
I heart U, Kim Taeyeon

Author's POV:


It was Sunday, a week after the charity event was held in the park. There was a runaway going on and the girls were called to be the models for the latest designs before it is publish or display outside.


Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Hyoyeon and Yuri each will be wearing 5 pieces of outfits from the executive fashion designer who held this runaway.


They were preparing in backstage, hair is being style and makes up are applied before it begins.


The place was slowly filled with other top fashion designers, reporters, magazine's writers and even idols. All dressed in their formal attires since it is a formal events.




At that same place and time, Kyungsoo and his crew was the chef for the day or simply the one who is giving out his delicious pastries. They were called by the designer herself as her chef for this day. Kyungsoo was honored to be there .


They were busy setting up the plates and pastries on each plate for the guest, Sehun was amazed by the people there. "Hyung how lucky for me to work for you. I always gets the chance to meet all the stars whenever you were invited for big events!" Sehun squealed watching many top idols there and some of the fashion designers that he wishes to meet with, and it came true.




Since it was formal, they all wear coats to match with the attires. Kyungsoo chuckles watching how Sehun's eyes sparks in joy. Well he wasn't the only one, even Kai were jumping all around and was gleeful when he announce the news 2 days ago.


He even dragged Kyungsoo to the mall to shop for tux for this event and he was really into it. One more lucky thing is that, their tables were placed on the right side of the runaway path and so they will see clearly when the show starts.


Xiumin, Chen and Lay was excited but not as how the two kids are. "Attention everybody, the runaway will starts in 5. Please be seated in your place, thank you." One of the staff came out from behind to announce the beginning of the event starting.


Kai and Sehun was jumping, hugging each other. People look at them weirdly, Kyungsoo slapped his forehead by the embarassment. "Guys stop that..people are watching." He claimed.




On the backstage, the girls were dressed in the outfits that assigned for them. They look completely outstanding, gorgeous, y, hot and exotic in those outfits. With their heavy make ups and hair that fits with the clothes makes even more hotter.


The executive fashion designer check on them one last time and clasped her hand with a wide satisfied smile on her face. "You girls look so gorgeous!" She glee in joy, "Having you girls as my models was the perfect idea from the beginning. I'm happy with how it turns out. I am so wanted you girls to be top models whenever I have new trend to put on!" Again she said it with most happy tone, before she leave to introduce her new styles.


Sunny looking so nervous that she starts to sweat. Hyoyeon and Jessica walks back and forth, gritting their teeth. Yuri and Taeyeon stand there with a calm expression. They both look at their friends.


Yuri suddenly giggles, "Girls, stop with the pacing and sweating. It will okay. Trust me, its not like you've never done this before." Cocking her eyebrows as she watch them still pacing.


"It can't be help Yul, you will always have this tachycardia whenever you are gonna walk along that runaway, catwalking like professionals do." Sunny claimed, the stylist helps wiping the sweats from her foreheads, and then applying some make ups to fix the one that was wiped away.


Taeyeon shook her head, sighing. She have done this for many times just like how her friends did, but not once does Taeyeon has that feeling of nervousness in her.




"Now the runaway will begins with my first new collections!" The applaud sound was heard. The staff waved the signal for all the models to start stepping on stage.


Kai, Sehun, Xiumin and Chen screamed like a fanboy when the models walk out from behind the stage, styling their outfits in their most outstanding way. Kyungsoo and Lay just clapped their hands, watching as they one by one walking. Eyes following them from beginning till the end.


Some of the guests came to get the pastries that Kyungsoo have prepared for them. He attended to the guest. Focusing on the guest, with Lay and Xiumin helped out.


That time, Taeyeon walked out on the runaway. Her calm expression give that different vibes to the guest. It sometime gave out tgat strong aura to them and her milky white skin give it more strong vibes. A loud applaud was surrounded in the room.


Kai, Sehun and Chen blinks, looking at each other and gasped when they realize the girl was Taeyeon. Kai when to Kyungsoo, nudging his shoulder. "Hyung..." he calls, eyes fixed on her still. "What is it Jongin, I'm busy here." Kyungsoo told him to just watch as he help the guest. But Kai won't budged and he keeps on nudging, "Hyung...come on." he pleaded. But Kyungsoo just ignore him, then Sehun came and pulls his sleeves. "Hyung, you better look now.." he said.


"Guys please. Theres a guest right now." sighing in annoyance. "Kyungsoo, you should thank me later so you better look now!" then came Chen, placing both his hand on Kyungsoo's head and forcing him to look on the runaway.


"Chen!" he shouted but widen his eyes when he sees Taeyeon on the runaway, walking off the stage.




"Was that....was that..." he was mumbling, keeps on repeating the same words. Chen, Sehun and Kai all nods their heads. "Oh yes, Kyungsoo. Its her and I can't believe that whenver you are, she'll be there. Is it fate that tied you both on meeting each other everytime there is some occasion happens? Like seriously dude, on that charity event, and Sehun telling me you guys bumped each other once in the bubble tea shops, with her keeps on coming to our shops." Chen smirks, crossing his arms.


Xiumin and Lay chuckles, attending the one last guest before they faced him. "Yeah, I was asking that myself too. Even Kris and Joonmyun keeps on asking. She's always there where Kyungsoo is. Fates really wants you guys to be together I guess." Xiumin claimed, leaning on the table, watching the runaway.


They do also realized the other 4 girls when they walk. "Those girls are her friends right? Are they models or something?" asked Lay, scratching his head.


"It looks like it..." answered Xiumin.




Before it ends, the last part, Taeyeon, Jessica, Hyoyeon, Sunny and Yuri shows off their last dress together, posing and posing before leaving the stage, gathering with their fellow models to be on stage as the ending event.


All the guest gave an applaud for the models and to the designer. "Thank you...It is honored to hold this events. And I would like to give a special thanks to our top models that came to help me to make this event a success. Thank you, Jessica, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sunny and Taeyeon for your time. You girls truly brings out the colour."


Everyone applaud them, flashing cameras everywhere as the 5 of them stand on the front part of the line, waving and bowing to everyone.


Hearing that, Kyungsoo and his friends jaws dropped. "Top models!?" they shouted in unisons. Eyes all averted to them, Taeyeon and her friends, even the models and the executive fashion designer look at them.


Realizing that, they cleared out their throats. "Sorry.." apologizing.


Taeyeon an eyebrow. 'We meet again...Why is it that we always meet. Is it fate?' Taeyeon thought to herself, she also has this thought of fate tying them together.


Well in meeting each other. But she almost laugh when she look at Kyungsoo's shocked face. How she finds it cute when his eyes widen, jaws dropping. 'Maybe he was shocked to hear Ms Song said top models. As I am one of them.' thinking to herself. 'Well he never did ask of my occupation. And why do I even care if he didn't ask me?' she shooks her head.




Kyungsoo buried his face into his palm, suprised to find out that shes a model! He actually freaked out hearing that. 'Wah! A model, daebak...A model.' he thoughts, no words could describe how he feels now.




To be continue........



Awooooooo, ah saranghaeyo!

Hehehehe, kukikukikukikuki, khuakhuakhua xDDD




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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 22: I like that you chose 'different' friends for them, like Kyun with mainly exo m members and Tae with Hyoyeon & Yuri.
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 20: THOSE GIFS!!!!!! SO CUTEEEEE!!!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
KimHyunaTaeyeon #4
Chapter 2: I like the first chapter<3 I actually like calm Taeyeon
Baekyeonshippers #5
Finally! I finish it... STRAIGHT ㅋㅋㅋ NONSTOP!!!
Another great story i read from you! kamsahamnida!
KYUNGTAE ❣ ❣ what a cute and adorable couple..
Chapter 24: Wooolalalaaaaaa ~~~ it's been a long time since I last read this story /sigh/ everything has been so crazy.. :'(
yayyyyyyyy /clap clap clap/ that's such an adorable/lovely/hot/adorable/cute ending > ~ < > ♥️♥️♥️ <
lol I laughed a lot (idk why tho) when Joonmyun said sorry to the couple xDD
multi chapters puahahaaaaa :v lol sorry for the craziness.. I'm just too excited > <
I heart you Sukristae_ss <3 :v thanks for making this story ♥️
bai bai see you in your others stories /waveee/
Chapter 24: Wow! Many of you want multi chaps xDDD
unicornx #9
Chapter 24: multi chapters :")