
Mirrored Selves

If the white rose petals scatter one by one, will we be dyed by the tender morning?  

And if I were reborn and bloom in your chest, our love will become eternity. 




The school bell chimed.


She hesitantly opened her eyes and stifled a yawn as she stretched her arms above her head. Sneaking a peak at the librarian whose desk was perched above a stand, she silently moved away from behind the shelf where she took a little nap. Moving stealthily behind the other rows of bookshelves, she sauntered forward and went outside the antique library.


The warm breeze playful tousled her braided hair and she sighed at the freshness it brought along. Hovering her eyes across the two buildings, she suppressed a sigh. She would love to just stay in the library, sleeping the hours away instead of mingling with the other students whose noise will just end up giving her a headache.


Forcing her feet to drag her towards the building where the Honorary Student’s classes were held, she walked briskly as to not to be late for her first day in school.


As she continued walking, her mind reverted back to the encounter with that boy earlier. They had held a staring match and she had playfully smirked at him, causing him to be quite uncomfortable. She silently chuckled and thought, Never thought I’d have this effect on a guy.


Shrugging her shoulders, she broke into a sprint and headed towards the hallways to search for her classroom.



“Hey, guys. I have some news.” Kyungsoo pitched in as the twelve were seated on their usual seats in the classroom. The other guys suddenly became interested.


“What news, dude?” Xiumin asked, while munching on a baozi bun. Kyungsoo grinned. “We’re having a new student today.”


Sehun’s ears perked up at the sound of that. “New student?” He remarked. Kyungsoo nodded. “Yep. Though I haven’t seen whoever it is yet.”


“I do hope it’s a female. And a pretty one at that.” Kai smirked. The other members sighed. “You couldn’t just go through a day without hitting on a girl, can’t you?” Lay asked.


“Whoever it is, I don’t care. As long as they’re not annoying, it’s fine by me.” Kris mumbled. The others nodded in assent.


The chatter was cut short when the teacher finally entered the room. He tapped a pen on the board to catch the student’s attention.


“Sit down, all of you.” He commanded, and the students immediately settled down on their chairs. Satisfied, he produced a white folder and addressed to the whole class, “As you may heard of it, today we’re having a new student.”


Excited murmurs spread across the room, but immediately quieted down when the teacher called the class back to order.


“I do hope you’ll treat her well and get along with her for this school year. Can I expect that?” He asked, and the students answered boredly, “Yes, songsaenim.”


Sehun yawned and nestled his head into his arms. He wasn’t interested in whoever enters the room, unless it was the female who perked his interest earlier. He blinked and stored away those thoughts.


Since when did he become so interested in a girl that he just met?


Sighing, he raised his head to just take a glimpse of the student that’ll be joining their class today.



The teacher just finished giving his instructions to his students. She sighed, leaning against the wall impatiently, waiting for the teacher to give his cue for her to go in. She sneakily took a peek inside the classroom and inwardly grimaced. “Seems like I’ll be dealing with a whole lot of males from here.” She mumbled and took a deep breath. Clutching her student profile close to her chest, she once more leaned and closed her eyes for a moment.


The burning sensation in started again, and the urge to attack began to numb her senses.


She immediately snapped her eyes open, and clutched with one hand. With her other hand, she fumbled inside her skirt pocket for the box of tablets she kept handy just in case.


“…Please come in, Miss Suzuki.” The teacher’s monotonous voice reached her ears and she started to inwardly panic. In frenzy, she swallowed the two pills abruptly and controlled the desire to vomit, as her body was rejecting the effects of the tablet.


“Miss Suzuki?” The teacher’s footsteps started to go nearer to where she was and she took a deep breath, as the effects of the tablets barely dampened her desires. She had barely composed herself when the teacher’s profile appeared within her view.


“Miss Suzuki, are you okay? You look pale.” He remarked and stared at her head to toe. She bowed a ninety-degree bow and flashed an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry teacher. I just went to the rest room earlier.” What a lame excuse, her mind supplied unhelpfully.


Raising an eyebrow, the teacher nodded curtly. “Very well. Please come in. The whole class is dying to meet you.”


She sighed and followed the teacher inside the austere classroom. She felt everyone’s gaze turn toward her as she stepped onto the raised platform. She regarded her classmates with a blank face and bowed.


“Annyeonghaseyo. Mei Suzuki, imnida.”  She greeted.



Sehun glanced at her with surprise. This was the same girl that regarded him with a taunt smirk earlier in the morning. She must have felt his gaze on her so she stared forward, right at him and straight in the eyes. He inwardly flinched when he saw the small twitch of a smirk touch her lips.


Distracted, he casually turned to look outside the window, hoping against hope that she won’t be seated next to him.


“…next to Sehun-ssi.”


The next words of the teacher came as a vibrating blur to his ears. He only felt like listening when Luhan, who was seated behind him, tapped his shoulder and whispered, “Dude. The new girl’s sitting right next to you.”


Sehun’s ears perked up and he turned back abruptly. “Say what, hyung?” Luhan rolled his eyes, “You already heard me first time, dummy.”


The tapping of faint footsteps gestured him to look up. The new student, Mei, was looking at him and her direct gaze sent shivers up to his spine that he had no choice but to look away again.


“Sehun-ssi?” She remarked and he only gave a curt nod as his response. The girl said nothing to his behavior and instead took her seat next to him, placing her bag on the floor and shoving her books under her desk.


Sehun unconsciously peered at her from his peripheral vision and gazed at her profile. She looked like a normal student, one most likely to brand as a nerd.


But somehow, she was giving off this aura that striked him as odd somehow.


Was she to be trusted?


Author’s Note: Speedy double update today! Actually, this chapter was written a long time ago and I was just in the middle of the editing process~ Gotta post the next chapter maybe next week! Thank you and please subscribe, vote or leave a comment~





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Oops! I think I made a typo on this chapter~ Mei's eyes are obsidian (sort of a greyish black) and not brown~ there! Chapter 11 typo fixed~


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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 4: omg!!!!! please update soon i love it!!! <33
Chapter 1: Waaaa, please update soon...^^