The 13th wife
Day 2 of work for Eunjoo : HER POV : Uwahhh >< ... I want to cry !!! I have a lotttt of work to doooo !!! They all went for lunch break already !!! And im not even half done !! *sigh* ... Looks like I have to skip lunch today even though my stomach says otherwise. .. andas if on cue , it growled. Oh well. I can survive. I ate a very heavy supper yesterday anyway. I can ssurvive a whole day without food! Or so she thought. By the end of the day , she actually skipped all three meals . She finished exactly at 12am in the morning . She couldn't possibly catch a bus - or a cab either - this late in the night ! So she had no choice but to walk home. On the way home , she kept having a feeling that someone was following her. However , every time she turned her head , no one was there. She thought. Strange... I thought there was someone ? Ah ... maybe I was too tired. She thought nothing of it and continued walking just as she was ougside the house someone pushed hwr against the wall . " Don't you dare move , young lady . One step and you wil.... " Someone hissed in her ear but before that person could continue , someone had already punched the hell out of him. E u njoo however , was weak as she had not been eating or drinking , for the whole day. She had been non stop working , and the thought thaf she could survive for a day lile that . Boy was she wrong. As she felt her conscious slipping away from her and awaited to meet yhe cold hard floor . However, she ffelt someone's warm embrace , and the words , " Eunjoo-ah , don't fall asleep ! Eunjoo ! Eunjoo... " and she could hear nothing more. ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ When she woke up , she wasn't in her room . The bed she was once sleeping on was soft , and way more comfy than her bed. She immediately shot up but fell back down on the bed due to her weak body . She then heard a voice. That angelic voice " You woke up ? " She turned and saw her boss and host sitting on a chair with a table of paperwork on it. " Mr Byun ! " She yelped . " im really sorry ! I shouldn't have fallen asleep on your bed . Here , let me sort your papers out.. " She stood up and fought the urge to fall back on the bed . She was about to touch his papers when he. Gripped her hand. " Eunjoo , rest. Or at least sit on the bed. " She had no choice but to sit on his bed. He then asked her something which made her freeze. " Eunjoo-yah , why did u you do other people's work ? And why did you skip eating for a day? Do you know how worried I was when I say you almost beinv , helpless ? " Darn it . I thought he wouldn't notice. .... I'm definitely in deep . He continued with a few more questions when she did not answer his first few questions after a sigh. " Why didn't you tell me you were the Lee's Daughter ? You know that they are looking for you aren't they ? " O.M.G. I'm officially done for. I have to run again. " And don't you dare think of running , young lady. Because I'm your husband. "
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saphire27 #1
Chapter 16: Love this storyy
jessicalovepooh #2
Chapter 16: Update pls,your story is excellent ^^ I like your storyline^^
Angela821 #3
Chapter 16: Please update soon!^^
KewlBeansQuxxn #4
Chapter 16: AMAZZZZING
kally_love08 #5
Chapter 15: finally you update!!! Hopefully you will update on their progress. Hopefully they can be together again :D
ddio23 #6
Chapter 14: Baekhyun! Hurry!
Sterlinglight123 #7
Chapter 14: Pls update soon!! What happened to eunjoo??*.*
Jjkyungp #8
Chapter 14: I'm the first that read chapter 14... and please update soonnnnnnnnnnnnn~ please please please
ddio23 #9
Chapter 13: Please update~
Cuz I love this story~