
Mirrored Selves

“Hey did you hear the news last night?”


The EXO group was seated at their usual table during lunch period. Baekhyun, being the usual gossiper that he always is, immediately started a question that piqued the interest of the others.


“Which one?” Chanyeol asked, munching on a meat bun.


“A dead body was found in one of the alley ways near the school. It was said that it was found almost out of blood and it had two puncture marks on his neck.” Baekhyun replied, spreading a newspaper on the table with the news printed on the front page.


“Creepy. You think that it was a vampire who did it?” Xiumin asked, inwardly shuddering at the grotesque picture that was the main image.


“Don’t be silly. Vampires don’t exist.” Luhan remarked flicking the baozi’s forehead to which he responded with an “Ow!”


“Then how do you explain those puncture marks?” Chen immediately in, curious as to what his friends would answer.


Kris spoke up from eating his pasta. “Syringes maybe.”


Kyungsoo remarked, “How? Is that even possible?”


Yixing, being the one with the experiences with regards to medicine, began to speak. “I think it’s possible. They could’ve used a needle. A reeeaaaallly sharp needle. They pierced it through the carotid artery in the neck  and—“


He wasn’t even able to finish when Kyungsoo cut him off. “Gross. Yixing, just, shut up.”


Yixing pouted. “But you asked—“


“I regret asking.” Kyungsoo finished.


The others laughed in amusement. Kyungsoo was unable to stand gore.


“But still… a murder in our usually quiet town is most unlikely.” Tao muttered. That statement brought a sense of unease through the group.


“Tao’s right…” Kai mumbled. Suho cleared his throat. “I think that means we need to be more cautious than before.” As soon as that statement left Suho’s mouth, the others, particularly Chanyeol and Chen burst out laughing.


“WHAT?!” Suho exclaimed, annoyed at the other’s antics.


“Pfft--! Hahahaha!” Chen still continued laughing, while Chanyeol struggled to speak in between pants.


“Hyung… stop being so… so… you know…” He trailed off, chuckle after chuckle racking his body. “Stop being what?!” Suho replied, irritated.


“So… motherly~” Chen finished, and the others chimed in the laughter, Suho embarrassed and annoyed. “YAH!” He only protested.


“But that still doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be careful. This might be the work of a secret mafia organization…” Baekhyun started, but Kris cut in smoothly.


“That deals with blood and organ trade?” Kris finished. Baekhyun glared at him. “Stop finishing my statements, Duizhang.”


Kris only shrugged and flashed a small smirk.


“Hey. Has anyone seen Sehun?” Luhan suddenly changed the topic, noticing that their maknae’s seat is empty. Again.


“Oh. That reminds me. He has to stay in the library for lunch. He needs to catch up with his remedial lessons.” Tao replied and the others heaved a sigh.


“That’s the result of him being too engrossed in just zoning off.” Chanyeol replied.


In the midst of this conversation, the bell rang, signalling the end of break. The EXO members arose from their table and stretched their arms.


“Well, that’s our cue~ Let’s get to class!” Suho remarked, and lead the way out of the cafeteria.


Sehun was seating in one of the tables in the library. The other students immediately rushed out of the library when the bell rang, leaving him in peace. He stared at the pile of school work that he had to finish today and sighed. Curse this paper work.


He continued writing in his notes when he finally noticed out of the corner of his eye the figure of a familiar person with her brown hair tied in braids and eyes framed behind glasses: Mei Suzuki.


She was reading a book as always, and it seemed that she had opted to cut class. First period was algebra, and he knew that she couldn’t stand math. He unknowingly gazed at her profile as the female continued on reading.


She was leaning against the wall, sitting cross-legged on the floor. She was reading a book on foreign literature and he noticed how her hands turned the book page by page. A lock of hair got in the way of her vision and she tucked it behind her ears.


Sehun’s breath hitched in his throat as he had noticed her wet her pink lips with her tongue, and her eyelashes fluttered ever so slightly when she blinked. Her obsidian eyes were serious behind her reading glasses.


He wasn’t aware of the minutes that he had spent gazing at her when he heard her monotonous voice reaching his ears. “It’s impolite to stare.”


Sehun snapped out of his trance and he looked to see her leaning over his desk, flashing him a small smirk. Since when did she get near me?


“S-sorry.” He mumbled and quickly returned back to writing, and it was still no use for her very presence befuddles his thoughts completely.


“What are you doing?” Mei asks, as her hand picked a piece of paper from the pile of sheets.


“It’s paper work. Lessons that I need to catch up on or else I’ll be kicked out of Special Class.” He replied quickly, still continuing on scribbling his notes.


“Hmm~ I see. So you’re having trouble with English it seems.” Mei mutters and placed the sheet back on top of the pile. Sehun inwardly sighed with relief but it was quickly faded when she pushed a chair near him and sat on it.


“What do you think you’re doing, Suzuki-ssi?” Sehun muttered.


 Mei looked at him sharply. “I’m trying to help you.” She held up a piece of paper, the one that he just finished writing an essay on. “This essay has a lot of grammatical errors and the ideas aren’t well organized.”


He blinked and snatched the paper away from her fingers. “I can do it perfectly well. This is just a draft.” He uttered the lame excuse but Mei just raised an eyebrow at his comment. Much to his chagrin, she just leaned closer to him and flashed him a glare. “I’m trying to help…”


She was actually so close that he could smell the faint scent of her perfume: the scent of roses and vanilla. And it was driving him crazy. He stared at her face just inches from his and opted to move further instead of pushing her away.


Damn these hormones.


“Well, I don’t need it.” Sehun remarked coldly. He glanced at her when she just stood up from her chair. She just fixed him a small smirk. “Fine then. Your loss. Good luck on your paperwork.”

She remarked and picked up her book, heading to the library’s door.


Just when he thought she was going out for good, she turned her back remarked, “The past tense of run is ran by the way, not runned.” She smirked as she held up another piece of activity sheet, the one allotted for grammar. Sehun gave her a glare and snatched the paper away from her grasp.


“You know what? Just get to class.” He hissed, and Mei flashed him a smug grin. In a second, she was out of the door.


Sehun sighed and returned back to his work. What the hell? It seems like she has a split personality.


Yesterday, Mei was acting like a nonchalant female but turns out she was immune to any forms of male charm. She even cursed Kai right in front of them. And today? She was being too playful. Just like on the first day they met.


Sehun shook his head rapidly. “Why am I bothered by her presence anyway?”


It wasn’t like Sehun likes her. It was just… he found her puzzling.


Like her entire being is just a jigsaw puzzle waiting to be discovered. She’s like wearing a mask of indifference, hiding her real self.


“What the hell am I thinking anyway?” Sehun muttered aloud, and sighed. “Better get back to work.”


Unbeknownst to him, a raven was watching him intently from the tree outside the library.



“So this is the guy it seems~ Mei-chan has good taste~”


A girl was watching Sehun’s figure through the eyes of the raven. “And to think that she hasn’t marked him yet. A pity~”`


She stood up from the chair that she was sitting on and tossed her blonde hair over her shoulders slightly. Her blue eyes flashed a mischievous light, as her tongue her lips hungrily.


“Nero~?” The girl addressed a male in black behind her.


“Yes, my lady?” The male answered politely, bowing ever so slightly. The girl faced him and flashed him a dark smile.


“Prepare the papers. We’re going to Tomoe Gakuen…” She ordered. The butler bowed. “As you wish, milady.” He quickly left the room.


The girl returned back to her seat once again, crossing her legs over the other and smiled playfully.


“Mei-chan~ Seems like we’ll meet again~” She laughed softly. “Oh Sehun, I wonder… How do you taste like~?”




A/N: Another chapter updated again~ What do you think of the cliff hanger chingus? ;) The identity of the mysterious girl will be revealed next chapter~ Whew! It took me another 5 hours to craft this chapter, but I am totally satisfied by it!


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Oops! I think I made a typo on this chapter~ Mei's eyes are obsidian (sort of a greyish black) and not brown~ there! Chapter 11 typo fixed~


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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 4: omg!!!!! please update soon i love it!!! <33
Chapter 1: Waaaa, please update soon...^^