
Mirrored Selves

“I am Ryuu Suzuki. Her long lost brother.”


The older male’s revelation brought a sense of unease in the air. Sehun’s eyes widened and he turned to face Mei, whose eyes were carefully hidden by her fringe. She still had her hands fisted in her skirt.




Sehun muttered the word carefully out of his mouth and Mei still didn’t respond to his question. Ryuu however, chuckled darkly.


“Yes. I am her brother.” He remarked and as soon as those words left his mouth, Mei immediately interjected sharply.


“I don’t have a brother.” She hissed. Ryuu just playfully looked at her and smirked. He clutched a hand to his chest and feigned hurt.


“I’m hurt, Mei. Don’t you remember all the times I’ve spent with you?” He commented earning a low hiss from Mei.


“I don’t consider someone as filthy as you to be my brother.” The female replied, her eyes slowly turning red.


Ryuu only smiled playfully, his eyes trailing to Mei’s petite figure and her glowing red eyes.


“That’s more like it, Mei. You sure do look beautiful when—“


His statement wasn’t finished as Sehun’s fist made contact with his cheek. Ryuu fell down to the floor, coughing out blood from the punch.


Mei immediately snapped back to reality, her eyes reverting back to brown. Without knowing it she had grabbed onto Sehun’s arm, trying to calm him down.


“Sehun. Stop…” She muttered and Sehun immediately relaxed. However the glare in his eyes never left Ryuu’s face. Mei sighed and squeezed his arm.


“Don’t even try to intrude in someone else’s business.” She remarked and he simply sighed, wondering how she can still keep her y side in this situation.

Well, this is Mei Suzuki we’re talking about, right?


A string of curse words coming out from Ryuu’s mouth made Mei turn her head towards his direction.


Sure enough, the older male was sprawled on the floor, nursing his wounds.


“. You brat… You already did a number on me alright?” Ryuu cursed. Sehun just kept his poker face on.


“So? What are you going to do about it?” Sehun challenged. Mei flashed him a warning glare but the male ignored it.


Ryuu, however stood up and chuckled darkly.


“I guess you don’t know who, rather, what she really is, perhaps?” He remarked. Sehun raised an eyebrow at that but Mei flinched unconsciously.


Seeing the male’s confused face, Ryuu’s smirk only grew as he wiped the blood trailing down his chin. He struggled to stand up and smiled like a psychopath.


“Dear sister of mine, I’m surprised that you haven’t… Marked him yet.” Ryuu mocked, earning another death glare from Mei.


“Do not refer to me as sister. I do not hold such a relation with you. And what the are you talking about?” Mei hissed, making the words come out of as casually as possible. Trying to play and feign innocence and cluelessness.


Ryuu eyed her playfully, and a dark smile graced his lips. “Feigning cluelessness, aren’t we?”


Mei growled lowly. “I don’t know what the hell you are talking about.”


“Oh, stop playing coy Mei-chan~ I think it’s time for Sehun-oppa to know everything~”


Mei whipped her head to her back when she heard Hime’s sickly sweet voice resound around the place. Sehun glanced at her, eyebrows raised.


“IS there something, I need to know Mei?” He asked and Mei immediately cut him off with a, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”


“Do tell him, Mei-chan~! Won’t it solve things already?” Hime’s voice echoed again. A flock of bats swept right in front of them and Sehun’s eyes widened as they materialized into the petite figure of Hime.


She stood near Ryuu, wearing a black Lolita-inspired dress, her blonde hair was flowing freely down her shoulders as she wore an amused smirk on her face. Mei glared daggers at her.


“You blew your own cover milady.” Ryuu remarked, a scowl visible on his features but Hime only responded with a slight chuckle. “It’s no big deal, Nero… Besides…” She flashed a dark grin. “Mei-chan will be revealing hers in no time…”


Mei flinched and she was just about to plant her fist in Hime’s face, knocking her senseless for good, when Sehun immediately restrained her by holding on to her shoulders.


“What the---Let me go Sehun!” Mei struggled but the male kept his firm hold on her. Without a word, he spun her around so that she was facing him.


Mei’s breath hitched in as he gazed at her with a completely unreadable expression. Her heart pounded in her chest loudly, the tension and anxiety building up in her whole being rapidly.


“Do they know something I don’t, Mei?” Sehun asked, pinning her with an intense gaze. Mei averted his gaze, unwilling to reveal anything. Not yet.


“Answer me will you?” Sehun remarked, his tone laced with frustration when the teenage girl didn’t answer his question.


Mei kept quiet, set in a firm line. The tension built up in the air and Sehun simply raked his hands through his hair.


The mood was ruined however, when Hime remarked tauntingly.


“If you can’t tell him Mei-chan, then I’ll do it myself.”


Mei’s eyes widened as saucers and she broke free from Sehun’s grip, striding towards Hime.

Ryuu however, stepped in front of the blonde girl.


Mei glared at him. “Get out of the way, Ryuu.”


Ryuu flashed a grin. “Sorry, but I can’t let you hurt my mistress.” Mei narrowed her eyes.


Hime smirked. “Very well then~” She dispersed in form of bats and quickly materialized next to Sehun. Mei was about to turn back and go to Sehun, when she felt Ryuu holding both her hands behind her back.


“What the hell--?! LET ME GO!” Mei exclaimed and Ryuu simply sighed and fished a pair of what looked like silver cuffs from his pocket.


“So annoying.” Ryuu muttered and he immediately snapped the cuffs open and in a quick, smooth movement he had bound both her wrists.


Mei’s eyes widened as the pain shot through her whole body. She had immediately recognized the object as a Ruelle, one weapon Hunters used to restrain a vampire’s powers. These were rare nowadays and she wondered where did Ryuu managed to get one.


Quit it Mei. That’s not the issue at hand here.


She snapped back to reality and her eyes widened when Hime was pinning Sehun to the wall. “Get away from him, Hime.” She hissed, feeling her energy being slowly drained by the Ruelle bound to her wrists.


Hime simply ignored it and Sehun glared at the girl before him. “Get away from me and let Mei go.” The male retorted sharply and the girl only smirked as a response.


“You’re really that close to Mei-chan, hmm?” Hime commented and she simply smirked when the boy’s cheeks were tinted pink. “I’ll do you a favour Sehun-oppa and tell you something about Mei-chan.”


“Don’t you dare say something, Hime Aizawa!” Mei exclaimed and started to lash out, but Ryuu simply wrapped Mei’s head into a headlock.


Sehun’s eyes widened. “What are you doing to Mei--!” He wasn’t able to finish his sentence when Hime harshly grabbed the collar of his shirt.


“What the heck—“


He started to say something but the words remained unsaid when Hime’s blue eyes turned into a dark, blood-red colour. “When I say something, you are supposed to listen.” She hissed, and she bared her fangs.


Sehun’s eyes widened. “You’re a… you can’t be…”


Hime’s eyes reverted back to blue, and she flashed another playful grin. “Yes I am~ I am a vampire.” Her grin stretched out widely as she added, “And so is your beloved Mei Suzuki.”




Author’s Note:




     Again, I apologize! //bows 90 degrees// I do hope this chapter satisfied you guys! I’ll be posting another one maybe tomorrow or later whenever I feel like it. xD Please do upvote, subscribe or leave a comment! (please~ I want to hear your thoughts on the story so far)


I made a fanfic trailer for "Mirrored Selves" btw.. feel free to check it out.

PS: I am a lame video editor -_- //sobs







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Oops! I think I made a typo on this chapter~ Mei's eyes are obsidian (sort of a greyish black) and not brown~ there! Chapter 11 typo fixed~


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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 4: omg!!!!! please update soon i love it!!! <33
Chapter 1: Waaaa, please update soon...^^