Chapter XI

My Life, My Crazy Neighbors and My Lover [HIATUS]
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“Stay here and I will go to the market by myself.” We were at the building’s lounge.

“Wae? I don’t like to stay here. It’s quiet and boring here. And I want to take a walk and grab some ice cream!” Jiho whines.

“Aish! Don’t act like a kid! Just go wherever you want!”


I walked down to the nearest market. Jiho walks in front of me. I was looking around if there’s some restaurant that I can buy some kimchee but I found nothing. We passed by on a convenience store when Jiho stopped on his walking. I didn’t notice he stopped so I bumped into him.


“Yah! Mina why’d you always let yourself bumped on me?”

“Aish! It’s your fault after all! I was looking around but you suddenly stop!” I scoffed at him “Why’d you stop by the way? Have you changed your mind? We’re not too far you can go back if you want I can look it for myself!” I am going to walk again but he dragged me to the convenience store.


He wanders around looks at the ice cream fridge.


“Oh right! I found it!”


I came after him and saw two ice creams on his both hands.


“Ice cream? Seriously?” I raised a brow and crossed my arms.

“This will be good while we’re walking. Here take this.” He handed me the ice creams “Go! Pay for it!” He grinned at me.

“And why would I pay for this?”


He pulled inside out his jean’s front pocket to show me that he has nothing right now.


“Please! Besides it’s only two ice creams and I can pay for that when we get back. I can even let you the my ‘ice cream’ when we get back” he looked at me mischievously “You know what I mean.” The he winks at me.


“Okay! Okay! I will pay for it!” I agree on paying it in the end so we can go and look for the kimchee. I feel uneasy on his y jokes.


“Don’t be too eager baby! I know how you want it!” Jiho teases me more I grab the ice cream he’s trying to open and walked out the convenience store “Hey! Give that back to me!

“No. Not unless you will stop your freaking y joke around me.”

“But you get it so you’re also a y one!”

“Aish! Here” I hand him back the ice cream “No you have what you want go back and wait for me at the lounge!” I annoyingly told him.

“Let’s go now so we can come back together.” He simply told me and walked ahead of me.


We get the kimchee and heading back to the apartment. On the way we were chatting about each other. I told him how and why I am living alone. Where was my parent. The university I am attending. The part time job I am doing. My interests and how my life was boring. Simply, I told him everything about me. I didn’t notice that we’re talking about each other comfortably.


“Yeah that’s the only reason why I can’t take a lift alone when I get home late. Actually I run up the stair so fast when I’m climbing up on myself.”

“Such a coward Thumbelina you are!”

“Aish! Wae! How about you I thought you were one of the members of gangster around here!”

“How come you thought me like that?”

“It’s because you’re always getting out late at night and once I saw you with bunch of guys who dressed like you.”

“Wae? You stalked me? What about my clothes?”

“You dressed up like one of the hooligans too!”


“Wae? I am telling the truth!”

“This is my style and you can do nothing about it.”

“I know. I am just telling what I see and I am not asking you to change it.”

“The guys I am with those are my friends.”
“Oh I see . . .” I felt my phone vibrate and looked at the message.





Mina-ah I am here at the front of your apartment building. Are you home right now? I want to talk to halmeonie on signing a contract?



I didn’t answer his message since we’re almost at the building.

“Jiho! Let’s go! Ppali!”


I walk on a faster pace and Jiho confusedly followed me.


“Hey! What’s with the sudden hurry?” he asked me when we arrived in front of the building. I looked around and saw Jin on the lounge with a guy.


“Hey!” I greet him as we entered the building.

“Hey, Mina! I am sorry to this sudden visit but I finally decided to move here with my friend.” He moved aside so I can see his friend that he’s moving with.


“This is Min Yoongi” Jin introduces his friend on me.


“Hello I am Kim Mina” I offer a handshake and he accept it politely.


“I am Min Yoongi, Jin’s best friend slash brother. You can call me Suga. I hope we can be good friend too” He smiled and I get attracted on his lips.


“Oh I see . . . So let’s go up?”


I accompanying them to the lift when I heard someone behind me cleared his throat. And that’s when I remember Jiho was behind me.


“Oh! Sorry. This is Ji—“


“Zico! The almighty Zico!” I looked at Suga who interrupted me on introducing Jiho. Smirking at him. He called him Zico so I knew they knew each other.


“So I guess I have to skip introducing you to each other since it was like you knew each other well?” I look at them confusedly on what’s the relationship of the three.


I lead them to the lift and we took it all together. I feel some tension around them. So I make a

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XOZicoxClemXO #1
Chapter 22: I really enjoyed hope you will update soon ^^