
Mirrored Selves

“The value of x is equivalent to the sum of y and z and thus you’ll be able to obtain an answer of…”




Mei closed her eyes, boredom washing over her body as the Math professor rambled on some terms and words she couldn’t understand. She tried not to sleep through his class and managed to keep herself awake by eating mint candies throughout the period. Now that his class was still in session for another fifteen minutes, she just settled in for a nap, having run out of candies to keep her awake.


Her gaze strayed towards the profile of her classmates: the nerds in front were furiously scribbling and taking down notes and were asking questions one after the other; the females who had no interest were secretly applying nail polish underneath their desks and the gamers were desperately hiding their PSP’s and gadgets underneath as well to be able to level up or something.


Mei sighed. She had expected the top fifty students to be a bunch of nerds but instead they were behaving like normal students as well. At least I’ll be able to mingle with a bunch of sane people rather than hanging out with a bunch of wackos who only speak of some scientific or mathematical theorem and all that .


Her eyes strayed to the seat on her left. It was Sehun’s desk, and he was absent-mindedly looking out of the window as if in a daze. She found herself staring at his side profile: his angled cheekbones, down to his collarbones, particularly his neck where she felt the blood pulse underneath. She hadn’t known that she was staring at him for so long until his brown eyes met hers steadily.


Realizing the fact, she quickly looked away and her cheeks blushed stupidly as she did so. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sehun raising an eyebrow questioningly at her demeanour as he shook his head, mindlessly flipping through his book.


Mei Suzuki, did you just blush? Well, damn. Mei thought furiously as she leaned her head against her folded arms, trying to close her eyes and just drift off to dreamland. She shut her eyes, sleep carefully numbing her senses, but her nose quickly caught an unknown scent.


Sniffing cautiously, it had the distinct smell similar to a dog’s. Her eyes carefully shifted outside the window. Her sharp vision allowed her to make out a tiny figure of a human clothed in black, a hood covering its face. It was clutching a Glock .45 in its right hand, obviously loaded with what she realized as silver. Mei’s eyes widened so slightly, body tensing with caution and anxiety as the hooded figure crept behind a tree.


As if sensing Mei’s gaze, it quickly sprinted away from where it hid. Her eyes followed the figure’s agile movements until it was out of sight. She had half a mind to track it down later and she still continued to stare at the running figure.


The school bell rang. Mei snapped out of her reverie and turned in time just to hear the teacher say, “Class dismissed…


Mei narrowed her gaze as she clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into the palm of her hands. The scent belonged to no other than a Hunter.



Students were swarming the school’s hallways just as the last period bell rang. Mei had waited until the last student went out before she lazily stuffed her things into her backpack. That accomplished, she lazily kicked the chair back into place and walked outside of the classroom.


The hallways were now almost empty as fifteen minutes had passed before she waited for the people to clear out of the room. She walked briskly along the school’s corridors as thought after thought bugged her mind.


One. It’s getting hard to resist the smell of humans.


Two. My body is rejecting the tablets.


Three. A Hunter has figured out my location.


Mei sighed, tapping her forehead and massaging her temples to calm the signs of an incoming migraine. She couldn’t just dismiss the three things that were bugging her. She just heaved a sigh and stretched her arms. Well, I’ll just work something—


“Oh~ We meet again, Mei~”

Mei hissed lowly in annoyance as that familiar suave (and irritating) voice interrupted her train of thoughts. She glanced forward and her hunches were right. Kai and his EXO buddies were in front of her, the campus heartthrob leading the fray.


She forced a glum smile on her lips. “Oh. Hi. And well, bye.” She mumbled as she started to move past them but Kai held her shoulders back, much to her chagrin.


“Hey, hey~ Wait a minute~ What’s the rush, sweetheart?” He remarked smoothly and Mei almost threw up at the tone of his voice. Disgusting.


“I’ve gotta go somewhere else. And please get your hand off my shoulder.” She replied sharply and she caught the reaction of surprise from his friends. Kai , however, held his ground and kept his hand firmly planted on her shoulder.


“I just wanted to know more about you, Mei~” Kai flirted, his fingers tracing the outline of her back. Mei inwardly fumed.


This bastard should take his filthy hands off me or I’ll have no choice than to smash his skull on the nearest wall.


Mei slid out of his clutches and gave his hand a slight twist, making Kai wince in pain. “Hey--!” He starts but Mei cut him off. “You know what? Stop bothering me. off.”


His friends’ eyes widened, particularly that of Kyungsoo’s, whose eyes were practically as round as saucer plates and it seems like anytime it’ll fall. Kris and Xiumin were silently nodding in admiration, Tao was gaping and Sehun was eyeing her with a profound new interest.


Kai hissed lowly. “Why you bitc--!” Again, Mei cut him off with a smug grin. “Don’t even try to hit me. I could yank your arm off before you could touch me.” She flashed them one last glare as she walked past them and headed straight towards the school gates.



“Hyung… Did that girl just—“ Tao started but Kai cut him off. “Don’t dare to say anything maknae. I’m pissed.” He growled lowly as he ruffled his hair in annoyance.


“Feisty girl eh~ Seems like she’s a tough one.” Chanyeol commented and the others nodded in acknowledgement. “She’s one of a kind, I tell ya.” Baekhyun remarked.


Sehun smiled secretly. The prospect of Mei being able to resist Kai’s charms was piquing his interest. “She’s interesting.” He mumbled. Luhan looked at him quizzically. “Oh, really Sehun? Dude, I find her… odd.”


Sehun glared at him. “You heard me, hyung?” Luhan rolled his eyes and flicked Sehun on the forehead. “I’m not deaf, stupid.” Sehun hissed in annoyance. “Ow! Well, I think she interests me.”


Suho had materialized between the two and he commented, “Oh good news! The maknae is finally interested in a girl~” Sehun glared daggers at him before replying, “Hyung! What the are you saying?”


The others were on him in an instant.


“You do? Who?” Yixing asked, being the dense and forgetful person that he was. Baekhyun sighed. “Babo. The new girl, hyung. Suzuki-ssi.”


“Oh… Who is she again?” Yixing replied, making the other members face palm inwardly.


“Okay. Forget it. Look it’s getting late. I’m going home.” Sehun muttered, annoyed at the fuss his hyungs were mumbling about. He quickly walked past his hyungs…


Today was really a stressful day.



Her footsteps echoed noiselessly on the pavements. Mei sighed contentedly as she was glad to be away from the school and it’s usually noisy atmosphere. She continued to walk silently along the way…


Until a hand grabbed her shoulder and jerked her into the nearest alleyway.


She had barely time to gasp when the cold metal of a gun was placed on the side of her head. She flicked her gaze slightly: it was the same hooded figure that observed her in school. The Hunter.


She forced herself to be calm and she remarked, “What do you want?”


Mei hoped her voice didn’t waver as she spoke out the words.


“Don’t move or I’ll shoot your brains out.” The Hunter muttered, his voice in a deep drawl, obviously belonging to that of a male. She narrowed her eyes. “I am not going to repeat myself. What do you want?”


The Hunter refused to reply as he continued to drag her deeper into the dark recesses of the alley way. Mei didn’t try to struggle. One wrong move could trigger a wrong tactic, and soon it’ll be checkmate for her.


“I am talking to you; answer me, Hunter.” She hissed, and the Hunter slammed her against the wall, and she gasped sharply as the hard blow shook all the nerves in her body. He stared at her and she had seen that his eyes were a vivid green, greener than any of the emeralds she had ever seen. “I have no obligation to answer your question… vampire.” He replied, glaring at her with such intensity that she thought she would melt.


Mei smirked viciously. “Oh, really?” The Hunter looked at her, his face a puzzle of emotions as he had not expected this reply from her. Mei grinned. Gotcha.


In one swift movement, she had kicked him off her and practically disarmed him, sending his gun flying to the floor. The Hunter had reached for his blade to the sheath attached to his leg but was unable to do so, as Mei had both of his arms pinned on top of his head, rendering him useless. He looked at her, eyes gradually filling with terror. Mei looked at him in disgust.


“You’re too slow to be a Hunter.” She clicked her tongue lowly. “Too inexperienced.” Mei finished as she straddled him, earning a grunt from the male.


He glared at her, “Let me go, you monster.” He hissed.


Mei smiled playfully at him. “Why should I? You tried to kill me, and I’m sure you’d do it again.” Her eyes flashed momentarily with red and the Hunter trembled underneath her.


“What’s this? Putting up a brave front then acting scared? Oh, please.” Mei remarked, baring her fangs at the male as his eyes widened.


“St-stop!” He barely made the words out before Mei sunk one of her fingers on his neck, making a thin scratch. Blood flowed out, and the vampire her lips hungrily.


The male’s eyes were showing open fear. “I beg you! I was just ordered to kill you!”


Mei flashed a smug grin. “That won’t get you anywhere.” She chuckled softly before leaning in close to his ears. “How ironic. The hunter became the prey…”


The male was unable to respond as the vampire sunk her fangs into the flesh of his neck, drinking his life’s blood.


Mei feasted on his life source, enjoying as the sweet liquid ran down , quenching her thirst and hunger. She wasn’t aware that she had drunk too much until the Hunter stopped thrashing. She pulled back and gazed at the corpse.


She the stray blood from her lips, and wiped with the sleeve of her uniform. She inspected her clothes and sighed in relief as no blood was stained on it. She stood up, brushing the pleats of her skirt as she did.


“It wasn’t that tasty, but at least it was satisfying.” Mei muttered. She kicked the corpse aside, and picked up the gun and the knife, hiding the pieces of evidence. Stowing the weapons inside her book bag, she quietly exited the alley way, as if nothing happened.


Mei squinted at the sudden brightness, and discovered it was the moon. She smirked. “It has been a wonderful night…”






Author’s Note: Yeah, and I’m back with another update! Did you guys like the long chappie~? I worked on this to make up for the absence I bought. School’s in the way of my writing. Ugh. And is the plot too speedy? If it is, I apologize for it~~ My feels got in the way of my plans~! Anyways~ please upvote, subscribe or leave a review~ It’ll help a lot!


P.S.: I won’t be able to update “Star Academy” for a while… My feels ran out. xD //slapped I’ll strive to update it! Until then~ Annyeong!! *waves*

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Oops! I think I made a typo on this chapter~ Mei's eyes are obsidian (sort of a greyish black) and not brown~ there! Chapter 11 typo fixed~


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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 4: omg!!!!! please update soon i love it!!! <33
Chapter 1: Waaaa, please update soon...^^