I'm Not A Monster! ~A Daesung Love Story~ Chapter 7

I'm Not A Monster! ~A Daesung Love Story~

Chapter 7

Daesung looked down at his phone and sighed heavily as he saw that there were no new messages. After sending messages to his brothers all day, he began to worry when none of them answered back. Hurrying home from college, he threw his backpack on the couch and looked around the apartment for his brothers, but they were no where to be found. Terror struck him as he knew that his other brothers shouldn’t leave the house just yet. There was only one place that he knew where they’d be. Daesung ran down to the scientist’s room and pounded on the door, opening on its own. Peaking inside, he found everything a mess; furniture tossed from across the room, a table burned to a crisp, and unseen newspapers scattered the floor; which Daesung snatched up for later.

“Taeyang and G-Dragon have been through here…” Daesung thought.

If his brothers and the scientist weren’t the only ones living here, people would’ve called the police. Thank goodness that no one did. Leaving the room, he went down one more floor leading to the basement. Daesung walked through the little hall with all the wires hanging down and with the very little window giving him little light. But he didn’t need to worry about that. Tattoos began to spiral out on his body, which was always the hardest part for it still hurt him the most, as his eyes began to glow and so did his body. Although he got this part down, he needed to learn how to properly control light. Sometimes at the college, when he got mad, he’d make the lights flicker, sometimes turning them off completely. He has been told to control it more carefully, but Daesung was still getting used to it. As he made his way towards the door at the end of the hall, he could see a light coming from there, as well as a very familiar voice.

“I’m sorry, boys, but I have to do this!” said the scientist.

Daesung entered the scientist’s secret room cautiously. The scientist seemed to be studying a flask that seemed to have a light red liquid in it, writing down notes as he looked through  the cupboards that were filled with chemicals; notes were scattered everywhere, including a trash can full of crumpled notes, and Daesung’s brothers lying on the floor unconscious. Daesung’s eyes went wide as he ran over to his brothers.

“Taeyang, TOP, G-Dragon, Seungri! What did you do?!” he asked.

“Daesung!” the scientist turned around in surprised, dropping his pen and notepad. “I’m sorry, but I had to.”

“Had to what?” Daesung asked again trying to shake his brothers awake.

“They’re unconscious, Daesung, don’t worry. But I’m sorry, this can’t go on. I need to turn this around!” he yelled. “What I did to you boys, it wasn’t right. I…I lied.”

“You lied to us? How much did you lie about?” Daesung asked as Seungri was the first one to open up his eyes.

“I thought I had a funny feeling about him from the start.” Seungri said as Daesung hugged him in relief.

“Seungri, I’m sorry…” the scientist apologized as the rest of the boys began to wake up, helping each other up. It was until now that Daesung saw a mark on their arms, a little tiny red mark.

“HEAL US NOW!” G-Dragon yelled throwing a fire ball at him, scorching a hole in the wall, having a shelf full of bottled chemicals fall on the floor.

“G-Dragon!” Seungri grabbed his wrist. “Stop! Don’t you see he’s sorry?”

“Yeah, but sorry doesn’t seem to be enough.” G-Dragon sneered. “You do realize how many things we lost since our transformation?”

“G-Dragon, I can explain,” he started, but Taeyang was already in front of him holding him up by the collar.

“You might want to explain fast,” Taeyang warned.

“Taeyang, if you put me down, I can show you.” He raised his hands not wanting more violence. Taeyang put him down as the scientist went over to the flask, putting it on top of a mini fire, where the liquid began to boil leaving a red smoke color. Going over to the cupboard, he pulled out a mini bottle filled with a dark grey liquid color that Daesung realized that it was the liquid tungsten that he had to take. Daesung looked over at the table where the other empty bottles laid and he began to realize that they were all of the chemicals that he and his brothers were tested on.

“What’s exactly in that flask?” TOP asked.

“Everything that you boys took. I took a bit of your blood and added some more chemicals in these bottles, hoping that something new could be created.” The scientist answered opening up the bottle. “Your controls got out of hand, so I have to find out a way to heal you before it’s too late.”

“Before what?” Daesung asked.

“You’ll be looked at society as freaks, weirdos, monsters, I don’t want that to happen, and I’m sure that they don’t want that to happen.” The scientist walked back and forth running a hand through his hair.

“We were already called that…” G-Dragon whispered.

“Who’s they?” Taeyang asked.

“There’s a lot of things I never told you boys, but I need to know if this works or not,” he replied pouring the liquid into the flask, making it go from red smoke to black the minute it touched the red liquid. But that wasn’t the only thing that happened, a huge spark ignited, having the mini fire engulf the flask in flames, which then spread over to the cord and traveled over to the outlet igniting the entire thing in flames.

“GET DOWN!” Seungri yelled as the brothers ducked down as fire blew up the room, making every chemical in the room to explode spreading down to the floor, which only created more fire. As they all looked up, the scientist was no where to be found. But it had to be impossible for him to escape, with all of the fire and glass spread everywhere on the floor, not to mention fire was preoccupying the doorway. There was no way he would’ve survived. Daesung opened up his eyes as he noticed that they were not lying in fire. G-Dragon, although on the floor, held out his hands controlling the fire from around them, trying his hardest to not have the fire spread over to them from the chemicals they were lying in.

“G-Dragon, now is one of those times which I wish you controlled water.” Seungri sighed.

They got up as G-Dragon controlled the fire around them, moving over to the entrance. With one swift movement of his hands, the flames spread apart.

“Go!” G-Dragon told his brothers holding the fire, “I’ll follow!”

The boys went through the doorway, knowing that G-Dragon will follow them after. Daesung was the last one to leave as they went upstairs. He looked back and saw G-Dragon jump through the doorway running to the stairs. The fire quickly followed after them as they shut the door. Smoke came out of the sides as it was trying to escape.

“We have to leave! Quick, the backdoor!” TOP shouted.

Before he could follow his brothers, Daesung realized that he forgot to grab something from his apartment.

“I’ll meet you outside!” Daesung shouted as the boys were heading out the back.

“Daesung!” Seungri cried, but Daesung was already up the stairs to his room. He looked around the place trying to find the little brown journal, but he seemed to forget where he put it. He swore under his breath as he saw black smoke fill his room. Daesung fiercely opened the draws, throwing them on the floor mad that he couldn’t find it. Going over to his bedroom, he saw the brown book lying on the windowsill next to his bed. Daesung grabbed the journal and started to head back, but a wall of fire blocked his way. Turning around, he opened the window and looked down to see his brothers waiting for him at the bottom.

“Daesung! Jump!” Seungri yelled.

It was a four story jump, knowing that if he jumped, Daesung could break a bone or two. Looking back in his room, pictures began to burn in front of his eyes; memories that were meant to last forever, to look back at and smile, gone, just like that. He opened up his journal and saw the picture of Olivia and him together. Memories of their moments came back to his mind and he tried to hold them, like they were going to burn away, just like how the fire burned away everything else. But they were over and done with, so why keep it? The picture crumpled a little bit in his hand as Daesung took a deep breath and with a single tear escaping his eye, he threw the picture in the fire.

“Seungri, you have to catch me!” Daesung yelled as he got ready to jump trying to get over everything that he lost.

“You know that I’m still practicing on that!” Seungri yelled back.

“I don’t care!” Daesung yelled back as he jumped. The ground came closer to him as he saw Seungri close in his eyes and concentrated. Holding up a hand, his glowing eyes looked up as Daesung came closer to the ground. Just five feet from the ground, Daesung levitated in the air as Seungri lost his concentration. Daesung carefully landed on the cement, holding the book tightly and checking his pockets for the newspapers.

“Let’s go.” Deasung mentioned as the boys started to head out from the back of the burning house.

“But, what about the scientist?” Taeyang asked.

“He’s dead, Taeyang, there was no way that he could’ve escaped that fire explosion.” G-Dragon explained.

“Are you sure? He was no where to be found!” Daesung pointed out.

“We have no time to discuss this,” Seungri said, “we have to go!”

“Yeah, but where would we go?” TOP asked. “The police?”

But before they could go anywhere, they were met with several black vans. A man, standing in the middle, wearing a white suit looked at the officers and nodded his head. That was the last thing they saw before they woke up in their cells in the prison.

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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 18: please update soon^^
Chapter 17: Please update soon <3
Chapter 17: Oh my goodness this story is what I've been waiting years for!! The plot, the dialogue, the characters, this is PERFECTION.
By all means, don't feel rushed to finish this story right away, I know you're probably very busy. But don't forget about it^^ It seems you have quite the following, no? Anywho, thank you so much for sharing this story with us readers!!!
Chapter 17: Plz update and add more chapters i want to know what happens next
Chapter 17: this is good :)
lucky9606 #6
please update ^^
allkpop4ever #7
Chapter 17: Update please I can't wait (literally) for the next chapter!!!!!:D
allkpop4ever #8
Chapter 17: Update soon please!!!!
lucky9606 #9
I enjoy this story
please update soon ^^