before another storm

If We Meet

“Jaejoong, don’t do this”, Yunho says panicking. Yoochun on the other hand tries to extend his hand and said, “Jae,pl-please hand me the glass. We can talk this one out”

Jaejoong looks at them helplessly. This is not really what he has in mind. But dying now is not also included in his plan and let the shard go. ‘No, I shouldn’t give. Not yet.’ His vision starts to dance as the room starts spinning and before he could ever reach the floor where some more shards are scattered he could see figures of his brothers catching him. The last image he saw is the face of the leader.


“I can’t contact any doctor” Yoochun says as he just came from the outside looking for signal. “Still, no one can pass through here and there is no nearby hospital around here” Yoochun adds as the other three are still in the living room. They placed Jaejoong in one of the rooms. They already patch on Jae’s cut in the hands. It just looks dangerous but Jae is far from danger as the cut is not that deep and serious.

Yoochun sits in one of the couches and stretches his back as he massages his forehead.

The first aid kit is in the coffee table as they all too try to mend their own bruises.

“I think we should start acting civilized with each other”, Junsu says as he finish putting some ointment on the bruise near his lips. “It’s getting the toll on us, and imagine how would we get through promotions with bruise faces?”

“Yeah, we should act at least professional with each other”, Changmin says.

“Why, what a hypocri-” Junsu says but stops as he starts to control himself. Changmin caught the intention but he controls himself also. Actually everyone knows they are at fault one point or another but each other’s pride is quite still powerful beyond the incident.

“Is this the first time he did this?” Yunho asks. There is a deep

Yoochun and Junsu are silent.

“Please answer”,Yunho said gritting his teeth.

 “Now you start caring when just awhile ago you want to get Hyung’s throat”, Junsu said boldly.

“Stop! Stop!” Yoochun said. Yoochun is really pissed right now. His souldmate is there in the other room and here they are starting another fight. “Okay to answer your question, so far as we know Jae haven’t tried to kill himself before. Well, he’s been drinking the first years of the lawsuit but he lessen his drinking and almost normal on the rest of the years. He’s been missing us being together, yes, but all this time he’s been the one showing hope for us to be together, being friends at least. That’s why he comes up with the idea of tying up with UAM”

“It was all his idea?” Yunho mumbles.

That evening Jae woke with a head ache. He tries to massage his temple only to feel some roughness from his finger.

‘Bandage?’, Jae thought. Then he remembered last night. Oh, how embarrassing. Jae covered his face with his hands. Then he remembers how the four fought. And Yunho’s word..

“Are you that good Kim Jaejoong??!!!!”

“Why don’t you just show you’re double face in front of everyone?”



The four are ended up sleeping in the living room. Jae decides to go out from his room and has the chance to look at the lovely sight. Jae starts to approach each one of them and he tries to memorize each faces. He has notice some differences now compare to the way they are before. Well one of that are the bruises for that matter. It’s been a while since he scrutinizes their faces. Before, they were so young and so fresh ready to conquer the entertainment. Now, they’re the picture of maturity, manliness and tiredness as well. Jae smiles bitterly.


Yunho woke up with a warm feeling. When he opens his eyes the fireplace is already crackling with fire. The wind outside is quite strong but inside it so cozy. He gazes around only to see the other three sleeping in the couches. Funny thing is in the long couch Changmin ended up sleeping on Junsu’s shoulder. Yoochun is always in his lonesome self in a single couch.

‘So who lit the fire?’ His eyes went wide in realization. Yunho check on the room to find Jaejoong missing. He check in the other rooms. He comes back on the living room and about to wake up the other three when someone touch his shoulder.

Jaejoong motioning his finger to his mouth to keep quite. Yunho is quite impressed on how Jae is now smiling after what happened. Jae drags him by the elbow into the dining room and makes him seat on one of the chairs. Then Jae disappears in the kitchen only to return with a pot of what seems to be soup. The smoke is still escaping pass through the lids. He places it in the middle of the dining table. Then again Jae disappears into the kitchen to return with two bowls, chopsticks, spoon and some container of side dishes.

Yunho sits in silence as Jae prepares everything. It is quite soothing to be honest. Jae has been the real cook and no one could replace his work. And no one can win over against his meticulous handling of food. Jae finally opens the pots lead to reveal a good looking ddokbokki with noodles and udong(fish cake).

Jae serves Yunho some when..

“Mianhe”,Yunho said. Jae stops by that simple word.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I am the one to be sorry” Jae says and continues to serve. “I-I- just want us to be together”

“It’s not that easy.”

“I just can try”

After that the two ate in silence. After all this years, this two has a way to understand each other. They are very close back then. Even to the point that they are rumored to be lovers of some sort. No one knows how they bond and how they well know each other but what they quite know so well also is their big difference.

 Jae is outspoken and very blunt. Yunho is controlled and kept. Jae bases everything in his feelings, his guts, and his intuition. Yunho rather trust his knowledge, his intellect. Jae is a free-spirit. Yunho is about system and rules. But their common ground is their ambition. The love for their craft and most importantly is the eagerness to build up TVXQ. But some time along the way they again got separated.

“I miss you” Jae says.

Yunho don’t know what to say and finds the ddok very interesting. Jae really sure knows how to orchestrate awkward moments nowadays. Why suddenly also. But Jae sure is a one honest person so what’s new.

“Nado, but we need to function well this time Jaejoong. Sorry if I can’t control myself but please be reasonable sometimes” Yunho now starts to look into Jae seriously and sincerely. “We cannot keep on jumping some unnecessary actions. Now here we are, let’s work together. If it’s working together is what you want then let’s do this.”


“Mianhe, also. I guess it’s about this happens but…” Yunho says. “But next time don’t risk your life this way” Yunho reaches Jae’s wounded hand. “It’s not worth it Jaejoong”

“But being together is worth everything”

“Hyung!” Jaejoong was a little shock when suddenly Junsu hugs him from behind. Jae turns around and stands up to hug Junsu fully. Junsu starts to sob in his shoulder. Jae smiles as the old Junsu is coming back and just standing not far is Yoochun and Changmin. Yoochun didn’t hesitate to hug Jae also.

HoMin once again starts to feel that the other three is far from them even though they are just inches apart as they just look at the scene.  

The rest of that night though they decide to eat peacefully. No one mentions about the incident awhile ago. Not long in the dinner they decide to add some discussion about their new songs, performances, concepts and even directing idea.

 It was almost like their times of being together as TVXQ. They always discuss everything over dinner.

 At this moment they forget about some things of the past and talks about what all of them are passionate about and that is music, their fans, and their group. No one knows what is yet to come but every single second are just conspires into building up these project. Everything is so peaceful, and each of the members knows that they want this to last but they will never know of course of what yet to come. They could just stay in faith.


The next morning everyone starts to part ways. Jae decides to free poor Junsu from his captivity as he gives him a ride back to the city, even though Junsu insists he drives because of Jae’s condition. But Jae won over Junsu and again like a kidnapper drags Junsu home. Yunho and Changmin are picked-up by their managers. Yoochun on the other hand decides to stay longer as he tries to finish their song.

Yoochun again is met by silence as he stares at black and white keys of his piano, but now there seems to be a tune already playing in his head. All he can do is do his best and expect for the best.



some breather for more things to come

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:) always keep the faith

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Chapter 18: This is beautiful and sad
Chapter 18: First of all THANK YOU!!! Thank you so much for writing this story, I read it in 2 days and didn't comment on every chapter because I wanted so badly to know what will happen next. It was worth redding it. The plot is amazing , it's very realistic. When I read it I was fascinated at how deep the emotions are and how easily you could feel them .The story just drowns you in. For me it was a pleasure to read this masterpiece of yours. ^~^
PS. Pleace can you tell me the name of the final song , I know it sounds stupid and like I'm not a fan for not knowing, I will be very grateful i you do.^^
kyouya3 #3
Read this in one go >,< awesome~ love it, hehe, thx for writing~
am i too bad to demand a sequel? pls! :)
cassiopcassie #5
how can i just found this fic? it's so great =)))))
bolero #6
Thank you so much for this fic, even if I almost cried... :)
awe i loved it post more,update new stories.....................DBSK HWAITING- Cassiopeia forever ^_^
kiattyandbone #8
Rereading again ^^
melfics #9
good!! AKTF