Seven ♡

The Detectives • discontinued •

Dong Wan brought Jae In to Shinhwa Café.

“ You know this place? This is favourite café. “  Jae In asked.

Dong Wan nodded.

“ This is owner of this café is a friend of mine. “ Dong Wan replied.

“ You mean Sun Ho? “ Jae In asked, curiously.

“ You know him? How? “ Dong Wan asked.


It was late at night, three weeks before that incident happened. Hye Sung was busy with his work that he couldn’t send Jae In back home. While she was walking in the dark alley, she saw a group of guys standing in front of her.

“ This isn’t right. “ Jae In thought to herself.

She turned back and walked away from the alley, walking to another route, which is longer to reach home. She kept on turning behind. The group of guys is following her.

She stopped. She turned behind.

“ What do you guys seriously want from me?! “ Jae In yelled.

The guys just walked towards her.

“ Someone, please save me. “ Jae In prayed.

Suddenly, a young man walked towards her and grabbed her away. He fought with the gang. The group of guys, injured, ran away, leaving the scene.

Jae In walked towards the young man.

“ Are you alright? “ Jae In asked.

The young man has bruises all over his face and arms. Cuts under his eye area and his knee. The young man nodded. Jae In felt sorry and brought him over to her apartment.

Being a skillful and trained first aider, she helped the young man to disinfect the wound and wrap it with bandage. The young man thanked Jae In.

“ Should I accompany you back home? “ Jae In asked.

He rejects her offer, saying that his house is just directly above hers, which makes them neighbors.

“ So you are the new neighbor after the Yoon family left. “ Jae In said.

The young man smiled.

“ I’m Sun Ho. I have seen you often in my café. “ he introduced himself.

“ You mean Shinhwa Café? I’m Jae In, Go Jae In. “ she introduced herself.


“ So both of you are neighbors? “ Dong Wan asked.

Jae In nodded.

Both of them ordered the same thing – Vanilla Latte.

“ So what inspire you to continue your career as a detective? “ Dong Wan asked.

“ Being a detective is what I really wanted from the start. After that incident, many people around me kept on asking me the same thing. Sometimes, I also don’t know why and how this career of mine changes my whole life.” replied Jae In.

“ How about you? “ Jae In continued.

“ I don’t really share my actual reason on why I choose this path. But after my parents died due to murder, I decided to find that murderer who killed my parents 4 years ago. “ Dong Wan replied.

“ 4 years ago “ Jae In mumbled.

She saw a couple standing near them. The couple isn’t young but also not that old.

“ So your parents passed away at what age? “ Jae In suddenly asked.

“ My mother is 51 and my father is 53 at that time. “ Dong Wan replied.

Jae In looked at the couple again. They seem to be the age of Dong Wan’s parents, thought Jae In.

Jae In suddenly stood up.

“ What’s wrong? “ Dong Wan asked.

“ I need to use the washroom. Excuse me. “ Jae In walked towards the washroom.

Beside the washroom, there is an empty room. Jae In walked into the room.

The spirits appear right in front of her face.

“ So are you guys Dong Wan’s parents? “ Jae In asked.

They nodded.

Jae In asked the spirits on how they were killed and how does the murderer look like.


4 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Kim were attending their nephew’s wedding. Dong Wan couldn’t attend because he was busy with his previous job, which is a security guard at Kingdom Mall. When they wanted to leave, two men followed them around.

Mrs. Kim noticed them and told Mr. Kim to drive the car a little faster. The car that were following them suddenly speed up.

The two men forces Mr. and Mrs. Kim to enter their car. They told them that if they didn’t follow their instructions, they would kill them and their family.

And since both of them love their family so much, they decided to follow their instructions. For a few days, they spent their days in a dark and big warehouse located far from the city.

Tied onto a chair, mouth being taped and only drinks plain water and rice, they willing to sacrifice themselves. On the fourth day, they were released. But on one condition, giving them an amount of one million won and they had to give the money on the sixth day.

“ Are you crazy? How am I supposed to find one million won in two days?! “ Mr. Kim complained.

“ Two days or your life will be taken. “ one of the men replied.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim tried their very best to get those money. They borrowed from their family, friends and even strangers.

On the sixth day, they met up again. Mr. Kim gave them the suitcase filled with money.

“ I’m sorry… But we are short of two thousand won. Please forgive us. “ Mrs. Kim said.

“ I told you one million won! Not any lesser! “ the man shouted.

“ But one million won is just too many to get in two days. “ replied Mr. Kim.

“ Please forgive us. “ Mrs. Kim cried.

Chapter 7 is finally up. Sorry for the wait people and sorry if this chapter isn't that good. I'm running out of ideas now. Finally gotten back my results. Failed two subjects which is Maths and History. Whatever... I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter. Bye^^

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aznfangirl_ #1
Chapter 15: asdfghjkl cliffhanger! thanks for the update!
Chapter 15: OMG! aeifhpiwqbef. Still have no idea what to say about this chapter, just.... ahhh. But this chapt is really getting the mood out there! keep it up!
paigehk #3
Chapter 15: can't wait for the mystery to be continued and solved. Keep it up!!!
paigehk #4
Chapter 6: Lol Dongwan and JungHyuk took it too seriously. Giving out a business card to a stranger is weird, but not that bad...I think. Anyways, back to reading now
Chapter 14: Minwoo, change, you are the master! hahahaha! Special stupid=awesome composer~~ Update this soon!
aznfangirl_ #6
Chapter 14: awesome~ I feel like I'll be in this situation after I graduate high school and then graduate university 10 years later. thanks for the update!~
aznfangirl_ #7
Chapter 13: hands down man. Minwoo is forever fabulooooouusssss~~
Chapter 10: CUTE>_< update this soooooon!!!
Chapter 10: Omo! Eric, Dongwan and Andy were so mean to Minbong bad then Dx I guess now that he's gone they're trying to make up for it?
aznfangirl_ #10
Chapter 9: OMG LOL. Love how Jae In was just like O_O

awesome update! thanks author-nim!~