Chapter XIV

Scent of Cheese and Wine

Chapter XIV


Mia looked around and she saw her friends, well two groups of friends at lunch. She wanted to hangout with both of them. It was either hangout when Lay folks, or hang out with Luhan folks. She normally alternated between eating lunch with both of the groups.


Why couldn’t she have both?


    “How much do I mean to you?” she asked Lay one day during class. They had music theory class together.


    “You matter the world to me Mia, why?” Lay said innocently. He truly meant it, and Mia could sincerely tell he meant it from the bottom of his heart.


“So, would you do whatever for me? Even if it goes against something you believe in?” Mia asked and Lay nodded.


“You matter so much to me Mia, although I haven’t known you very long. I feel like, you have a positive healing energy, almost like a Unicorn.” He chuckled.


“That’s reassuring to know that I am like a Unicorn. Frankly, I really like Unicorns, they’re super cute and adorable.” Mia chuckled and smiled at Lay. He smiled back.


Lay swore Mia’s smile was some sort of healing power. Whenever he felt a bit down and he saw Mia’s smile he would instantly feel better. Mia was the kind of girl that was always kind to everyone, although he could tell she did get fed up with some people. Mia’s vibes were gentle and welcoming, which made anyone open up to her.


Heck, even Kai opened up to Mia. That was something Lay had not seen Kai do in a very long time.


Lay thought Mia’s smile reminded him of a Unicorn, he couldn’t put his finger on it, but it always reminded him of how a Unicorn is happy, and they’re found in pure happiness. It’s a reminder of the innocent childhood bliss.


“How about everyone else? Would they do something for me, even though it went against whatever they believed in?” Mia asked and Lay nodded without skipping a beat.


“Of course. We all care for you Mia.” Lay said with confidence. He was a hundred percent sure everyone else felt the same way. Mia had all of them open up, and for Lay he had not seen that since a couple of years ago.


“Yay~! Thank you Lay!” Mia beamed at Lay and Lay just smiled back showing off his dimple.


“So, what is this favor you want us to do?” Lay asked as they walked to get ice cream along with Kyungsoo, Suho and Tao. It was now afterschool and Mia was currently being interrogated.


“Well, if it’s not too much trouble, do you guys want to go to Lotte World on Saturday? I feel like we only hangout during school, you know?” Mia asks as she examines the different flavors.


“Sure!” Tao quickly shouted as he bear hugs Mia. “We should always hangout Noona!” Tao grins from ear to ear.


“Great! Let’s meet at around Nine o’clock? Is that a good time?” Mia asks looking at the group and they all nod.


“This will be so fun! I haven’t been to Lotte World in forever!” Lay comments with a smile.




“So,” Mia said as she stirred her drink looking at the man next to her. The model man in front of her.


“So,” He responded looking at her directly as he propped his elbow on the couch’s arm, leaning his head against his hand.


“How much do you care about me?” Mia asked tilting her head.


“I care so much about you it’s out of the world. It goes from here and out to the galaxy for how much I care about you.” He responded.


“Would you go as far as to do something out of your way for me, even though it meant going against everything you believe in?” she asked and he nodded.


“I’d break the law for you, for we committed the perfect crime you know?” He sent a greasy wink to Mia, and which she responded with a roll of her eyes.


“Yeah Yeah Yeah you greasy . I stole your heart, you stole mine. Big deal.” Mia said totally killing his pickup line which caused him to pout.


“You sure love to kill fun, don’t you Mia?” he sarcastically asked and Mia just put on a big grin on her face. “Well, beside that, I would. Even if it went against all your morals.”


“Really? Wow, that means a lot to me my ferocious little Dragon.” Mia sincerely thanked and the other responds with a nod.


“Of course I’d do anything for my bestest friend ever.” He gave her a huge gummy smile and Mia just laughs at his smile, because his smile is so genuine she cannot help but smile.


“You would Kris, you would. You’re so freaking lame.” Mia groaned and Kris lazily looks at Mia and slings his arm around her. “So, are you and your posse free on Saturday?” Mia asked and Kris raised one of his furry brows at her.


“Yeah, we are. We keep that day open to chill, normally at my house. Why babe? Want to steal me away on a date?” Kris cheekily asked, in response he gets a slap to the chest by Mia.


“No of course not you creep.” Mia dramatically rolled her eyes as she leans on Kris’s chest as his arm his now fully around her as his hand rubs her arm up and down in a soothing motion.


“Of course, and that’s why we’re sitting together in a couple-like position about to binge watch your favorite series of K-dramas, which happens to be a sappy romantic comedy called Boys Over Flowers.” His sarcastic comment is replied with another dramatic eyeroll from Mia.


“Yes, you lazy dragon. Because you wanted to hangout and said we could do whatever.” Mia snarled back playfully as she looks up at Kris.


“So, date, you and me, Saturday?” Kris laughed and Mia looks like she’s about to die. So she responds by stealing Kris’s phone and sending text messages to people.


Kris honestly doesn’t care, Mia knows he is practically an angel in her eyes. It’s not like his stash is on his phone.

He’s not stupid.

He keeps it on his computer of course.


“Kay, well everyone said they’re free on Saturday. So, I told them to meet at Lotte World at 9 o’clock on Saturday. YOu better be there!” Mia playfully reminded him holding a threatening finger at him.


“Got it wifey, now calm your balls and lets start watching this sappy and painfully cute K-drama.” Kris groaned as he presses play on the remote so they could continue watching the drama.




Luhan was bored today. He was stopping his ways, or trying to. It was hard for him. He wished he could be at a club today but he promised himself he start changing. It was for him and for Mia.

So here he was, currently at a practice room at S.M, afterschool. He had the music blasting in the room as he practiced his dancing as well as singing. He figured if he’s going to stop his ways, he should find something more productive to do, like practice.


From: My Sunshine

Are you free on Saturday?

[Sent at 9:15 PM]


From: Lulu Deer

Yeah I am (*^▽^*) did you want to hangout or something?

[Sent at 9:15 PM]


From: My Sunshine

Great! Want to meet at Lotte World at around 9 AM? I haven’t been there in forever .___.

[Sent at 9:15 PM]


From: Lulu Deer

Sure! Should I pick you up? :D

[Sent at 9:15 PM]


From: My Sunshine

Nah, I’ll meet you there. See you there tomorrow (:

[Sent at 9:16 PM]


Luhan squealed with joy.


He was going on a date with Mia, this a victory in his books. He looked at the club and sprinted in the other direction towards his house.


He was going to honor his resolve.


He was going to avoid clubs, and drinking, and become the man Mia would want to be around.




07/06/15: Oh is all I have to say (; Mia is living dangerously~~~ Chapter 15 is sure to be interesting~~~

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081715 chapter 17 is out~ Scent of Cheese and Wine


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