
Mirrored Selves

Sehun’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second as the impact of the words Hime Aizawa had uttered a while ago hit him hard.


“Yes, I am a vampire… and so is your beloved Mei Suzuki.”


He shook his head and shot a glare at the smirking blonde girl in front of him, obviously amused by his expression.


“I don’t believe you. Vampires don’t exist.” Sehun remarked, his fists clenching in an attempt to relax. Hime only flashed him an amused grin.


Her lips stretching in a grin, she edged towards Sehun, their faces inches barely apart. “Shall I prove it to you?”


Sehun didn’t know why, but his heartbeat sped up a few notches, not from the close proximity, but from the nervousness. But still, he doesn’t believe in supernatural phenomena, and he didn’t back down.


Fixing her with a glare he remarked, “Oh yeah? Well then, prove it.”


The blonde girl’s eyes reflected a small spark of surprise, but the amused grin never left her face. She reached out towards the nape of male’s neck, and simply replied, “My pleasure.”


Baring her fangs she got ready to pierce it through Sehun’s neck when suddenly a silhouette sprinted in front of her, and she failed to dodge a kick that was aimed through her stomach. The blonde girl flew to the other side of the room, her body slamming onto the concrete in the process.


Hime was a great deal startled and she coughed out blood onto the palm of her hands. She fixed a death glare at her unknown attacker. “You dare lay a hand on a Noble?” The blonde snarled.


Sehun only had time to blink when he found the familiar figure of a girl in front of him. His eyes widened momentarily.


“Mei?! did you…” He sputtered out but the girl cut him off. “No time to explain. And Sehun…” Mei glanced back at him momentarily, panting slowly to catch her breath. “Get out of here.” She struggled with her bound wrists behind her. “. It won’t come off. Damn Ruelles.”

Sehun gaped at her before shaking his head. “No. I’m not leaving you here.” Mei angrily spun around and fixed him a glare so venomous that if looks could kill, he would be twice as dead now.


“Just get out of here, you hear me?” She hissed but Sehun refused to waver from the girl’s threats. “I’m staying here whether you like it or not.”


“Tsk! Do what you want then. I already warned you beforehand just to remind you.” Mei retorted back sharply, her gaze momentarily glancing at the recovering Hime far off.


Sehun’s gaze travelled to her bound wrists. “Want me to take those off for you?”


Mei blinked a few times. “You can’t.” Sehun raised an eyebrow. “Why not?” Mei hissed. “Long story.”


“I’m willing to listen.” He replied, chuckling silently as it seemed to irritate her further. “Can’t you see there’s no ing time?” She swore under her breath.


“We’ll see about that.” Sehun remarks and tentatively yanked the cuffs on the girl’s wrists. “Ow! That hurts, what the hell?!” Mei hissed as he mercilessly yanked on the cuffs on her wrists.


“Can’t you see that whatever you do with that it won’t—“ Her outburst was cut short when the cuffs snapped free, releasing her bound wrists. She had no time to be amazed though, as Hime was slowly advancing towards them, a hand clutching a dagger.


Sehun playfully cocked an eyebrow. “A mere ‘thank you’ would be nice.” Mei elbowed him in the gut. “Ow!”


“Move it now. Unless you want to end up as dead meat.” Mei remarked. Sehun sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “You sure don’t want my help—“


“For the ing last time, Oh Sehun. No. I don’t ing need your help.” Mei snarled. Sehun sighed. “Okay last question then.”


“What?!” Mei hissed, her hand instinctively grabbing her gun that was strapped to a sheath on her thigh.


“How did you manage to get free from Ryuu? Last time I checked, he had you in a headlock.” Sehun asked, warily placing a glance at the fallen male not far from behind them.

Mei smirked. “You don’t know the things I’m capable of doing.” She clicked the safety off her gun. “Now, stop asking questions and get the outta here.”


Sehun eyed the gun. “Fine. You still have to tell me how you managed to bring a gun inside school—“


“OUT.” Mei said the word with such venom that it sent shivers up Sehun’s spine. He sighed before proceeding to sprint away from the building. “If you’re in trouble, shout okay?”


When he was out of sight and earshot Mei mumbled. “As if.”


Hime chuckled, bringing Mei back to her senses. “You two make an amusing pair.”


Mei glared at her and aimed the gun straight at the blonde. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.” Hime grinned. “Oh, really?”


Mei didn’t even had time to blink as the blonde shoved her unto the wall, knocking the gun out of the girl’s hands. Mei coughed out blood. “.”


“It’s payback, you lowly Fledgling.” Hime sneered, her blue eyes turning blood-red, and her fangs bared. She raised her palms, her long nails poised to dig unto the skin of the brunette.


Mei hissed and managed to roll to the side in time, just as the other girl’s fingers dug into the concrete. It left dents as the blonde yanked it back away.


Hime was now heading towards her, her long tongue flicking the ends of her fangs as she did. Mei immediately sprinted to the side and retrieved back her pistol and managed to fire a shot at the blonde’s thigh.


Hime let out a scream as the silver bullet ruptured one of the major arteries in her thigh, blood rupturing out of the open wound. Even with a vampire’s preternatural healing abilities, an injury from the bullet that was infused with anti-vampire magic dealt serious damage.


Mei held the gun firm in her hands, eyes never leaving the wounded vampire in front of her. The scent of the Noble’s blood hit her senses in the process and her eyes turned momentarily red at it. She had to bite the insides of her cheeks to control the urges.


Hime Aizawa stood up stiffly from the floor, her blood gushing out of the bullet wound. Her usual pale face was now getting paler, considering the amount of blood that she had lost up until now. Yet, wounded as she was, she was still lethal.


“You little . I was considering on letting you live upon Nero’s request, but pulling this little stunt on me will cost you your life.” The blonde snarled and Mei’s eyes widened momentarily at the revelation.


“Ryuu told you to spare me?” She whispered, lowering her gun a little to absorb the words in. Hime chuckled darkly. “All this time, he was working for me in order for you to be alive.”


Mei’s eyes narrowed into thin slits. “Stop saying nonsense! Ryuu was the one responsible for my family’s death! He can’t possibly ask you to spare me.” She hissed.


Hime shook her head, amused. “You do not believe how much your brother cares for you?”


Mei fired a warning shot in the process, the bullet lodging itself in the opposite wall of the room, missing Hime’s head by a mere inch. “I do not. Since he was the one who led my family to ruins…”


“Still can’t get over old wounds?” Hime replied, amused as how the thought brought a sudden change to the vampire in front of her.

“Shut. Up.” Mei growled and started to move into an offensive stance, loading the gun with more silver bullets. “I’ll finish you right here once and for all.” She snarled.


“You may injure me, but don’t underestimate what a Noble can do.” Hime’s eyes flared red, and in a blink of an eye, she had dispersed into bats and quickly disappeared from her sight.


Mei swore under her breath as her eyes glanced around the room.


Damn her and her ability.


She carefully rotated around and as she was about to glance at her back, she was wrapped again in a headlock, a dagger pressed against .


Mei’s eyes widened as she heard the blonde vampire give out a yawn at her back. “This is so boring.” Hime chuckled lightly. “I was looking forward to a good fight from you, Mei-chan; It seems you’re no good.” She purred softly.


Mei gasped inwardly as the blade of the dagger dug a bit deeper into the skin of , drawing a thin line. Red blood started to stream slightly from the scar.


“After I finish you off here…” Hime started, smirking slightly as she whispered in Mei’s ears, “I’ll deal with that Sehun of yours. I’m sure he’ll probably make a good…consort~ As well as being such a lovely midnight snack.”


Mei stiffened at what Hime said. The mere thought of Sehun ending up as some sort of pleasure for the blonde irked her. Her anger and irritation level reached its peaks.


“That won’t happen.” Mei hissed as her hand with the pistol slowly moved backward to press it against Hime’s stomach.


“Oh really now?” The blonde vampire taunted playfully, her dagger getting deeper with each press to .


Mei gave a little smirk. “ Nope. In this game of yours, I win.”


Hime blinked in confusion. “What the—“  Her statement was cut off when Mei pressed the nuzzle of the gun into her stomach before pulling the trigger swiftly.


The bullet lodged itself in Hime’s stomach and the blonde was caught off guard. “Why you little—“ She snarled and managed to lodge her dagger at the side of Mei’s waist before falling down to the ground.


Blood pooled around the concrete from the open bullet wound in Hime’s stomach. Mei stood over her, glaring as she clutched her side and yanked the dagger. She placed a hand to stop blood flowing out of her injury.


She stared defiantly at the fallen vampire in front of her. “I…never thought…that a mere Fledgling was able to…”  Hime breathed out as she looked up at Mei with her eyes. The red had faded and it reverted back to its startling blue. She gave out a small smile at the female above her.


“Go ahead. Finish me off.” The blonde vampire muttered and Mei averted her head to the side. She raised the pistol and aimed it at the blonde’s chest. “You’ve caused enough trouble. Goodbye, Hime Aizawa.” She muttered as the trigger went off.


Blood splattered her face, but she didn’t mind. Mei stared at the dead vampire and at the unconscious Ryuu on the other side.


She heaved a sigh and tucked the gun to the sheath of her thigh. She felt her side and winced at the pain that she felt all over her body. The after effects of the night dawned on her and she was aware of the blood loss she had sustained after the fight.


Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to move out of the building, clutching the wound at her side.


As soon as she got out off the basement, an anxious Sehun was waiting for her. At the sight of her bloody dress, he immediately rushed to her and held her by the shoulders.


“Mei, are you alright? You’re covered in blood!” He remarks as he surveyed the female up and down. Mei sighed and tried to crack a smile at his worry. “ I’m okay…Just tired…” She muttered and started to walk ahead of him.


Sehun quickly tailed behind her and took off his coat. He wrapped it around her shoulders to cover up her bloodied dress. “Look are you sure that—Mei!”


He wasn’t able to finish his sentence when suddenly she slumped, unconscious. He took a glance at her face and his eyes widened seeing that it was pale. A scar marred her white neck and a bleeding wound was on her side.


“Oh .” He cursed under his breath. He didn’t think twice as he carried her up bridal style, and quickly sprinted towards the parking lots.


Hold on for a bit, Mei. Hold on.




Author’s Note:




     First of all, I’d really like to say I’m sorry for not updating this sooner. I just found the inspiration to update this after rewatching the whole series of the anime Vampire Knight. I really promise to update a bit soon after this chap since I’d already written out the draft for Chapter 13 on my computer.


     Secondly, school work and projects are a hell piling up earlier this month so I had yet to finish them. It’s really hard to escape from work whenever you are appointed as a group leader, and yeah. Let’s just leave it at that~


     Thanks for reading through this awfully long author’s note. Oh, and do please check out my other stories~ I have posted a new chaptered fic entitled “ Macabre” and it stars Luhan and other characters. It is a horror/mystery/romance. {}


     I have also posted a completed oneshot entitled “Departures” as an entry to a contest, and it features Lay~ (It’s my first angst story). Please do feel free to check it out 

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Oops! I think I made a typo on this chapter~ Mei's eyes are obsidian (sort of a greyish black) and not brown~ there! Chapter 11 typo fixed~


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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 4: omg!!!!! please update soon i love it!!! <33
Chapter 1: Waaaa, please update soon...^^