Ten ♡

The Detectives • discontinued •

“ Hye Sung, wake up. You are going to late for school. “ Mrs. Shin tried to wake her sleepy son.

“ Five more minutes mum. Five more minutes. “  Hye Sung mumbled.

“ Wake up now or you won’t get to go to the school annual concert. “ Mrs. Shin said as she walked out from the room.

“ School annual concert?! “ Hye Sung opened his eyes as big as he could and jumped out of bed.

He rushed to the bathroom and get ready. He pinned his ‘Student Leader’ badge on his collar and grabbed his bag and walked towards the dining room.

Mrs. Shin prepared Hye Sung’s favourite snack of all times, kimbap with extra sesame oil and seeds.

After having his breakfast he walked to school, which is a few kilometers from his house. As he walked towards the entrance, he bumped onto his close friend, Choong Jae.

Both of them walked towards their classroom. They walked towards their seats when they saw Min Woo. Their classmates were teasing Min Woo who were sitting at his seat quietly as he was reading his textbook.

“ I bet he don’t understand what’s the book is about. “ Jung Hyuk, the arrogant class president that turns to a nice and trustworthy lawyer 17 years later.

“ Yeah, he needs to eat more walnuts. Min Woo-ah, 6 times 7? “ Dong Wan . Both Jung Hyuk and Dong Wan laughed.

“ Stop it before he starts crying and runs towards his mother. “ Andy, who were sitting at the back of the class said.

The whole class starts laughing except for Hye Sung and Choong Jae. Min Woo stood up and walked away from the class.

“ Go and run to your mummy~ Special Stupid. “ Jung Hyuk teased.

Being a best friend to Min Woo, Choong Jae stood up from his seat and followed Min Woo.

“ You guys are seriously way too much. “ Choong Jae said as he leaves the class.

Choong Jae followed Min Woo to the restroom.

“ Why on Earth did you follow me? You want to tease me? “ Min Woo mumbled.

Choong Jae placed his arms onto Min Woo’s shoulders.

“ No, for what I tease my best friend right? “ Choong Jae said.

Min Woo smiled.

“ Thanks Choong Jae. You are seriously my one and only friend that I could trust completely. “ Min Woo hugged Choong Jae.

“ So, are you going to practice for the dance for the concert after school? “ Choong Jae.

Min Woo looked at Choong Jae.

“ Of course. I want to show them that even though I not good in my education, I still could dance very well. “ Min Woo laughed.

Both of them walked back to class together.

“ Hey! Special Stupid is back. “ Dong Wan laughed.

Hye Sung who were sitting at his seat and were observing everything finally stood up and walked to Dong Wan.

“ I have seriously have no idea what Min Woo did to you that you have to be so mean and everyday. Just put yourself into his shoe. Will you be happy when someone teased you about your flaws? No! “ Hye Sung grabbed Dong Wan’s collar.

“ What do you seriously want Hye Sung? Don’t interfere with this ok. It’s my problem whether I want to tease that Special Stupid. So just get lost. “ Dong Wan pushed Hye Sung away.

“ If you guys seriously wants to fight, go and fight somewhere else. Not in this classroom. “ a voice walked in. Turns out to be Mr. Jung, their homeroom teacher.

“ I’m sorry that I couldn’t defend you. “ Hye Sung whispered to Min Woo’s ear before walking back to his seats.

“ Alright class, I will be giving out last week’s test papers. Choong Jae and Hyo Ri, can both of you help me to give it to the class. I need to settle some urgent stuff in the office. “ Mr. Jung passed the papers to Hyo Ri and Choong Jae.


Lee Min Woo
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Choong Jae sighed and passed the paper to Min Woo.

“ You improved a bit Min Woo. Keep up the good work. “ Choong Jae whispered.

Min Woo used to get single digits for all his test and examinations but this time, he shows some signs of improvements.

Hello, I'm back like finally with Chapter 10~~ Hope you guys like this chapter. Basically it is just a flashback during their high school days ^^

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aznfangirl_ #1
Chapter 15: asdfghjkl cliffhanger! thanks for the update!
Chapter 15: OMG! aeifhpiwqbef. Still have no idea what to say about this chapter, just.... ahhh. But this chapt is really getting the mood out there! keep it up!
paigehk #3
Chapter 15: can't wait for the mystery to be continued and solved. Keep it up!!!
paigehk #4
Chapter 6: Lol Dongwan and JungHyuk took it too seriously. Giving out a business card to a stranger is weird, but not that bad...I think. Anyways, back to reading now
Chapter 14: Minwoo, change, you are the master! hahahaha! Special stupid=awesome composer~~ Update this soon!
aznfangirl_ #6
Chapter 14: awesome~ I feel like I'll be in this situation after I graduate high school and then graduate university 10 years later. thanks for the update!~
aznfangirl_ #7
Chapter 13: hands down man. Minwoo is forever fabulooooouusssss~~
Chapter 10: CUTE>_< update this soooooon!!!
Chapter 10: Omo! Eric, Dongwan and Andy were so mean to Minbong bad then Dx I guess now that he's gone they're trying to make up for it?
aznfangirl_ #10
Chapter 9: OMG LOL. Love how Jae In was just like O_O

awesome update! thanks author-nim!~