Chapter XII

My Life, My Crazy Neighbors and My Lover [HIATUS]
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Weeks have passed so fast. I’ve been doing same routine everyday, waking up early in the morning, attending university, going to my part time job and getting home late.


There are a lot of things and works I need to accomplish. School works made me go crazy. I don’t want to feel the pressure since it will add more to my stress. I have no good sleep for the last two weeks. I’ve been up for 48 hours. I want to sleep but I need to be up and wide awake to be able to finish everything.


It’s past 3 in the morning and I am still in front of my laptop typing and researching. Papers scattered on my study table. There three empty cans of coffee beside the lamp. My mind is not on the condition to think more so I decided to catch up some sleep. But the caffeine in the coffee that I drunk is still on my veins.


I flipped myself on my bed for the nth time but I wasn’t able to sleep. I got up from my bed; change my tank top to a shirt and my shorts to leggings and wear my running shoes. I pick up my iPod and earphone beside the nightstand and I am ready to go.


I stretched my whole body when I stepped out of the building. The cold breeze in the midnight makes me feel somehow relaxed. I put on my earphones and set the volume into moderate. I jog to the park near the apartment and I felt that the stress I have has gradually fading off.


I’ve been jogging around the park for 30 minutes; beads of sweat were forming on my forehead. I stopped in front of swing. I take a deep breath and inhaled the smell of moist leaves around the park. I sat down on the swing and closed my eyes.


“Wassup baby!”


I shot my eyes open when I heard someone spoke.




I was completely exhausted. I’m on the university at the morning and studio at the night. I’ve been on the studio for three consecutive nights composing, mixing and recording. I need to freshen up so I decided to go home. I am on my way to the building but when I passed on the park I saw Mina standing in front of empty swing. I starred at her for a while. She sat down and closed her eyes. Is she meditating? I’m curious what was she doing there at this early.


I peeked on my wrist watch and looked around. It’s past 4 in the morning. I looked at her again. She’s enjoying the quiet and peace aura on the park. I don’t know what’s on me but I walked towards her location. She didn’t feel my presence until I sat down on the empty swing beside her. I don’t want to interrupt her ‘meditation’ but something on me forced me to talk.


“Wassup baby!”


She startled a bit when he heard me. She looked around and glared at me.


“YAH! You scared me!”

“It’s your fault you don’t even heard my footsteps when I walked here.” She rolled her eyes at me.


She looked up the sky. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and exhaled in more like a sigh.


“What are you doing here at this early?” since I’m curious I asked her straightly.

“It’s not your business anyway so don’t bother yourself.” She snorted.

“Yah! I am talking to you politely why don’t you answer me in the same manner?”


She ignored me and keeps quiet and starts swinging herself.


“What are you doing here at this early?” she suddenly asked while she’s still swinging herself and looking down the ground.

“It’s not your business anyway so don’t bother yourself.” I scoffed.


We starred at each other and chuckled.


“I am here to catch a breath and take a time to let my stress out.” She smiled “I’ve been exhausted and stress this past few weeks. I ignored myself and think of only work.” She starts swinging herself again “I immersed myself on my boring life. I never get tired of doing the same routine everyday.” She continued and looked straight.


“Sure your life is boring I can clearly see it.” I looked at her side appearance.


“Social life leaves me alone since my childhood.” She answered and looked at me “You know I’m getting used living alone since I’m child.” She stood up and stretched her body “I guess I have to go. So I go ahead. Enjoy the fresh air here. Bye.” She waves and walked ahead.


I looked at her while she’s walking away. The tone of her voice while talking I felt sort of sadness. I’m not sure what was she’s thinking or feeling at that moment. But talking about her living all by herself makes me feel the loneliness.


Looking at her she seemed fine. She’s an average girl who busied herself on her life. She might look fine and when I looked at her she looked vulnerable. I may not talk to her always. We’re not that even close or friend but she’s open about herself. The longest time I’ve been with her is when Mrs. Choi sends her an errand and I accompany her. She comfortably talked about her life. Yes, it may sound boring but she enjoyed the way her life flows. She’s open with the story of her life but not with her personal thoughts and what she feels. I know it because I can feel it. Even though she speaks about her life she’s still putting up a thick wall between the people around her.





I looked at my watch. It was lunch time but Mina was still into what she was doing. I looked at her table and saw her seriously looking at her laptop. I noticed that aside form papers of magazine’s articles there are also another pile of papers for school. She seemed been up for a long time because of the dark circle around her eyes speaks for it. I will offer a lunch with her but then I saw a cup of noodles beside her.


“Uhh . . . Mina?” I called her but she’s still busy on what she was working on “Kim Mina?” I called her for the second time but there’s still no response so I stood up and walk towards her table. I was about to shook her shoulder but I saw her sleeping. Her chin on her left hand, she was holding a pencil on her right hand. I peeked on the paper under her right hand and read what was on it. It was a draft paper of her school work but what catches my attention is what she was written on the lower portion of the page.




It may be short note but I feel there a lot of emotions over it.


Her head falls from the support of her left hand and startled when she saw me.


“Aish! Sorry I didn’t notice that I fall to sleep.” Mina gathered the paper around her including the paper in front of her “Err . . . you need something?”


“Yes. It’s lonely eating alone. Wanna grab some lnch with me?”

“Oh . . . Uhh . . . I’m sorry but I have to—“

“NO. I only want to hear a YES.” I cut him from making an excuse on skiping a lunch.

“I’m fine. I have my ramen here.” She tapped the cup noodles beside her laptop “and I have to do these things befo

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XOZicoxClemXO #1
Chapter 22: I really enjoyed hope you will update soon ^^