
Mirrored Selves

The weeks passed by suddenly. One by one, as soon as the month of August approached, the students of Tomoe Gakuen were busy preparing the school for the annual Rose Ball.


The Special Class Students were in charge of decorating the grand ballroom. Of course, girls naturally flocked towards the area where EXO was working at and a few boys were gathering toward where Hime was at.


Mei simply sighed at the scene unravelling in front of her eyes. She had chosen to work on the table skirting for the buffet that evening. She had been working with a girl named Miyoung, the silent girl who was sitting in front of her. Since these two barely stand out from the crowd, here they found themselves working in a soothing silence.


Mei didn’t know why, but it seemed that she had found the essence of a true friend in Miyoung.


“Mei-ssi. Can you please pass the thumb tacks here?” Miyoung asks from the opposite side of the table. She had long black hair that fell down up to her shoulders and her brown eyes sparkled with happiness behind her glasses. One could mistake her and Mei as twins; save for Mei always ties her hair in braids.


“Sure.” Mei swiftly pins the rose on the table before lightly placing the box of tacks on the table. “Thanks!” Miyoung answers.


Mei stood up and stepped back to admire her work. The alternating colours of red and pink fabric decorated the long buffet table. White roses adorn every corner of the design and a enormous bouquet of assorted colours of roses served as the centrepiece.


“Finally, it’s done!” Miyoung exclaims from the other side. Mei smiled a little and let her gaze trail towards where the EXO members were at; they were in charge of hanging the curtains but they were unable to start since the girls were hanging out with them.


“Pssh. It’s the only two of us but we managed to complete the skirting of 2 buffet tables, while those guys… haven’t even started yet.” Mei commented off-handedly in a monotone voice, causing Miyoung to giggle slightly.


“Every year with them is like that Mei-ssi. Never mind them.” Miyoung replied. “Say, do you already have a partner for tonight’s event?”


Mei gulped anxiously and without knowing it, her cheeks began to flush pink. She strayed her gaze and managed to stare at Sehun, who was busy trying to hang the purple duvet curtains on the curtain rod.


“Y-yeah… Sort of…” Mei stated. Miyoung’s eyes sparkled as she approached her. “Lucky you. Who is it though?” Miyoung asked.


“Promise not to tell?” Mei replied, darting her gazes towards Sehun’s numerous fan girls, who were cooing and doing cutesy actions to catch the brunette’s attention (to which he responded with a roll of his eyes and pretended not to notice their existence).


“I swear~” Miyoung replied. Mei sighs a bit before dropping her voice to barely a whisper. “It’s Sehun.”


Miyoung gaped, her lips technically forming an ‘o’. “WHAAA--- AS IN SE--mmph!”


Before she could finish tough, Mei cleverly slapped her palm to Miyoung’s mouth. “Shh! Not so loud!”


The other girl nodded and Mei hesitantly took her palm off . “Seriously?” Miyoung remarks slowly, and Mei’s eyes darted around nervously.


“Y-yeah~” Mei bites her lower lip shyly and concentrates on dusting her skirt. “Waah~ I’m envious~ Scoring a point on one of the most wanted crushes here~” Miyoung mumbles as she stands up beside Mei.


Mei spots a chair and starts to sit on it, dragging another one, gesturing for Miyoung to sit on it, to which the girl gladly complied to.


“I obviously had no choice. If it was possible, I could have skipped attending it. Too much trouble.” Mei mumbles lazily as she blew a raspberry.


Miyoung giggles slightly. “That’s the academy’s rules~ Attending formal events like this one is mandatory.” The girl fixes her glasses and gazes at someone in the corner.


“I wanted Luhan to ask me though…” Miyoung sighs dreamily, and in a whisper. However, the sharp hearing of Mei didn’t miss on that last sentence.


“You have a crush on Luhan?” Mei remarks bluntly and the other girl’s ears immediately turned red. Mei smiles slightly. “Don’t worry~ Your secret is safe with me.” The brunette winks.


“Ah! I-it’s not like I have a crush on--!” The other girl starts to protest, but a smooth voice gently interrupts their conversation.


“Excuse me, but can I borrow Miyoung for a second?”


It was Luhan.


Mei smiled playfully at Miyoung who in turn was red as a tomato. “Well~ Speaking of which, I need to get some forms from the teacher today~ As in, now.” Mei remarks.


Miyoung gasped, “Mei-ssi! Don’t leave me~” She whines. Mei shrugs and stands up. She turns to face Luhan, and flashes him a grin.


“I’ll leave you two then~” Mei takes a small curtsey, and offers the seat to Luhan. The male gave her an amused smirk. “Sure. Thanks~”


Now I see why Sehun’s interested in her. She is one of a kind. Luhan thoughts as he took a seat next to Miyoung.


The girl immediately stiffened. “Y-yeah?”


Luhan smiled. How cute. “Would you do the honor of being my ball date?”



Mei surveyed the scene from outside the grand hall, taking peeks at the huge wooden door. She chuckled to herself.


Lucky you, Miyoung. You’ll be the envy of all the other girls of the school~


“Why are you smiling like that? Did something good happen?”


Mei immediately froze at the sound of that suave voice, and she turned around, only to find herself face to face with the person who manages to distort her thoughts every now and then: Sehun.


He was looking directly at her with those beautiful eyes of his, although he was giving her a blank face.


“You… stop scaring me less…” Mei inhaled air sharply, glaring at him through her peripheral vision.


The male ruffled his hair and shrugs his shoulders in reply. Cocky bastard.


“What do you want, by the way?” Mei hisses, crossing her arms in front of her chest while raising a questioning eyebrow at him.


“I was just about to remind you about the affair tonight…” Sehun mumbled in monotone. Mei shrugged. “Fine. I got it. I’ll be your date or whatever tonight.”


She waves a hand towards him dismissively and starts to walk past him when he suddenly grabs her arm and pulls her toward him, her face crashing against his chest.


“Yah! What are you doing?!” Mei exclaims and tries to struggle out of his grip, but he held her firmly against him. She inhaled sharply as she felt his fingers playing with her braids and he rested his hands on her waist, pulling her close to him.


The two of them were sharing an embrace. In the middle of the corridor, alone.


Why is he doing this? But strangely… I can’t bring myself to pull away… Mei thoughts awkwardly and inhaled his scent. Her eyes fixed at his deliciously, lean neck and she had half a mind to his blood at that moment, the two of them being alone at the corridor… with no one being able to notice…


She stood on her tiptoes and pushed her face close to his neck, when she felt his hands leave her waist and he pulled back. Mei snapped out her delusion and immediately blushed.


“Why… why did you do that?” She asked him, and again, he flashed his poker face. His eyes however were laced with an unknown emotion.

“To be honest… I don’t know either.” Sehun whispered, and he lowered his head towards her, his face inches away from hers, and getting closer.


Is he… is he going to kiss me?  But why??? Mei thinks, and unconsciously she was about to close her eyelids, but thankfully, before anything could happen to the both of them, the hall’s doors opened, revealing a flustered Miyoung.


“Mei-ssi! You could never guessed what—hey, what are you two doing?” Miyoung started but stopped when she saw the two in a very awkward position.


The two’s eyes immediately widened and they steeped away from each other.


“Was I… interrupting something?” Miyoung cautiously asked, and Mei rapidly shook her head.


“No, you weren’t! What were you saying a while ago, though?” Me quickly changed the topic. While she did this, Sehun muttered. “I’ll be going first.”


He walked inside the hall, leaving the two girls. Miyoung flashed Mei a knowing smile. “Did you two… kiss?”


“HAH?! HELL NO!” Mei immediately screeched, her face turning red. Miyoung laughed. Mei glared daggers at her and pouted. “What were you about to say earlier?”


“Luhan asked me out.” Miyoung smiled as her cheeks were slightly tinted pink. Mei blinked rapidly and clasped Miyoung’s hands. “Congrats!! You did a great job of seducing him~”


“Yah!” Miyoung protested. “I didn’t seduce him—“


“I was just kidding! Sheesh~” Mei laughed, and Miyoung couldn’t help but laugh along too.


Amidst their happiness, the school bell rang, signalling the day’s early dismissal. The school decided to give the students opportune time to dress up for the annual gala tonight.


Miyoung looked at her wristwatch. “I think it’s time. Hey, let’s go to school together okay? I’ll pick you up at your house later Where do you live?”


Mei laughed softly. “Are you planning to be my date instead of Luhan? You’re acting like you want to chauffeur me.”


Miyoung sighed. “We’re friends right? It’s only natural that I help you.” She flashed a smile.


Friend, huh?


That word sounds nice…


Mei didn’t know but she started to feel warm inside. She flashed her a smile. “Sure~ Just pick me up at the park near the school. My apartment’s near there.”


Miyoung smiled and nodded. “Well, see you later~”


The young girl trotted off the corridors as Mei waved goodbye at her.


“You made a friend I see~ You’re already replacing me?”


The sickly sweet voice of Hime reached her ears as Mei turned around.


The brunette glared at the blonde who was wearing a childish pout.


“Since when did we become friends in the first place?” Mei hissed, baring her fangs slightly at the smiling blonde in front of her.


Hime smirked. “But you know… that girl~ She has a nice scent~” She her bottom lip after saying this. Mei’s eyes widened and she immediately clenched her hands into fists.


“DON’T YOU EVER TOUCH HER.” Mei hissed, and Hime simply flashed a taunting smirk.


Mei had the urge to pull out the gun that she had strapped to her leg that time and just shoot this damn vampire dead.


Hime immediately took notice of her sudden alertness, and she growled lowly.


“One wrong movement and I’ll definitely kill you this time. You do know how painful it is to get hit by this.” Mei threatened, glaring the vampire in front of her.

Hime hissed only. “Tsk. We’ll see then.”


In a blink of an eye, the vampire disappeared. Mei sighed and her face turned serious as she walked back to the classroom.


I couldn’t risk anyone important to me.


Author’s Note: Heeeeeyyyyyaaaa chingus!! I am so sorry for this crappy update! I was so tired when I wrote this, since I came home from a community outreach program. I was totally exhausted but I managed to write this after the overflowing of feels~


     See you guys again maybe tomorrow, after I post the next update~ Byeeee~~ xoxo 

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Oops! I think I made a typo on this chapter~ Mei's eyes are obsidian (sort of a greyish black) and not brown~ there! Chapter 11 typo fixed~


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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 4: omg!!!!! please update soon i love it!!! <33
Chapter 1: Waaaa, please update soon...^^