Moments to Remember

If We Meet

Everyone are gathered, specially their parents. All are crying. After all the years of caring and nurturing, here they are.

Here they are about to sent to the military. The three bid their goodbye to their parents and brothers and sisters and of course to Changmin.


Military is never fun. There they are stripped of everything, from their celebrity status and their status. There everything should be of standard, uniform and constricted. But it was a nice change for the three to enter military. But the hardest thing is the fact that out there Jaejoong is lying in bed and all they have as close as knowing what’s happening is the seldom opportunity of receiving letters and phone calls. They are quite anxious, even though the end of their service coming at hand. Thank God, South Korea made their 2 years service into a year because the three agreed for an intensive training worth of two years which is fine, in order for them to be free soon and able to meet their families and specially Jae.

Lately, their relatives and Changmin told them that Jaejoong is doing well, but somehow they felt that there’s more to the reality of what is happening to Jaejoong. In the phone, they sound like they’re keeping something. And they are quite ready to find out as they are now signing their release contract.

They’re all wearing a short hair but longer than the first they arrive. Yunho specially became so manly. He grew some muscles also. Junsu also grew some muscle and glow with his lovely golden tan. Yoochun still is skinny but you can see some hard muscles. As usual, he doesn’t want to buff. It never became his style and he think it doesn’t suit him at all. They’re all wearing white t-shirt and simple jeans.

The three of them have big smiles plastered in their faces. As they, walking out the gate they could see their parents, Junsu’s girlfriend and Changmin. As they are nearing they run and hug each people to come closer to them.

Lastly they all together hug Changmin.

“How are you, you lucky rascal?” Junsu asks as he ruffles Changmin’s hair that is now spiked and dyed in almond color.

“Yah! Watch the hair”, but all of them stats to bully him by hitting him playfully. Changmin looks scholarly with his eyeglass, blue checkered short-sleeve polo all bottoms open and t-shirt inside, and dark jeans.

“How’s your masters?” asks Yunho.

“I’m doing fine, hyung”

“How about Jaejoong?”, Yoochun asks the question that all of them really want to ask.

All eyes turn to Changmin and even the other relatives starts to act like cold water was splashed on them. The three notices and can’t help but feel that something is wrong.

Changmin smiles, “He’s out now. It’s been a month now. He’s in his penthouse now with Minkyung. How about we go there tomorrow?”

“Yeah, adeul, let’s go home first then you visit Jaejoong tomorrow” Junsu’s mom says.

“Yes Yunho, tomorrow would be appropriate” Yunho’s father says. Somehow this cause and eye from Junsu’s father knowing the stain in the parent’s relationship with each other during the lawsuit. Still, all this year, nothing has been talked about the parents but the important is the members are together. Still…

Yunho clears his throat. “Alright”

After that all of them are separated. Changmin specially upon returning home through his car feel a lump in his throat. He almost tears up. Hope that his hyungs will not be disappointed much. He sighs.



“Yoochun-ah, this is Yunho…hehe… it’s weird hearing your voice in the phone.”

“Oh Hyung! We arrived home safely”

“That’s good, we’re still in the road and came on a stop in a restaurant. It’s not what I want to talk about..we’ll, do you think something is weird about everyone?”

“Yeah, Junsu called also and said the same thing… his parents are hiding something when he asks about Jaejoong. I’m not feeling well about this.”

“Yeah, but we’ll know for sure tomorrow… Let’s just pray for the”


All for meets in the coffee shop near Jaejoong’s house. All of them wear their comfortable shirts and jeans, except Yoochun who is definitely still in love with his wife beater, shorts and slippers. Even if they have been gone, it still noticeable that they’re still very famous as all eyes are in them but no one dares to come near them because this area is for the elite so it will be embarrassing swooning over a celebrity.

They talk for a while until Yunho asks them to go already. He could see Changmin flinched.

“Why what’s wrong Changmin-ah?” Junsu asks.

“Uhmm… Let’s just go”

They reach the penthouse with a slight tension. The three doesn’t really like this feeling. Did something happen to Jaejoong?

Changmin was the first to doorbell and after some few trials the door open. The three expects it would be Jaejoong to welcome them but it was Minkyung. As always she’s a welcoming lady and hugs each of them.

“Oh guys, you came. Wow, it’s been a while, you all become so manly”

The three smiles in embarrassment.

“Uhmm.. We came for Jae” Yunho explains.

“Of course” Minkyung says with an akward smile. “Uhmm… he’s in the living room… But please don’t rush on him…”

“Why?” Junsu wonders.

“Uhmm… just you’ll see”

They all go in the living room. It’s very spacious with black and white couches and a big wide screen t.v. There Jaejoong is seating in the floor, playing of what seems to be a Need for Speed game. He is wearing white loose long-sleeve top and white pants. He has hair which tied in the bangs revealing his lovely forehead, and he’s wearing a purple rimmed eyeglasses. He’s facial features is scrunched in concentration in his games.

“Jaejoong, you have visitors”

Jaejoong’s attention was directed on them in an instant and their hearts skipped with his lovely smiles.

“Hyung” Junsu says.

Jaejoong ran to them, and their hopes are up but suddenly in the end it was only Changmin whom Changmin hugs.

“Changmin-ah! You’ve come. I’m bored. Don’t study too much, be here for some time”

The three is shocked. Changmin returns Jaejong’s hug but he is eyeing the other three in apology. Then Jaejoong turns to the three and he could notice their shock expression. He bits his lips.

“Uh… do.. do I know you from before?”

The three only nods dumbfounded.

“Uhmm.. hyung… this is Yunho, Junsu and Yoochun…. I talk of them remember?” Jaejoong nods. Then Jaejoong eyes lighted as if remembering something.

“Oh, they look different from the pictures…uhmm..”

Jaejoong, even a little awkward hugs Yunho, Junsu and Yoochun.

After that moment Jaejoong excused to take a shower while the rest are in the living room with some biscuits, coffees and teas.

The three are dumbfounded and feeling a little betrayed.

“Sorry, I can’t quite explain. You just have been out from the military and supposed to be celebrating. I don’t want to ruin it all for you yesterday. Your family requested also so I didn’t tell you yesterday”

“So hyung could not remember us?” Junsu says.

“Well, all he could remember is the times when he run-away. He doesn’t remember ever stepping neither Seoul nor the auditions. We’ve been trying to make him remember and even giving him therapies but so far, he doesn’t remember. The doctor says that his memory would return because he’s brain has been recovering. All the medication had work. The virus is neither anymore active nor fatal. But yeah.. Downside is he loosed some memory.” Changmin explains.

“I know this is hard for you guys. It is, when Changmin first visit Jaejoong after he woke up. Changmin needs to build up new relationship with Jaejoong for Jaejoong to trust him. So far he knows that he lost some memories but he doesn’t remember being celebrity or being friends with you. That’s why we are also quite protective of him going out from the house” Minkyung adds.

Suddenly everybody stopped as Jaejoong came with a plain white shirt and jeans. His smile is very beautiful matching his ever so youthful face. Now he’s back to being slightly chubby but not much. He’s still good looking as always the three notice. No more eye bags, no dark circles, no too pale complexion.

“So… Uh… I heard you’re going to take me somewhere” Jaejoong smiles as he scratches his head.

“Yeah” Yunho smiles, hiding the fact that there is a hard lump forming in his throat. “Hmm.. How about you ready some clothes also, where going in the country”

The other members look at him questioningly.

“Oh… Yes! All of them want me to stay here”, Jaejoong pouts. “I’m bored here already”

Minkyung eyed Yunho but Yunho eye him back that Jaejoong will be fine. The other members also just go on with the flow. Jaejoong then went to his bedroom with Minkyung, readying a backpack for Jaejoong.

When they already disappeared in sight, the three approach Yunho. “Trust me guys” Yunho explains. “And we need to ready. Send in your van and driver Junsu and tell your caretaker Yoochun to reserve your resthouse.. the one near the beach”

Then finally they realized what Yunho is trying to do.


Later that day they are already in the van. Just five of them and a driver. As much as possible the members try to shower Jaejoong all the attention and naturally Jaejoong the attention. They play simple games and if not are eating various snacks that Minkyung prepared and also the ones they bought before going here.

“Jaejoong-ah look there is a sunroof” Yunho exclaims. He opens it and shouts as the wind blew in his head. Jaejoong seeing it wants also to imitate so when Yunho went off the sunroof he took his place. Jaejoong laugh as the wind blew in his body.

Hmmm… What a familiar feeling. Jaejoong thought.

When he went down everyone came laughing. Yoochun shook his head, thinking that nothing changed. Changmin smiles genuinely, maybe there is still hope. Junsu grins also and remembering the times that Jaejoong actually loves doing this silly thing. Yunho ruffles Jaejoong’s here.

Jaejoong’s doe eye widens in Yunho’s affection but he recovers and doesn’t mind. Suddenly after a few minutes everyone is drowsy. Jaejoong chose to lean on Yunho’s shoulder, feeling a familiar sense of security around the man.


Jaejoong woke up with a slight jolt in the material he is sleeping in, which is apparently Yunho. He looks up and Yunho says smilingly, “we’re here”. Jaejoong smiles as they already stop and outside the window he could see a lovely beach. It summer now and this is just right for a good swim later.

They all went inside and the moment Jaejoong step inside, there is this familiar feeling again. Maybe I was here before. He stare at the other guys who are busy arranging some stuff. I know, I know them before. Changmin says we’re friends but I didn’t know how true is that till now. Hmm.. I want to remember soon. Jaejoong held his head and the other four instantly went closer to him.

“Hyung, are you alright?” Junsu asks.

Yoochun instantly went to the kitchen to get water.

Changmin guides Jaejoong to the couch to sit and Yunho fans him with the closes thing he can use as fan which is actually a pamphlet that he saw from the coffee table. Jaejoong smiles and told them he’s fine. Suddenly his attention went instantly to what Yunho is holding. He grabs it and stares at it.

Everyone froze. The red pamphlet is actually a pamphlet of their Chrome Project. There are various artists in there but in front is the five of them with stylish clothes and hairstyles. Jaejoong stare at them questioningly and there is a look of being lost in his eyes. “What is…?”

Jaejoong runs away and the other four follows him. He heads into the beach. He sure runs fast because the others are having hard time catching up but they come to halt when Jaejoong trips in the sand and kneels clutching his head. His form starts to shake.

The four instanty comes closer to him but it was Changmin who hugs and made his head rest in his chest.

“How come I can’t remember? I want to remember…” Jaejoong sobs. “Mianhe, everybody… Mian…”

The others starts to tear up. Yunho wipes Jaejoong’s tears.

“Don’t cry… why you always think of other people… We’re fine, and if it hurts you to remember us, it’s okay. I just want that you open to us for us to be friends again and that is important”

They group hug.

Later that day, they enjoy having fun again. They swim in the beach and had barbeque at night. Everybody sleeps in the living room and they have Jaejoong in the center.


Morning came and the house is filled with lovely smells of food. Changmin was up instantly upon the smell. He look around to find that Jaejoong is missing. He woke everyone up in instant. Everybody panics but when a figure coming from the kitchen carrying a pot and placing it in the table came they were all relieve.

“Breakfast?” Jaejoong asks.

“Wait…” Changmin exclaims. “How?”

The three shot Changmin a questioning look.

“Never did Jaejoong cooks after the coma nor did someone thought how to… that means..”

They all look at Jaejoong… and Jaejong..

“No I haven’t got all my memories back but…. I  know that… Changmin is our monster-magnae, Yoochun is my soulmate, Junsu is our angel, and Yunho is my brother and my leader.”Jaejoong explains.

“It means you’re remembering already,Hyung” Junsu’s eyes lights up. “Thank God”

They group hug again and enjoys the breakfast that Jaejoong made.


5 months passed and it was quite rash but the Chrome project continues and the loud fans are cheering specially for Dong Bang Shin Ki. Some artists are not already present but the project is successful and what is important that the 5 stars continues to shine, though they already explains that this will be the last as Junsu is about to have a family and the other members want to pursue some other paths. Still these is a moment to remember and this is the start of a new era.

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Chapter 18: This is beautiful and sad
Chapter 18: First of all THANK YOU!!! Thank you so much for writing this story, I read it in 2 days and didn't comment on every chapter because I wanted so badly to know what will happen next. It was worth redding it. The plot is amazing , it's very realistic. When I read it I was fascinated at how deep the emotions are and how easily you could feel them .The story just drowns you in. For me it was a pleasure to read this masterpiece of yours. ^~^
PS. Pleace can you tell me the name of the final song , I know it sounds stupid and like I'm not a fan for not knowing, I will be very grateful i you do.^^
kyouya3 #3
Read this in one go >,< awesome~ love it, hehe, thx for writing~
am i too bad to demand a sequel? pls! :)
cassiopcassie #5
how can i just found this fic? it's so great =)))))
bolero #6
Thank you so much for this fic, even if I almost cried... :)
awe i loved it post more,update new stories.....................DBSK HWAITING- Cassiopeia forever ^_^
kiattyandbone #8
Rereading again ^^
melfics #9
good!! AKTF