Almost Marked

Mirrored Selves

Hime Aizawa left the campus building and stared at the scene before her eyes. Students were leaving the school one at a time either in groups or with their friends.


She spotted a figure ahead. A brown-haired boy with a tall stature. Sehun. Mei-chan’s partner, I believe.


Noticing that he was alone, she smirked to herself. Maybe I should take advantage of the situation.


Running towards him in a huff, she called out sweetly, “Sehun-oppa~”  


The boy turned his head slowly towards the direction of her voice. Hime waved in front of him, but Sehun simply raised an eyebrow.


“Do I know you?” He asked, his voice still in monotone.


Hime feigned hurt. “Aww~ You don’t remember me?”


The male sighed in annoyance. He was not really in the mood to deal with a girl’s sweetly sick tactics to get close to him. “Who are you?” he asked instead, eager to get rid of her as soon as possible.


“Hime Aizawa~ I’m Mei-chan’s…” She stopped for a moment before a smirk played on her lips. “…friend.”


Sehun raised a questioning eyebrow. “Friend?” Hell, the y and snappy Mei Suzuki has a friend? This is interesting.


Hime smiled sweetly at him. “Oppa~ I have something to tell you~ Can you spare a bit of your time?”


Sehun inwardly shivered at her overly sweet tone. The blonde girl was staring at him with doting eyes with both her hands clasped together in front of her, “Please~?”


He had wanted to say no, but strangely his body responded the other way. His senses went numb, and he nodded. “Sure. Why not?”


Hime grinned victoriously. Seems like he’s still vulnerable to charms, isn’t he?


“Great~ Then let’s go to the greenhouse, oppa~” Hime cooed softly and dragged his arm towards the location of the said greenhouse.


I have a feeling that this is going to be fun. She turned and smirked viciously when a dazed look settled on Sehun’s eyes.


Sorry, Mei-chan. I’ll be Marking him as mine today…





Mei winced in pain slightly as she crouched down near the bunch of roses she was currently staring at. She had a pair of gardening scissors in her right hand, and she was frowning at the small drop of blood that flowed out from the small wound.


“I should stop getting myself hurt these days…” Mei muttered softly as she gently on the blood of her wound.


My own blood tastes like . She mentally cursed as she finished her finger clean. The soft, lean neck of Sehun flashed briefly into her mind, and she could not help but think, I wonder how does his blood taste like? Is it sweet or just plain tasty?


“Agh. Bad thoughts, Mei. Bad thoughts.” She whacked a hand to her head lightly to snap herself out of her befuddled thoughts.


She had chosen to spend her afternoon here at the greenhouse, after doing her Math homework and after she had finished reading a few lines from Hamlet.


“The time is out of the joint.” She had uttered a line from the famous play, and she had no idea why it brought a sense of dread into her stomach.




Her head automatically looked up when she heard the glass door of the greenhouse open. Mei immediately tensed up when she saw a familiar brunet going inside. Sehun. She thought.


She looked up to lock gazes with his warm, brown orbs but was startled to see that he had an unusual vacant look in his eyes. His usual bright orbs looked a little dull and he looked like he was spacing out.

Mei started to get up from her crouching position to approach him, but the appearance of another figure made her duck down cautiously.


“This way oppa~” A sweet voice resounded throughout the silent greenhouse.


Mei flinched and looked up.


Sure enough, Hime Aizawa was clutching Sehun’s arm and was leading him to one of the benches in the centre of the greenhouse.


Her usual sapphire blue eyes had slightly reverted to a reddish colour, and the realization of why Sehun looked so vacant hit Mei hard.


. She Charmed him.



Hime her lips hungrily as she gently pushed Sehun onto the wooden bench in the centre of the greenhouse. She stared affectionately at his vacant and dull eyes, and she brushed his bangs away with a hand.


“Oppa~ You’re so cute~ I want to eat you up…~” Hime , and she settled into his lap, wringing her arms around his neck. She smirked as he made no move to stop her. Looks like my Charm worked… She playfully a lock of his hair.


Her gaze hungrily settled on his smooth, lean neck and her blue eyes reverted to blood-red.


her pink lips hungrily, her fangs slowly descended from .


Sehun was still gazing back at her with a blank expression. Hime pushed her face slowly into his neck.


“Don’t move, Sehun-oppa~” The female vampire softly cooed, and the male immediately complied. “Waaah~ You’re so obedient~” Hime playfully ruffled his hair and a place in his neck, causing him to groan unconsciously.


“As a reward, Hime-sama will make you feel good~” Hime teased, and slowly began to clamp on his neck…


Until a silver bullet grazed her cheek.


The vampire let out a startled yell, and she was immediately up to her feet. The damage done was minimal, but since it came from a specially altered bullet, a graze caused deadly pain.


“SHOW YOURSELF!” Hime Aizawa snarled ferociously, her fangs slowly descending from . Sehun was still a vacant statue in the bench.


A petite figure of a girl with two braids and eyes hidden beneath thick-rimmed glasses slowly stood up from her hiding spot. A Glock .45 was gripped in her right hand, and a look of absolute loathing was plastered on her face.


“Hands off him, vampire.”


Mei Suzuki growled lowly as she released her finger from the trigger. Hime hissed lowly in annoyance.


“I should have known it was you all along…” Hime snarled viciously as she approached Mei. “It’s unusual for you to drop your guard so easily.” The brunette muttered and slowly edged her way towards the other.


Hime calmed herself down and gazed at the weapon in Mei’s hand.


“How did you get your hands on a Hunter’s weapon?” She asked curiously. By that time, her eyes had shifted back to blue. Mei narrowed her eyes at her. “Long story. And I have no intention of saying it to you.”


Hime smirked. “Oh well~ I had fun messing with your—“ Before she could finish her sentence, another shot resounded from the gun. The bullet had lodged itself in a wall, and had barely missed the vampiress’ head by an inch.


“If you’re not careful, the next shot will kill you.” Mei growled. Hime clicked her tongue in annoyance.


“Tch. I have had enough fun for today, anyways.” Hime smiled darkly as she waved a hand dismissively at Mei’s direction. She brushed the stray blood that trickled down her cheek from the wound.


“I better get going~ Nero’s probably waiting for me anyways.” She walked towards the exit and Mei’s eyes rounded at the name.

“Nero?” She asked, her breath hitching in . Hime looked back at her and smirked. “He’s still fine. And he still hates you by the way.”


She tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulders, letting it fall on her back. Mei glared at her retreating figure.


“If you dare to lay your fangs on him I swear that I—“ She had not finished her threat when the blonde cut her off.


“He doesn’t want to be turned, and I respect his decision. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him for you.” The blonde flashed a taunting smile at her for the last time before disappearing into the dim twilight.


Mei sighed, and shoved the pistol back inside her book bag.


“Nero… so he survived, huh?” She muttered instead. A cough snapped her out of her thoughts.


Oh, yeah! Sehun!


Mei quickly dashed to him in a minute. The brown-haired boy was having a coughing fit, and he was surprised when he met gazes with her.


“S-suzuki? Wh-when? How?” Sehun let the questions fly out of his mouth. Mei remained cool and calm and instead asked him in her usual bratty tone.


“What? You scared less because of me?” Mei snapped back, and Sehun glowered at her. “ no.” He swore under his breath. He looked around.


“Where the hell is your friend?” He asked. Mei arched an eyebrow as a muscle ticked in her jaw. “She’s not my friend. I do not have friends.” She growled.


Sehun rolled his eyes. “Fine. Anyways, I thought I came here with Hime Aizawa? Where is she?”


Oh, damn it. Of all the opportune times to revive himself from being charmed. Mei thought, irritated that the stupid Hime had left her to deal with this predicament.


“What the heck? Hime? I didn’t see her. Seriously, is there something wrong with your vision?” Mei replied instead, earning a confused look from Sehun.


“But I thought—“ He started off. Mei sighed and picked up her book bag from the floor. “You’re imagining things.”


She walked past him and stood in front of the exit. Turning back, she flashed him one last taunting smirk. “Better get your eyes or your brain checked. I think you’re going psycho.” She tapped her forehead to mean what she said.


Sehun glared at her, “YAH!”


Mei had to bite back a laugh. “Just kidding. But seriously, Hime wasn’t here.” She had to make a show of checking out her wrist watch for the time. “Oh, shoot. I’m late. See you tomorrow then, Sehun.”


She flashed him a smile, and off she went.


Meanwhile, Sehun was left wondering. “What the did just happen? Agh. Crazy is happening today…” He cursed and he began to follow after her figure, leaving to a different direction to go back to his own home.


Mei sighed as she had reached the front gates. That was close.


Author’s Note: Update done! Hope you guys liked it~ Just updated this after I got home. I was out during the whole day, shooting for our project in our language class. (We have to make our own drama and I was the script writer plus one of the lead actresses, so yeah. xD) I was still tired, but I updated this just for you after I saw the number of views. I am overwhelmed! Thank you so much!

     Please don’t forget to leave a comment, upvote or subscribe! See you next week!! xoxo



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Oops! I think I made a typo on this chapter~ Mei's eyes are obsidian (sort of a greyish black) and not brown~ there! Chapter 11 typo fixed~


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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 4: omg!!!!! please update soon i love it!!! <33
Chapter 1: Waaaa, please update soon...^^