The 13th wife
' Wow , this unit is fabulous ! ' Eunjoo thought . The house or office , eunjoo don't know which , was mighty grand . She knocked on the giant door "Hello , is anyone home ? I am the peoson who is looking for a job about being a secretary-maid and someone asked me to meet him here ! " A male opened the door . He had doe-like eyes , a cute little nose and small lips . A cause of perfection . Wow... this guy is cute and handsome . She managed to still speak though , good . "Umm... i was the one who called and someone wanted me to meet him here . " she managed to squeak "Oh , you meant baekhyun ? " That should be his name.... "Baekhyun ah , a CUTE GIRL IS STANDING OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR !!! " Eunjoo Blushed. How can he call me cute when i'm not even cute ? Then someone came to the door as soon as the first guy disappeared . This guy though , was cuter that the first guy . He had sparkling eyes , a wonderful smile that could sweep anyone off their feets anytime , anywhere . " Hi , i was the one who called you , i suppouse its you ? " Eunjoo asked nervously ... "Well , Yes ! ^^ please come this way . "And that eyesmile again . God , thanks a lot ! I found A guy that is perfect for me , thank you ! Eunjoo thought . But what she didn't know was that he was her husband . Sad , right ? He broght her to a well decorated room . " This will be your room from now on ! Can you start work today ? " Eunjoo enthusiastically replied " Yes , Of Course ! " " Great ! Be ready in an hour and i will bring you to the office. " Oh well , good luck on being on your own , Eunjoo . She thought.
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saphire27 #1
Chapter 16: Love this storyy
jessicalovepooh #2
Chapter 16: Update pls,your story is excellent ^^ I like your storyline^^
Angela821 #3
Chapter 16: Please update soon!^^
KewlBeansQuxxn #4
Chapter 16: AMAZZZZING
kally_love08 #5
Chapter 15: finally you update!!! Hopefully you will update on their progress. Hopefully they can be together again :D
ddio23 #6
Chapter 14: Baekhyun! Hurry!
Sterlinglight123 #7
Chapter 14: Pls update soon!! What happened to eunjoo??*.*
Jjkyungp #8
Chapter 14: I'm the first that read chapter 14... and please update soonnnnnnnnnnnnn~ please please please
ddio23 #9
Chapter 13: Please update~
Cuz I love this story~