Chapter VII

My Life, My Crazy Neighbors and My Lover [HIATUS]
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“Mina can I have a word?” I hesitated at first but give him a chance to talk.

“One minute.” I glance at my wrist watch.


I’ve been waiting for him to talk but it seems like he didn’t know how to start.

“I thought you will have a word not you will stare at me?” I tilt my head to my right side.


“Oh I . . . I  . . .” is he going to apologize for last night I thought to myself.


Jiho is about to talk when their apartment door opens.


“Jiho! Aissh! This kid! I’ve been waiting for you why didn’t you answer my call? Huh?!?” Mrs. Woo stop her nagging to Jiho when she notice me “Mina?” she merely stepping out of their apartment “What are you doing here with Jiho?”


“Good evening Mrs. Woo” I greet and bow to her. She returns the bow and greeting and look at me then Jiho “Is my son bothering you again?”

“I just arrive from my Aunties apartment and I just met Jiho at the lift. He wants to tell me something that’s why.”

“Ah I see . . . What is it about Jiho?”

“I will just tell her about the outing that you and Mrs. Choi’s planning about. Is that what you wish me to tell her a while ago Eomma?” he sigh and get in to their apartment.


“Sorry for my son’s behavior. Anyway about the outing he’s taking about maybe I’ll tell you the details when your schedule is light. I bet you’re really busy right now I don’t want to bother you. Have a good night Mina-ssi!” she smile then get in also.



I am reading my notes on one of my subjects while I am taking my ride to office. Now I feel that I should focus on one thing at a time so I can do better. Everything needs to be rushed. I carefully sip on a cup of hot latte I am holding when my phone rings.


“How’s my baby doing?”


“Yes I miss you too baby!”

“Every day I wonder if you’re missing and thinking how am I doing here in Korea!” I pout but I feel really excited on talking to my mom.

“Sorry baby your daddy and I was been busy these past few weeks. So how are you?”

“Same as you Eomma!” I sigh “I’ve been busy balancing my studies and my part time job.”

“Oh dear! I told you that you don’t need to work save that work for us.” I heard she sigh also on the other line.

“It is okay Eomma this will help me and I am enjoying it too don’t worry. Besides you know how I love to take this challenge. So by the way how are you and Appa?”


We continue chatting and tell how we do to each other. It’s been a month since the last time that I had a communication with my mother.


“Yeah finally we have a neighbor. I don’t talk about them that much since I have a lot to do but I will find a way to catch up to them some other time.”


“That is great. Don’t forget the manners I’ve told no!”


“I’ll always have that since I am a child it’s just that there are some people that doesn’t deserve to be shown on that manner.”


“What do you mean?”


I rolled my eyes then look outside the window of the cab “I am sorry eomma but I have to go.”


“Awww . . . Okay, hey wait . . . never mind, always be a good girl to eomma!”

“I am always good to halmeonie eomma! Always be careful there. Take care! I love you and tell appa that I miss him too!”



When I get down on the cab I saw Jin walking to the entrance of the building. I called him but he didn’t hear me so I run up to him. I was panting when I reach him waiting for the lift.


“Hey Mina!” he remove the earphone on his ears “Are you okay?” he worriedly look at me and took something out from his pocket “Here let me wipe your sweat.” He gently wipe the beads of sweat on my forehead.


“Hey you don’t have to do this.” I grab the hanky from him and wipe my sweat on my own. I was a little bit embarrassed on his actions.


“Why are running for your life? It’s like there’s a dog chasing after you.” Jin looks behind me the chuckled.

“Pssh . . . I saw you walking in. I called many time times but you didn’t bother to look behind. I want to have a company on going up the office that’s why I run.” I look at his hand where he’s holding the earphones and point a finger on it “So this is why.”

“You’re so weird!” Jin chuckled then messed my hair.


After we went to the office and printing out the addresses of the placing we need to go to we head to the basement. Jin were tinkering his camera while I am looking for his car. I saw my dream car on the far end of the basement. I pout when I saw it because how I wish I have that car. I was following Jin and he stop in front of the white Audi Q3.


“So where we need to head first?” Jin asked me and opened the car but this is not the right time to care where we will go first because my dream is in front of me.

“Mina? Hey Mina?” Jin keeps calling me but I show no reaction to him. He lightly shook me and that’s the moment I manage to get back on earth.

“Is this is yours?” I look at him the he look at the car and back to me and nod.

“You are rich and you’re not telling me?”

“Huh? Aniyo! If you conclude that I am rich because of this car well you think wrong. This is mine yeah but it was a gift from my grandfather I didn’t buy it from my pocket.”

“Your grandfather is rich then you are rich that’s it!”


He open the door beside the driver seat and I swiftly get myself in. I can’t explain the excitement I feel. After Jin settled the car zoom off. While

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XOZicoxClemXO #1
Chapter 22: I really enjoyed hope you will update soon ^^