The Kingkas

Loving A Geek Like Me

(Miinah’s P.O.V)

“So you came from florida?” Yuri asked as she nibbled a stick pocky.

“Yeah.. we had to move here at Seoul because of my mother’s request to live here.“ I got one of the pocky sticks that they offered me & also nibbled it.

“Hmmm.. so that means you just moved to korea just because your mom just wants to?” It was Seohyun who asked me this time.

“Yeah, my dad remained in florida to managed our businesses.” I took another pocky stick.

Yuri smirked at me playfully.“So your family is rich.” She also nibbled another pocky stick.

“Um” I paused and got another pocky stick. “Well.. we’re not really rich.”

“Yeah right. Like we would believe you, Min-ah” Yuri rolled her eyes then laughed while nibbling on her 3rd pocky stick.

“Yeah~” Seohyun agreed on what Yuri said and nibbled her 1st pocky stick. “Hey! How come there is only one more pocky stick left in the box?!”

Yuri & I looked at each other then smiled sheepishly at Seohyun.

“Mianhe, Seohyun-ah.” Yuri tilted her head and apologized to Seohyun cutely. “It looks like you had another friend who is a pocky eating monster”

We three laughed heartily. Its nice making friends with these two girls, I never had a friend before so its nice knowing them.

I stopped laughing when another girl from our class shouted. “The Kingka’s are arriving!”

My jaw dropped when I saw hundred of girls crowded the hallway.

“Oh, the Kingka’s are here.” Yuri uttered.

“What are Kingka’s?”

“They are the kings of the schools, all five of them.” Seohyun answered while her eyes focused outside the classroom.

“Oh.. like they are the most popular boys in the school.. I see..” I also focused at the crowds outside the classroom.

Ooohh.. they have many fangirls huh..


(Onew’s P.O.V)

“Ugh… another day with the annoying girls” I whispered at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun looked at me puzzled. “What’s wrong with it? Aren’t you happy that girls are chasing us?”

That sentence earned Jonghyun a smacked in the head by each of the members excluding himself.

“It’s disturbing, hyung!” Taemin whined. ”Do you know that they always stalk me every time I go to the men’s bathroom! Aaahh! They are so annoying!”

“Yeah! I agree with Taeminnie! They are annoying the hell out of me!” Key second the motion. “did you know that last week they bombarded my locker with bras, candies, chocolates, letters & y pictures of them!”

All of us laughed at what Key said.

“Hey! What’s funny?!” Key said with a frown.

“Um.. Key-ah, do you always lock your locker?” Minho asked Key.

Key’s face turned red. “OMO!~ That’s why they can place it inside my locker! I always forget to lock it!”

This caused us to laughed louder.

“Come on, let’s get to class.” I said to them. “We would be late if we won’t get going now.”

“Yeah let’s go~” The other four chorused.


(still ONEW’s P.O.V)

“Yaaahh!! Oppa!!”

“Key-oppa! Look at me!”

“Minho-oppa!! Marry me!”

“Taemin-oppa!!! PLAY with me! Aah!!”

“Aren’t they getting tired?” I scrunched my face as I whisper to Key who was walking beside me.

Key sighed. “I think they are not hyung.”

“Hyung, can we ran inside the room now?” Taemin looked at me pleading for us to run for our lives.

I sighed. “Okay, on my count let’s run towards the room..”





We ran catching our breaths just to get out of these girls clutches.


(Miinah’s P.O.V)

The three of us laughed when we saw the five guys running towards the room.

“See how they run for their lives~” Yuri said then she chuckled.

“But.. they look like they need some help..” I said at them with pity.

“They don’t actually need it. They are already adjusted to those girls.” Seohyun said.


We looked again at the boys who are now inside the classroom catching their breaths. Yuri & Seohyun stood up they asked me to stand up too & before I knew it they were dragging me towards the five boys.

“Good morning oppas!” Yuri greeted them with a smile on her face.

“Oh, morning Yuri-ah~” A guy with a black slightly spiked hair greeted back at Yuri.

“Morning Yuri, morning Seohyun.” A cute guy with long hair greeted the two with a big grin.

Aww.. he looked so cute.. like a child.

“Oh, who’s this girl?” Another long haired guy with a black hair band asked and then he smiled at me. “Anyong, Lee Jinki imnida. Just call me Onew~”

I smiled shyly at him while lowering my head. “A-anyong.. Cho Miinah imnida~”

“I’m Lee Taemin!~” The cheerful child-like guy introduced.

“Anyong~ Kim Kibum imnida. Key for you.” Another cute guy introduced himself.

“Hey! Aren’t you the girl that helped Minho this morning?” The guy with the spiked hair exclaimed. “By the way I’m Jonghyun~”


I was startled when I saw the guy that I helped this morning. So.. he’s a kingka?

He smiled at me. “Anyong~ Choi Minho imnida~.. just call me oppa.” Then he winked at me.

Ehh?! Did he just winked at me?!


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Chapter 22: keep safe in your pratices unnie!
and hope you can update soon..
really hwaiting for this update :)
zeasbabybana #3
Chapter 22: This story is great.I like it.Hope you'll update soon. :)
Updat soon
Wahhh, This Is An Awesome Fanfic!! I Just Got To Chapter 6 But Its Awesome, Keep Writing! FIGHTING :D
OMG, its been so long. -.- You're not updating. T^T I love this fiction you know. ): I cried once when reading it. I am too sensitive i guess. xD LOL, UPDATE PUH-LEASE? :D
Hey , it's been so long already . How's practice ? xD <br />
Anyway , please update soon ~ ! <3
Nooooo ! Lol jk. Don't worry about us readers, we can wait...or not xD Focus on your dance/ gymnastics and do your best. We'll be waiting for the next chappie :)
Poor Minho... he always falls for someone but some other member always confesses first </3 I wish she would like Minho... :( so sad :(<br />
cool story tho :) and don't over stress yourself :D we can wait <3
And chap 14 is Minho's date in SHINee's yunhanam >.<<br />
SO funny you used them :))