
Mirrored Selves

It was spring.


The cherryblossom trees were in full bloom, lush pink petals falling to the ground and filling the air with its sweet scent. A playful summer breeze caressed the leaves, spreading the lush green foliage throughout the surroundings. Students clad in summer uniforms walked the stone path to the gates of Tomoe Gakuen, either mingling with friends or sprinting to their classrooms. All seemed normal. Perfectly well.


Except for a single entity looking at the crowd behind the tree; a petite figure curiously looking at the crowd in front of her.


Cautiously stepping into the broad daylight, she flinched as the sudden rays of the sun hit her line of vision. Placing a hand to shield them from the sun, she shuffled a few steps, straightening out the pleats of her uniform skirt in the process.


Her wavy brown hair hung loosely up until to her shoulders, and behind her eyeglasses, her black orbs blinked once or twice, adjusting to the brightness of the sun. She clutched the strap of her book bag nervously and started to head towards the school gates. She had the appearance of a typical school girl. Normal, boring, ordinary even. Just a simple student.


Except that she is not.



The shuffling of students and the crowds gathered in the corridors made his head ache. It was always the same situation everyday in the school.


“Oh look, it’s EXO~!”


“Gee, they are so hot~!”


“Kyaa! Did you see that? Kai winked at me~~”


The same endless chattering of females vibrated inside his ears, further irritating him to no bounds. However, Sehun kept that inside of him; Controlling his desire to lash out violently.


“We sure are popular, huh?” One of his friends, Chanyeol commented. The twelve members of the group stood out from the rest of the students, not only because they were attractive but they were part of the school’s Honorary Students. Their classes were held at a different building and only the top fifty has been chosen for the honor.


“Of course, you dummy. Can’t you see this growing crowd of females before us? And it’s only the second semester.” Baekhyun, the guy walking next to Chanyeol remarks, flipping and tossing his hair in an arrogant manner.


“Baekhyun. Stop flipping yourhair like that. When you do that…. You resemble a gay.” Chen commented off-handedly, earning a chuckle from the other members and a death glare from Baekhyun.


“You troll. I’ll kill you after this!” Baekhyun hissed.


Sehun inwardly sighed. Sometimes, his hyungs can resemble children and toddlers. To distract himself, he peered out of the windows of the corridors. His eyes settled on a figure of a girl who was sitting under a tree, quietly reading a book. She had long, brown hair tied into braids and a petite stature; her eyes framed behind glasses. Squinting so he could see the title of the book she was reading, he looked at her more curiously.




He blinked curiously at the title. He has heard of the book, but was vaguely aware of its plot. It certainly was Shakespeare, but he doesn’t know the genre. Shuffling closer to the windows, he still stared intently at the girl who continued reading and wasn’t aware of his steady gaze.


Or was she really?


She raised her head and met his gaze steadily. Her intense black eyes bore into his own intently, holding on to their staring match. His breath hitched in his throat as she gave him a smirk: a playful one. mouthed a few silent words and his eyes widened when he deciphered them.


He blinked, and stopped abruptly in front of the window, making his hyungs stare at him in curiousity.


“Sehun, is there something wrong?” Luhan asked, tapping him in the shoulder to bring him back to reality. Sehun blinked and turned his head to face him. He flashed a sheepish grin.


“Nothing hyung. It was nothing.” He finished lamely, making Luhan stare at him in worry. “Are you sure? You seem pale there.” Kai asked sending another worried look at Sehun’s direction.


“Tss. I’m okay really hyung. Nothing to worry about. Look, let’s just get to class. We’re going to be late.” Sehun mumbled and walked forward; making his hyungs shrug their shoulders and follow him uneasily.


Sehun’s glance quickly returned to the window, expecting to find the same girl, with her playful smirk, continuing on reading under the shade of the tree. His eyes widened once more, when the figure of the girl, disappeared quickly; vanishing without a trace.


He shook his head wildly once more. The girl awoke the sense of intrigue within him and he couldn’t get her face off his mind, as well as the smirk plastered on her face. The words she mouthed came back to him, playing on repeat across his mind.


Are you interested in me?”


Author’s Note: So I started on another story~ I don’t know why but this idea for a suspense/supernatural/romance/school life story just popped into my head and I had the sudden urge to type it down~ This will be mainly on Sehun and the OC, which I haven’t named yet~ Anyways, see you on the next chapter! Annyeong~





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Oops! I think I made a typo on this chapter~ Mei's eyes are obsidian (sort of a greyish black) and not brown~ there! Chapter 11 typo fixed~


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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 4: omg!!!!! please update soon i love it!!! <33
Chapter 1: Waaaa, please update soon...^^