
Mirrored Selves

The gentle rays of sunlight hit her line of vision. Mei cringed, silently cursing while covering herself with a blanket. She sighed in content as she buried herself further into the warmth of the soft mattress.


Wait. This isn’t my mattress. It isn’t super comfy like this…


She blinked her eyes open and immediately sat up straight. She blinked rapidly as she squinted. She gazed over to her new surroundings: she was lying down on a queen-sized bed with a duvet comforter thrown over her body; a small desk was at her bed side while an oil painting of a lotus flower was on the wall facing her. There was a door leading to a terrace on her farther right while velvet curtains covered the windows.


Mei immediately narrowed her eyes and threw the comforter off her. She then raised an eyebrow and gasped when she was wearing a silk night gown. When did I change out of my clothes…?


She shook her head rapidly and instead proceeded to look for her belongings. She sighed in relief when she spotted her pistol lying on the dresser drawer. She stared at her translucent reflection and she couldn’t help but wonder. Where is this place?


The turning of a doorknob snapped her out of her reverie. Immediately she reached for the gun and aimed it at the door, clicking off the safety. I was stupid to let my guard down… She thought bitterly and she advanced slowly towards the door.


The door slowly opened, and Mei had half a mind to pull the trigger when Sehun’s profile came into view. She gaped. “S-Sehun? What the—“


“Would you mind lowering the gun?! Woman you’re scaring the out of me!” The male remarked. Mei shot him a glare before half-heartedly placing the gun back on top of the dresser. She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I’m guessing this is your place…?”


Sehun rolled his eyes. “Not even a ‘good morning’? You even pointed a gun at me …”


“Just answer my question.” Mei hissed. Sehun shrugged and sighed. “Yeah, this is my place. Got a problem?”


The events of what transpired last night flashed through her head and her eyes widened. “How long…was I out?” She asked, and Sehun’s gaze immediately softened. “For about a few hours…I just carried you up here and then changed your clothes—“


“You changed my clothes?!” Mei shrieked, her hands crossed in front of her chest protectively while glaring at him. Sehun blushed and replied defensively, “No! I asked the maids to clean you up!”


Mei calmed down for a while and narrowed her eyes once again as she turned her back on him. “Fine! But once I know that you, in any means, violated my precious body…” She turned around against him once more and snarled, “I’ll kill you.”


Sehun rolled his eyes and stifled a chuckle. “It’s good to have you back.” Mei huffed a bit and sighed. Her eyes travelled outside the balcony. A subtle silence stretched out between the two of them.


“Did you believe whatever happened last night…? I mean…you saw what you thought wasn’t real.” Mei mumbled, breaking the tension. Sehun’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second before averting his gaze to the side.


“Hime being a vampire?” He mumbled and the female nodded. “Yeah…”


“I think, yeah…” He glanced at her from his peripheral vision and saw that she was clenching her fists at her side. She then mumbled quietly. “Then…do you believe what she said? About me being…” She gulped before uttering the next words out. “One of her kind?”


Sehun’s eyes widened. Her unexpected question caught him off guard. Sure, Mei possessed some traits that made her more than a human, but there was one crucial factor that made her questionable as being a vampire.


“I don’t believe that you’re one of them.” He muttered instead, turning to gaze at her intently. The female immediately jerked her head and faced his direction, pure shock written all over her face.


“What?” She mumbled. Sehun looked at her intently, his gaze firm. “Yeah. I don’t believe that you’re a vampire, yet.”


Mei fumbled with her next words. “But…you saw me acting rather un-human like. I have abilities that make me stand out from the rest and now—“


Her ramblings were cut short when Sehun speedily walked over her and caught her wrists, pushing her back on the bed. She gasped at the close proximity as he was hovering over her own body, his eyes shining with an unfamiliar light.


“Yah! Get off—“ She started but the male cut her off smoothly.


“Bite me.” He said. Mei’s eyes widened. “Wh-what?”


Sehun looked over her and leaned in close so that his mouth was by her ear. “If you are a vampire, then prove it. Bite me, Mei Suzuki.”


He was so close that his scent was about to drive her crazy but she managed to maintain those urges in control. “I…I can’t.” She mumbled.


Sehun gazed at her, edging his face closer to hers. “Then I don’t believe that you’re one of them.”


Mei’s cheeks blushed pink at the close proximity and Sehun took this chance to make a little cut on his finger. She immediately tensed under him as the scent of his blood hit her nose. “Yah, stop—“


“If you are a vampire, Mei Suzuki, then prove it. Bite me.” Sehun whispered once again, shifting his position so that his neck was near .


By that sentence, Mei finally gave in. Inching closer to his neck, she mumbled. “I’m sorry.” With that her eyes reverted to red and she opened , sinking her fangs into his skin.


The male gasped at the piercing sensation in his neck, but as soon as Mei had started drinking from him, the pain numbed to a sensual feeling of pleasure and he silently groaned in content. He wove his fingers through her long brown locks, marvelling at how soft they were.


His blood is sweet.


Mei thoughts as she continued to drink from Sehun. She enjoyed the warm, thick and rich substance fill and she indulged in its velvety feel. Once she was done, she pulled back, keeping in mind that she shouldn’t take much.


With one last over the two puncture wounds, she averted her gaze to the side, refusing to look at him in the eyes.


“There. I bit you. Satisfied?” She mumbled. “You must be disgusted now, don’t you?”


Sehun softened at her vulnerability and he caught sight of his stray blood dribbling down her chin. He instinctively wiped it off with his thumb, and at the same time making her meet his gaze.


“You don’t disgust me.” He mumbled, and Meis eyes widened. “But…”


“No more buts…” He said as he inched his face close to her, the space between their lips a centimetre apart. “The truth is…I find you interesting…” His warm breath ghosted over her lips and she swallowed an anxious lump forming in . “Sehun, get off—“


“I just don’t know why I’m so captivated by you.”He finishes and before she could even reply, he closes the space between the two of them, locking his lips with her own.







Author’s Note: Feedback is loved. <3 Till the next update then! Sayonara~


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Oops! I think I made a typo on this chapter~ Mei's eyes are obsidian (sort of a greyish black) and not brown~ there! Chapter 11 typo fixed~


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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 4: omg!!!!! please update soon i love it!!! <33
Chapter 1: Waaaa, please update soon...^^