Western region? Or will it even branch out of Korea itself? Cosy, our decision MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE. HUGE.” Gyuri said with her eyes wide in disbelief as she tried to knock some sense into her best friend.
“OK! FINE! But if an argument happens later, I am so not gonna be a part of it.”

“Girls, are you done?” one of the JYPE staff poked his head through the doors and asked.
“Yes. Our votes go to the girls.” Gyuri replied and nudged Cosy to go back to the auditorium together.

“What in the world was that? I thought you girls were supposed to support us? YOUR BOYFRIENDS.” Jay yelled as he looked Gyuri in the eyes, his voice echoing off the walls. Gyuri shivered, she never thought that Jay would be THIS mad at her. And the fact that they were in an empty hallway didn’t help either. Is Cosy psychic or what?

“Jay. You don’t understand--”
“Yes. I don’t understand why aren’t you girls aren’t supporting us. Or why aren’t you as my girlfriend supporting me, your BOYFRIEND.”
“It’s more complicated than that. Jay, I can’t just give my vote to you just because you’re my boyfriend. Yes, I DO SUPPORT YOU. But, I’m not going to cheat. I’m sorry, I’m just being fair to everyone.” Gyuri looked into Jay’s eyes, pleading with him to understand.
“Fair? You’re being FAIR?” Jay scoffed and glared at the wall behind Gyuri. “You have no idea how hard I worked my off, do you?” Jay mumbled. Gyuri didn’t say anything, she was hardly ever around these days, what’s with all the award shows and the promoting of her drama and movie.

They were both working their off, focusing on their careers. But, they had also concentrated a lot on their relationship as well. They’d call each other everyday, no matter what it took. It seemed like the time spent away from each other had taken a huge strain on their relationship though. Everyday, during their talk over the phone, Jay would comment about how hard his group and himself were working for the performance. And she could tell that he was dead-beat too, so she supported him. She really, truly did... And she still does.

“Why do I need a girlfriend who doesn’t even vote for her own boyfriend? Don’t you want me to debut?!” Jay said, interrupting Gyuri’s thoughts.
“You’re together with me.. just so you can get your.. debut..” She had to choke out the last word. Gyuri’s mouth formed a small ‘O’ shape, shocked.
“Gyuri... No, that’s not what I mean, I-” Jay tried to take her hands in his, but she backed away from him.
“I cannot believe you, Jay Park! How could you? I get it. You want me to support you, and I DO. But using me to worm your way up? That’s just low. Even for you.” Gyuri glared at Jay, if looks could kill, he’d be dead. Yeah, sure Gyuri’s the cheerful girl who loves to friends. But, her glares are absolutely murderous.
Jay scoffed, his anger building up even more with every second that passed. “This isn’t about ME. This is about YOU. YOU not supporting me, your boyfriend. You know what? Forget it, whatever. I’m over this.” Jay stormed away from Gyuri without taking another look at her, she simply stared at his retreating figure. Once Jay slammed the door, she slid down the wall of the now empty hallway, in tears. She wasn’t quite sure of what was happening to her. Did she just... lose Jay?

Once she had calmed down, and was sure that she wasn’t emotionally unstable, she stood up. She had also made sure that she didn’t look like some crazy girl, what with all her bawling from her fight with Jay.
“Gosh, Gyu, what did you say to make that moehog slam that door? I could hear it so clearly from the waiting room!” Cosy fired at Gyuri just when she walked through the door, entering the hallway where the fight had just taken place.
“You have absolutely no idea..”Gyuri replied shaking her head, holding back the tears that were starting to form again.
“Don’t ask about me. How about you and that Oak Tree?” Gyuri said, hoping that Cosy would take the hint and change the subject.
“Oh. Cheesiness is the best medicine for a strained relationship..”

Cosy struggled against Taecyeon as he pulled her into one of the empty waiting rooms, backstage.
“WHY?” Taecyeon raised his voice as he held on tight to Cosy’s wrist.
“WHAT WHY? You better let go of me this instant!” Cosy, too, raised her voice as she freed her wrist out of Taecyeon’s grip.
“I. ARGH!” Taecyeon yelled in frustration as the both just kept silent for a few minutes which actually seemed like hours to them. Being in a relationship for almost a year, both already knew how the other was like and if they were to start a full-fledged quarrel now, it’s very unlikely that they will walk out of the room as a couple again.
“Oppa. I--” Cosy started talking, wanting to break the tension in the room.
“Can you just not talk. Let me cool down first. If you continue on, I can’t promise that I won’t release hell on you.” Taecyeon said in a cold voice as he looked up into the ceiling and took a deep breath. Cosy could only look at Taecyeon and try to formulate ideas in her brain on how to apologise and explain to him about the whole situation even though technically, she wasn’t the one at fault. But in a relationship, someone has to do the apologising right? Apologising doesn’t really mean you are in fault, it just meant that you love the person more than your pride. For a person like Cosy who is so egoistic, it really took a lot for her to be the one apologising.

Finally after a few minutes of silence, Taecyeon started the conversation.
“Why?” He asked in a more gentle tone but one can still pick up traces of anger in his voice.
“I know that no matter what explanation that I give you now, you will think that it’s just an excuse. I understand why you are angry. I mean, me as a girlfriend, why didn’t I give my vote to my boyfriend. I know you feel betrayed. But oppa Ok, think. How many people out there in the auditorium know about our relationship? At least half? I am damn pretty sure that JYP knows about it. Do you want the other trainees to be gossiping about how you got to debut? Because your girlfriend’s a judge and that you’re talentless? I’m pretty sure you don’t want that. I know you have worked hard. Even though the results might not be an exact reflection of your hardwork, but I see them. Do you know how much it hurts me to see those dark eye circles and eye bags of yours?” Cosy attempted to explain and tip-toed in her high heels and ran her thumb over Taecyeon’s right eyecircle.
Taecyeon attempted to ignore her efforts at trying to “seduce” him into forgiving her but apparently Cosy just knew him too well. He just couldn’t stay angry at her for long because she knew just the exact words and exact actions to soften his heart.
“Cosy, I--” Taec wanted to keep up the defence and stopped Cosy’s thumb, bringing it down.
“Oppa Ok, it’s not that I do not want you to debut. I mean I would really love to be on the same stage with my boyfriend, I mean which girl doesn’t want that? But you have to understand that I am just doing my job. I have to get the girls to debut first to build up a foundation for you guys.”
“What are you talking about? What foundation?”
“Long story. But oppa, I promise, I will write a song and feature you in it in my next mini album. Alright? So just don’t be angry any more okay?” Cosy looked up at Taecyeon, showing him her puppy eyes that have worked forever.

Taecyeon tried ignoring those puppy eyes and wanted to continue reasoning with her.
“Cosy. That’s not the point. The point is--” And he was cut mid-sentence by Cosy’s lips.
“The point is I love you. And that’s the only thing that you have to know. And oppa, you know it, you can’t be angry at me for long. You love me.” Cosy continued his sentence as she drew back.
“Why is my girlfriend that egoistic?” Taecyeon said and Cosy knew that she got him already.
“But that’s what you love about me.” Cosy said sticking out her tongue at him.

“So are we all good now? No hard feelings?” Cosy asked with a wink.
“YESS! Aish. I hate myself for not being able to be angry at you for long.” Taecyeon said, admitting his failure in the mission in trying to stay angry.

“Well, then hate yourself. Because I will love you doubly hard in return.” Cosy said with sparkles in her eyes and Taecyeon pulled her into a hug.

“End of story.”
“GOSH!! Why is my best friend so cheesy!! EWWW! If I ever try that on Jay, he will think that I am totally out of my mind.” Gyuri shuddered.
“Cheesiness works, and it always will. But the prior condition being that he won’t be annoyed by your cheesiness.” Cosy shrugged, like it was no biggie.
“But technically it’s not our fault!” Gyuri exclaimed as they entered their dorm.
“Yes, it’s not ours. That’s why if you realise, I have not said a single ‘sorry’ at all and you know you can just go the easy way out and say that we voted for them but the girls still won because of the votes of the other judges.”
“Yeah. Right. Like Jay will believe that, he’s able to see through my lies. He can read me like an open book.”
“You are a freaking professional ACTRESS! TSKKKK! Then just go the cheesy way and things will be fine.”
“It’s not that easy, Cosy... You’re lucky Taec forgives you so easily.” Gyuri mumbled.
“Hey.. Don’t worry about it alright? Everything’s gonna work out by itself! You’ll see.” Cosy said as she gave her best friend a hug.
“I hope so..” Gyuri mumbled, as she hid her face by the crook of her friend’s neck.
“Don’t think too much about it already. Go sleep.” Cosy said as she pulled Gyuri out of the sofa and pushed Gyuri into her room.
“I will bring the mattress over. Wouldn’t want you to start thinking about nonsense and what’s not tonight.”
“Yah, don’t worry about me. I’m fine, really. I’m not so stupid or foolish to do something like that.. I have a full life to live you know!”
“Yah right. Just seeing that girl flirt with him at the clothes shop brought you to tears. How do you expect me to believe you, my dear friend?”
Gyuri gave her this look (-.-), “Geesh, finefine.” she said as she dragged herself towards Cosy’s bed and plopped herself down with her arms crossed. She was as stubborn as ever and it definitely didn’t help that she wasn’t in a good mood either.

As Cosy half dragged, half pulled the mattress into the room, she saw that Gyuri was already fast asleep on HER bed.
“Aish! Guess I have to sleep on the mattress tonight then...” Cosy started laying out the mattress and was doing her stretching regimes when she heard mumblings from Gyuri. Feeling that it was quite strange since Gyuri doesn’t normally talk in her sleep, she was usually just as dead as a log, Cosy called out softly. “Gyu.. Are you awake?” but not earning any reply. Cosy picked herself up from the mattress and took light steps towards the edge of the bed so that she could hear what Gyuri was mumbling, clearly.

“Mmmm, I’m sorry.... I do support you... How could you do this to me?” Cosy noticed a single tear making its way down Gyuri’s cheek.
What is she talking about? Cosy wondered. Don’t tell me Jay cheated on her or something? Hell, I’m going to kill that Moehog and shred him into pieces for doing that to Gyuri. Seriously. Damn him. First he took a long sweet 6 months to confess and then he decides to break her heart. I am gonna smack some sense into him. Cosy flexed her knuckles unknowingly.

“I love you, but how could you use me like that? Am I just a tool to you, to get your debut faster and easier?” Another tear slid down her cheek, it was really heartbreaking seeing the usually cheerful and mischievous girl like this.

AISH! Screw that moehog upside down. How the !@#$%^ can he do that to her. Using her like that? That’s just so freaking low of him. He’s so gonna get it today. Cosy stormed out of the room with her mode activated and she headed for the trainees’ dorm.

“Oppa. Are you guys asleep yet? I just wanna come visit you. I miss you...” Cosy cooed into the phone at Taecyeon. She definitely do not want that Jay Park to think that she appeared in the middle of the night to confront him about what happened between him and Gyuri.

“Not yet.. Are you reaching soon?”
“Yeah. I am at the lobby already. See you!” Cosy walked into the lift and hung up the phone, as she press the black ‘7’ on the panel of buttons.

“Cosy-ah. You’re here.” The door swung open to have smiling Taecyeon who pulled her into a hug. Only when they separated from the hug, did Taecyeon realised that iness was written on Cosy’s face.
“Yah..Your main reason here was not to see me, right?” Taecyeon pouted at her.
“Sorry oppa, I will make it up to you someday okay.” She kissed his cheek and stormed right to Jay’s room, ignoring the stares of the other trainees who were in the living room.

“YA! PARK JAEBEOM!” Cosy raised her volume so loud, that even the dorm next door could hear her.
“What?” Jay snapped as he sat up and the blanket slid off to reveal him only in his boxers. Cosy was blinded by her fury that she couldn’t care whether or not Jay was in boxers. But okay, she has to admit that Jay’s abs are hot. Wait. Taec’s are hotter. But that’s besides the point.

“Ya! YOU! What in the freaking world did you say to Gyuri!?” Cosy questioned as Taec walked into the room and closed the door behind him, trying to muffle their shouting, and it helped to cover them from the other watching trainees as well.

“What? I didn’t say anything!”
“Oh really? What’s with ‘Am I just a tool to you, to get your debut faster and easier’? Seriously, what the did you say to her?” Cosy shot at him, her arms crossed and her eyes filled with anger.
“That’s not the point. The quarrel wasn’t about me. It was about her, her not supporting me, her boyfriend. And I haven’t went all up in your face about you not supporting us and here you come ing at me. Mind you, your dear boyfriend is in the team too.” Jay snapped back at Cosy.
“Don’t even drag Taec into it okay. We have already settled this thing between both of us.” Cosy said as a hand gave a light squeeze on her shoulder and she turned back to see Taec smiling at her.
“And that’s totally not relevant. I just want to know what the hell did you say to Gyuri, YOUR girlfriend.”
“It was in the heat of the moment that I said ‘Why do I need a girlfriend who doesn’t even vote for her own boyfriend’ and then--”
“You know what, you, Jay! Then are you gonna tell me now that you befriended me too just so you can get your debut? That’s so damn low.”
“NO!!! It was really in the heat of the moment and I didn’t mean that. Gyuri just interpreted it the wrong way.”
“Oh yeah. I totally agree with you. Because there is NO other way that I can interpret what you said.” Cosy said with full sarcasm in her words.
“Cosy, maybe hyung really did not mean it that way.” Taecyeon tried being the mediator after seeing Jay’s eyes sending a help signal to him.

“Yes. I know that in the heat of the moment, he can say anything. But that doesn’t give him the excuse to hurt Gyuri like that. Babe, if it was you saying that to me, I swear to heaven and hell and to whatever gods there is that you won’t get to debut anymore. But I know you won’t.” Cosy said to Taecyeon and then turned to look back at Jay.
“Do you know how much you have hurt her with your words? Even though it’s just been a few hours, she’s hurting so darn much inside. I can see how much it’s killing her inside, I can see it in her eyes. And she tried to cover up for you, you know, because she knows that I will pull the act on you. She kept it to herself and cried in her sleep just to protect this selfish idiot who doesn’t even freaking appreciate it. Why is she doing all this? Because she loves you and what did you give her in return? You think she doesn’t want to give her vote to you? She has her freaking reasons for doing so. So you, as the BOYFRIEND, can’t you just be a bit more understanding?”
Just then, the door squeaked open, revealing a tear-stained but tired Gyuri. “Cosy... Don’t waste your breath on him, alright? Let’s just go...” She walked in and attempted to pull Cosy out, only to have Cosy fling her wrist out of her grip.
“Wooyoung oppa, can you please just bring Gyuri back to the dorm? I will come back later.” Cosy said to him with a death glare, leaving him with no choice really.
“Cosy, there’s really no point with continuing this argument with him. It’s not worth it.” Gyuri stated stubbornly as Wooyoung tried to drag her away by grabbing her wrist. It’s not worth it? I’m not worth it..? Jay thought as he stared at Gyuri, silently trying to get her to look into his eyes. Gyuri bit on her bottom lip harshly, trying to stop the tears from falling.
“You’re worth it Gyuri, you’re my best friend. Wooyoung could you please get on with it?” Cosy said, not taking her eyes off of Jay.
Wooyoung carried the reluctant Gyuri by force and left the trainees’ dorm.

“Back to the argument.” And heck, it was like all hell had unleashed in the the trainees’ dorm as insults and profanities were thrown by the recognizable voice of Cosy. Jay, who was having a terrible headache after all the rounds of alcohol he had after the quarrel with Gyuri, just fired back at Cosy with the same intensity.

-- With Gyuri & Wooyoung --
“JANG. WOO. YOUNG! Put me down this instant!”
“If you insist.” Wooyoung obeyed Gyuri’s order and let go of her, making her drop first onto the asphalt road.

“You requested it. And even though you are my senior, I am still older than you, so I see no reason why you can address me by my full name.”
Gyuri pouted and gave Wooyoung her best puppy dog face, “Oppa, I’m sorry. It’s just that... Aish.. I’d rather not talk about it.” she sighed, still sitting on the cold pavement. Wooyoung offered his hand and Gyuri took it, and they continued walking side by side in silence.

Gyuri liked having Wooyoung’s company. They could be laughing away, but they could also be walking in complete silence. And that was how comfortable they both were with each other, and Gyuri liked it like that. Gyuri could always count on Wooyoung for some guy advice, whenever, wherever. She could also count on him to make her laugh too, what with that incredibly awesome aegyo of his. Wooyoung could be a goof, but he could also be damn serious when he needed to be. He was also a very trustable and reliable friend, when he says that you have his word, you damn right do.

Wooyoung has also known that Gyuri has had this crush on Jay since forever, and since he and Jay were close, he’d help her little by little. But sometimes, he spaced out when she talked to him about Jay. Wooyoung said that he was just tired, and she totally understood that, having once been a trainee too. It was all hardwork, and hardly any play at all really.. She was worried for him, that he’d train too much and just become this.. robot. Heck, she was worried for all of the trainees. Wooyoung turned his head to the side and let out a huge yawn, though he tried to hide it.

“Oppa, you should just head back to the dorm if you’re that sleepy! I can take care of myself.”
“Ani! I’m fine, I can’t have a pretty girl like you walking back to the dorm alone, there are plenty of erts around at this time. Plus, it doesn’t really seem like Cosy gave me a choice anyway. She’d probably rip my head off if I did.” Gyuri simply nodded at this, agreeing.

Cosy was really protective over her, especially when it comes to her getting hurt. And vice versa, but Gyuri wouldn’t barge into her boyfriend’s shared dorm and make a scene. No, that wasn’t Gyuri’s style, it was Cosy’s. Gyuri was the MUCH more rational one between the two. She was a deep thinker, and sometimes, it wasn’t such a good thing, ‘cause people would take advantage of that. Gyuri would rather have someone understand her point of view than to fight with them, she didn’t like causing a big rumble. It made her feel uncomfortable having so many people watch her, well, when she wasn’t on stage anyway.
“Wooyoung-ah, I thought trainee’s had a curfew...? It’s...” Gyuri checked her phone, and her eyes widened in surprise. “2.30AM?!? OMO, Oppa you really have to go back now! The dorm’s not too far away. I don’t want to get you into trouble.”
“I know, I know. We have curfew, but we’re already breaking the rules, so there’s really no difference..”
“Aish, if you get back now, maybe you wouldn’t get caught!” Gyuri said, trying to push Wooyoung back to the direction they just came from. But, he didn’t budge. Not one inch. He just stared at her, amusement clear in his brown eyes.
You see, like Gyuri, Wooyoung was as stubborn as a mule. Like Gyuri, Wooyoung was very determined too. Gyuri huffed, giving up, threw a fit and stormed off. She didn’t like getting people into trouble, or disappointing them, not ONE bit. She didn’t like it when she didn’t get her way too, yes, she sounds like a total brat. But, in all honestly she really isn’t one.

“Yah, where do you think you’re going?” Wooyoung said, chasing after her.
“HOME! So that YOU can get back to YOUR dorm.” Wooyoung shook his head at her, he really didn’t mind getting into trouble. And it seemed like he wasn’t going to be the only one in hot soup anyway.
The pair had reached the dorm in a matter of minutes, panting away. It was refreshing and nice though, having the cool air surround them as they passed building after building in what seemed like the speed of lightning. Every muscle in their legs screamed at them, begging for them to stop and just lay down on the floor. And so they did, they just laid down on the floor of the living room, trying to catch their breath.

Gyuri felt like she had just escaped the reality. Like she had just run away from all her problems that were far away now. It was just her and Wooyoung, her best guy friend, now. Nothing more, nothing less. She liked the freedom she had now, she didn’t have to worry about how she looked like, what other people thought of her and how to act. She didn’t care about what problems she had with Jay now, or that her best friend was probably ripping heads off now. She didn’t care. And she didn’t want to either. She missed this feeling. Freedom. Being able to just be HERSELF and not somebody else. Ever since this time travelling thing, she’s hardly ever felt normal anymore. Not that she didn’t like this time travel, it was just that she missed being a normal average person. She missed not having to care about her partner, she missed being a good student who only started studying the day before a test, she missed having someone nag at her to clean up her room, she missed having a carefree lifestyle.
She was falling into a deep sleep, thinking about her ‘Past’ life, when she felt a pair of strong arms carry her. Then, she felt something soft against her back before blackness completely consumed her mind. Something soft pressed against her forehead before the darkness had entirely taken over, but she wasn’t sure what it was. She didn’t pay much attention to it either, as she drifted to dreamland, where she dreamt of her ‘Past’ life.

HEY ALL! :D Sorry for not updating for like 10 days? ><” Really sorry about that ! Been busy with school and what not -.-” Aish, so Gyuri & Jay’s relationship have pretty much reached it’s rock bottom? We’ll see if they ever get back together in the next chapters! (: or not..? o.o OH WELL. Thanks for all the support & love for this story guys, it’s greatly appreciated! ;D Stupid stomach flu, pshh. Nigahiga is a blackjack !~ 2NE1 is and always has been less than 3, pwahahaha. TEEHEE.

HELLO EVERYONE!!!! Sorry for updating for so long!! I thought we uploaded like recently until Jade told me that it’s been 10 days!! AISH! And I am sad that Gyuri and Jay’s relationship came to such a state>< I do hope they get back together but that will depends on our mood as we write. LOL! Anyway, thanks for all the support and love and comments! Love you guys/girls! :D

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party-party #1
please update!! :DD
gotler #2
Y no update haha.
update this soon
orelse I shall spam both of your walls
Seungri's panda eyes are adorable kay? ;~; <br />
Jay is so funnay xD LOL <br />
I'm still confused on weither I want JayRi or TaeRi :|
Cosyheartx #5
@KyuMinnieParkJiSung I am so sad over it okay! OMG!! Then what will happen when Jayri do ever comes back?? D: D: HAHAH! Yes and we will take loads of pictures! MUAHAHHA!
The Cheesy couple~ <3 <br />
yeah I know the feeling, when you just want to scream "GO A GOAT" But then you might get arrested ._. <br />
....Anyways~<br />
Mr.Bread likes taeri now -_- Confused loaf of bread.
Cosyheartx #7
@dannyskye thank you!! Do continue reading and commeneting and promote(:<br />
<br />
@fireworkrainbow oooh! Finally a taeri shipper!<br />
<br />
@Julia2345 yeappp! We are back! :D
Cosyheartx #8
@KyuMinnieParkJiSung if it's taeyang, I don't mind! :D haha! I'm still for jayri though! And me and jade are finally meeting each other for 2pm concert!!! :D