Private Island

If We Meet


“Mr. Kim Jaejoong-ssi, I’m quite shock that you are settling this in early age. But rest assured you’re assets is in good hands”, the attorney, and old balding man with a gentle fatherly smile says to the young man before him.

“Yeah, we don’t know what will happen. By the way here is my statement”

The attorney scans through the document. Upon reading thoroughly the paper the attorney’s face change into more serious look. Then, he looks at Jaejoong with sad eyes. “I see. And I guess you want this confidential, then.”

The younger man nods with a gentle smile.


Even though it’s almost a dozen times they film in resorts and beaches, it’s still refreshing for the members to be filming again in a resort and near the beach again. The four hours of flight from Korea to Philippines and not to mention another 2-3 hours of travelling to the private island is quite worth it. They finally arrived to a place close to paradise – fine white sand beaches, tropical vegetation and wildlife (not to mention the coconuts that Junsu likes so much), and beautiful fine weather – not hot and just right.

The boys of Dong Bang are all fashionably wearing their tropical clothes. Junsu even brought a yellow Hawaiian top making him shine under the sun and with him is his girlfriend who in matching clothes with him. Finally Yunho come to see who Elaine is. She’s almost like the typical blonde American you seen in movies. She’s a little chubby but quite beautiful in her yellow dress matching Junsu’s top. Haha, they look like children but cute together nonetheless.

 Yoochun is in his usual self of course – white shorts and black wife-beater. Yunho is wearing a nice comfortable white shirt and khaki shorts. Changmin is wearing a white sleeveless top and plain jean. Jaejoong is wearing thin white long sleeves and light khaki pants and cool shades. But Yunho can’t help but notice something is off about Jaejoong, even though Jaejoong is all smiles all day but he is quite pale than usual (if that is possible). But Yunho just brush it off of just because of the long travel. Plus Hyunjoong is with them so Jae would be fine.

Yes, Hyunjoong is with them – the friend Jaejoong have when Yunho was not around. Somehow he’s quite regretting the times wasted when it could be him that is around. Now he is having a little friend-jealous about how close Jaejoong and Hyunjoong are.

Yoochun noticed this, and say. “You’ll get to catch with him in no time. He misses you, you know. Remember how he get’s possessive around the members and especially with you. Now it’s your turn.”

Yeah it’s a bit weird between them; Jaejoong during the Mirotic days broke a fight with him for spending so much time with other people and accuses him of treating the members less compare to his friends back then. Now he could understand Jaejoong’s jealousy now.

Yunho doesn’t know if it good or bad that both him and Jae has same room. Yeah, the rest house is quite spacious and has many rooms, but considering the staffs and some equipment as usual all are almost paired to one room-mate.

 The care taker is gladly ushering them in their rooms. Yunho keep side glancing on Jae who apparently still ushering a good despite the obvious tiredness in his frail look. Yeah, Jae looks good being lean and all but Yunho can’t help to just want the a little chubby Jaejoong back. At least, he looks healthy.

As they enter the room their luggage are already settled near the closet. Jaejoong immediately arranges his clothes inside the closet. As usual, he’s still a neat freak. Yunho smiles to himself.

“You did not change”, Yunho says.

Jaejoong chuckles and turn around. “What? Just tell me if you want me to manage your clothes also”

“Nah… Sorry you have to deal with my unruliness again, I guess you want to room with Hyunjoong”, Yunho didn’t meant to say that it just slip out of him. Then Jaejoong stare at him in surprise.

“Are you jealous?”

“No”, Yunho denied. Jaejoong smiles because it’s noticeable that there is a change in Yunho’s cheeks, a sign that Jaejoong knows so well.

“Well it’s nice to have Hyunjoong around but I miss being like this. I want to bond with an old friend like this. Plus Hyunjoong insisted to have separate room. You know, to not interfere so much. We came here to work on our video and he’s just here to support.”  

“So you’re saying if ever he wants to be with you, you’d rather be with him”

“Yah! Jung Yunho, you know you’re as much as important as Hyunjoong, if not, more. Stop whining” Jaejoong throw a pillow on Yunho.

It hit Yunho hard on the face. ‘Oh, it’s on’ Yunho-warrior mode. “Oh… You Jaejoong-yah! Watch out till I get you”

With that Jaejoong ran downstairs and Yunho ran after playfully, as if they are not already grown men. The house is filled with their laughter. Yoochun who is sitting in the sofa with Hyunjoong just follows them with his eyes. “Bwo-ya ego?( what’s this?)” Just a few days ago they wouldn’t even a civil moment together now they are back to being buddies again and like kids at that.


The taping of their music video starts. They are making the video for the ballad ‘Storm’ and everyone is wearing different designs of white clothes. They are shooting in the big rock-cliff near the sea, where the strong waves of the sea is hitting the rocks. They have the splashes of waves as their backside. The dramatic effect of the waves makes their emotion also easily delivered as they sing their hearts out.

Everyone in the set is in awe as the boys are really back in their game. They are so strong and powerful being together, that even the new artists will be brush aside if they come back on stage.

The shooting went well but the crews are so tired to some went to rest in their rooms. Some of the crew decides to stroll around the island leaving just the five, Junsu’s girl and Hyunjoong. They all went to the wide veranda on the second floor overlooking the beautiful sunset and the beach.  The boys ask for the caretaker to set a grill, table and chairs, for they decide to make barbeque from the fish that they bought before coming in the island. Jaejoong as usual volunteers to cook for them. He is then assisted by Hyunjoong.

“Wah! It’s been a while since we’ve been like this.” Junsu says as he relaxes in the bamboo chair while putting an arm around her girlfriend.

“Yeah”, Changmin agrees with a big grin in his face. “But I don’t remember you having a girl when we have bonding times. Not that I don’t like Ellaine being here, but just saying”

Ellaine who is oblivious of what they are saying asks Junsu and Junsu explain to her and she pouted. She hit Junsu who is also grinning.

Yoochun laughs. “Sorry, sorry” Changmin said with the English that he could muster.

“You know I never imagined Junsu to have a foreign girlfriend and to at least make a good conversation in English at that” Yunho says.

“Hyung, come on I’m not that dumb”

“Yeah, OH MY GOD SUN!”

Everyone laughs as another stories of Junsu’s English floods in.

Elaine noticing the good interaction between the brothers makes her smile even though she just get a little of what they are talking about.

She heard what happened to them before as she is also following the break-up years ago. It was just a good push of faith that she came to know Junsu. She’s not a big fan but she’s quite interested about the boys, and it’s nice to be a part of this moment where they are back again. Only if the world could see this, it is really a good sight.

“Okay, enough bickering children. Here’s your meal” Jaejoong said as he places the first batch of meal in the table and Hyunjoong brought the soju. Everybody starts to ravish the fish that Jaejoong garnish with some seasoning and they all ate like there is no tomorrow.

Jaejoong sighs and went back to the grill to finish the last batch. He urges Hyunjoong to join them and after so much arguing Hyunjoong starts to join the drinking session. Jaejoong on the other hand finish the last batch of barbeque and place it in the table.

As usual, Junsu didn’t drink but Elaine did and now a bit red. Yunho has no tolerance at all but Changmin and Yoochun are champions. “Hyung” Changmin offers the cup of soju but Jae refuses and Changmin did not pushes, but Yunho notices. Hyunjoong also, who is quite a drinker of the same level of Jaejoong, is quite wondering. Jaejoong brush them of saying he’s a little dizzy from the traveling and work so he’ll pass.

They didn’t push Jae further and go on with the night as they all decide to play some small games like dolphin game or ming meng mong (Korean game). Laughter fills the place. In the middle of a new game though, Jaejoong excuses himself to take a leak. Hyunjoong, who notices that there is something wrong in Jae’s walking, follows his hyung. Yunho notices this too but did not follow because Hyunjoong was already ahead of him.

Jaejoong was really fast as Hyunjoong already lost him in sight. Hyunjoong walk along the corridor in the way to nearest comfort room only to hear some staggering sound. It’s the sound of someone who is like being choked or having a hard time to breath. Hyunjoong starts to run to reach the comfort room to find the doors open. The light is off. He turn the lights one only to find..

“Hyung? Hyung!” He kneeled hurriedly beside his hyung.

Hyunjoong is shock to find Jaejoong kneeling near the sink. His one hand is holding the sink and his other hand clutching his temple, and his body fails to support him. What really make Hyunjoong nervous is that there is blood on Jaejoong’s hands. He was about to shout and call the others when Jaejoong’s hand stops him. “No.. Don’t tell them.. Please”

Hyunjoong place Jaejoong’s head in his shoulder and find that Jae’s nose is bleeding. By this time Hyunjoong is already shaking panic “Hyung?”

“S-s-ink” Jaejoong whispered. Hyunjoong doesn’t understand but he peered into the sink to find a bloody medicine bottle slightly opened. Hyunjoong took it instantly.

“Hyung, what should I do?”


Hyunjoong instantly put two in Jae’s mouth. Jae swallows it slightly coughing but manages to take it in. “Take me to your room, Hyun”

Hyunjoong did as he put Jaejoong in his back carefully. He then lay Jaejoong in his bed upon arriving the room. Then Hyunjoong instantly look for a soft cotton cloth and turn on the water into cold in his own private bathroom and then return to Jaejoong and place the cloth in the bridge of Jaejoong’s nose as he place Jae’s head on his shoulder.

“Hyung, you better be alive because you have lots of explaining to do” Hyunjoong says frustratingly.

Jaejoong smiles, “I’m not going to die, now. Hyun don’t worry”

It was almost like forever as Jaejoong slowly is breathing normally. Hyunjoong who is by this time is already tearing up is still shaking.

“I’m okay now Hyunjoong-ah, sorry, I made you worry” Jaejoong lightly detaches himself from Hyunjoong. Hyunjoong on the other hand put his pillow to higher leverage and make Jaejoong rest on it.

Hyunjoong looks at himself and Jaejoong. There is still blood everywhere. Without hesitation he starts to clean up both of them and he could see his hyung about to sleep but still observing his move.

“Hyung, you rest here. Don’t worry, I’ll cover up for you but you better really explain yourself” Hyunjoong says.

Jaejoong chuckles, “You sound like my sisters dotting on me” but he can’t argue more because he’s really feeling tired and he sleeps.

Hyunjoong starts to wash himself and change his clothes. He sighs.

‘Now, how could I cover up on this?’


Yunho and the rest of the guys are quite worried, Hyunjoong and Jaejoong didn’t come. Yunho was about to stand and check on the two up. But Hyunjoong already comes right on cue but Jaejoong is not with him.

“Where’s Jae?” Yunho asks.

“Oh, he said he’s a little tired so he turns in for the night. And since your room is a little far, he decides to sleep in my room”

“Oh” Yunho can’t help but feel disappointed. But I guess it’s just alright. But he can’t help but feel that something is up.

“Oh Hyun, why you changed your clothes”

“Ahh… It’s a little hot so a change to a comfortable one” then Hyunjoong smiles quite awkwardly.

‘Something is up, I’m sure’Yunho thought.

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Chapter 18: This is beautiful and sad
Chapter 18: First of all THANK YOU!!! Thank you so much for writing this story, I read it in 2 days and didn't comment on every chapter because I wanted so badly to know what will happen next. It was worth redding it. The plot is amazing , it's very realistic. When I read it I was fascinated at how deep the emotions are and how easily you could feel them .The story just drowns you in. For me it was a pleasure to read this masterpiece of yours. ^~^
PS. Pleace can you tell me the name of the final song , I know it sounds stupid and like I'm not a fan for not knowing, I will be very grateful i you do.^^
kyouya3 #3
Read this in one go >,< awesome~ love it, hehe, thx for writing~
am i too bad to demand a sequel? pls! :)
cassiopcassie #5
how can i just found this fic? it's so great =)))))
bolero #6
Thank you so much for this fic, even if I almost cried... :)
awe i loved it post more,update new stories.....................DBSK HWAITING- Cassiopeia forever ^_^
kiattyandbone #8
Rereading again ^^
melfics #9
good!! AKTF