Six ♡

The Detectives • discontinued •

What? Are you kidding me? Like seriously. And are you drunk or what? Seriously, I guess you need to go to the hospital to check what virus you’ve been infected.


Dong Wan send the text to Jung Hyuk. Dong Wan sighed. He still could not believe that his friend that he knew for 15 years is just too crazy and hyper yet at the same time, he’s a lawyer.

Dong Wan walked out from the building to get some fresh air. His phone vibrates and it was from Jung Hyuk.


I think I have to go to the hospital because I guess this stupid infection of mine is getting worsen… I accidentally went to the ladies. And the female inside saw me and they screamed. Now, I currently running away from the security guards.


Dong Wan could reply Jung Hyuk back because he was busy laughing. He didn’t reply Jung Hyuk and continue to walk back to the building to get ready for the next day.

The next day, Dong Wan woke up earlier that usual. He does his daily work out and only had bread for breakfast.

“ Which outfit should I wear today? “ Dong Wan muttered to himself.

He opened his wardrobe full of suits and informal outwear and decided to wear the suit that he rarely wore.

“ I seriously couldn’t believe myself that I actually wearing this just because that colleague is coming back. “ he sighed.

He walked out from his apartment and drove to the Shinhwa Café, to grab some coffee before heading off to work.

“ Hyung, you’re early today. And what’s with your outfit? You seem so formal today. “ asked Sun Ho.

“ Nothing’s special. It’s just that the colleague I’m talking about that day will be working today, so I have to look smart. “ Dong Wan said.

After buying his coffee, he walked back to his car and drove to his workplace, which is about a few kilometers from Shinhwa Café.

When he reaches there, he went to his office to place his bag. Suddenly, he was told by one of his colleague that the team leader was searching for him. Dong Wan walked to the room to find out that the team leader actually wanted to talk to the whole group.

“ Phew. I thought I was in trouble. “ Dong Wan muttered.

“ Guys, let me introduce you to your new colleague. As some of you might not recognize her since she has not been working here for 5 years, she is Go Jae In. “ Team Leader Kang spoke up.

“ Hello everyone. I’m Go Jae In. I’m 34 years old and I’m used to be the team leader for this squad 5 years ago. I hope that you guys hope help me improve my skills and please take care of me. “ Jae In smiled.

After the ‘meeting’, Jae In were brought to her old room which were dusty since no one have been touching the items for 5 years, thinking that she would come back and she really did.

Jae In decided to clean up her dusty room. She starts packing and rearranging the files and papers aside. She was throwing away bits of papers in the drawer when suddenly, a photo of herself with Hye Sung when they visit Tokyo for their mini vacation.

The door went open, and Jae In was surprised. She hides the photo under the file.

“ You should knock before you enter. Come in. “ Jae In said.

The guy turns out to be Dong Wan. Dong Wan looked around and saw that the room was in a mess.

“ So, do you need help with the cleaning? I’m good in cleaning anyways. “ Dong Wan asked.

“ Alright then. So could you help he bring down that box there? Since I’m wearing a dress, I could climb up right? “ Jae In said, pointing to the box placed at the top of the bookshelf.

Dong Wan took a ladder and climb up the get the box. He brings down the box and gave it to Jae In.

“ Thanks. “ Jae In thanked him and place all the items that she would not be using into the box, and place it under the table.

After a few hours, the room was clean and tidy.

“ Thanks for helping. So as a reward, I’ll buy you lunch. “ Jae In said.

“ You don’t have to anyways. By the way, I’m Dong Wan. “  Dong Wan introduced himself.

Second update for the day. Hope you guys like it. And sorry if it's kinda short. I don't like mute readers, so please comment. Love you all :*

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aznfangirl_ #1
Chapter 15: asdfghjkl cliffhanger! thanks for the update!
Chapter 15: OMG! aeifhpiwqbef. Still have no idea what to say about this chapter, just.... ahhh. But this chapt is really getting the mood out there! keep it up!
paigehk #3
Chapter 15: can't wait for the mystery to be continued and solved. Keep it up!!!
paigehk #4
Chapter 6: Lol Dongwan and JungHyuk took it too seriously. Giving out a business card to a stranger is weird, but not that bad...I think. Anyways, back to reading now
Chapter 14: Minwoo, change, you are the master! hahahaha! Special stupid=awesome composer~~ Update this soon!
aznfangirl_ #6
Chapter 14: awesome~ I feel like I'll be in this situation after I graduate high school and then graduate university 10 years later. thanks for the update!~
aznfangirl_ #7
Chapter 13: hands down man. Minwoo is forever fabulooooouusssss~~
Chapter 10: CUTE>_< update this soooooon!!!
Chapter 10: Omo! Eric, Dongwan and Andy were so mean to Minbong bad then Dx I guess now that he's gone they're trying to make up for it?
aznfangirl_ #10
Chapter 9: OMG LOL. Love how Jae In was just like O_O

awesome update! thanks author-nim!~