Chapter XVIII

My Life, My Crazy Neighbors and My Lover [HIATUS]
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I’ve been woken up by my phone’s ringing and vibrating beside the bed’s night stand. I groggily reached it answered.





Both of my eyes popped out from their socket the moment I realized what time is it. I dashed to bathroom and take a good ten minutes bath. Then I rushed through the whole apartment to gather the stuff I need. i grab the black bag and grab the folders from my study table.


I sleep really late so I have to finish the school paper that is due today and I need to study for my exams. My eyes are really heavy that night that I forget to set my phone on alarm.


I am dashing on every part of the apartment to collect the things I need. I bumped on everything on my way but I should not mind the pain and the bruises I will get because I really need to rush up.


I grabbed my phone and slipped half of the phone it in front of my pocket jean and dashed out of the apartment. I am checking if I grab the right folder while I am walking in the hallway. I increased my pace of walking that I am almost running. When everything is fine I look forward my way, but I guessed it’s too late for me to avoid the person walking in front of me.


My landed on the cold marble floor. I haven’t zipped my bag so the stuff inside of my bag was now scattered on the floor. I immediately crawl to collect my stuff and put it inside. The person I bumped on was helping me collecting the papers.


“Yah! Kim Mina! It’s too early for you to be so clumsy!” Jiho scolded me.


“I’m sorry!” I immediately stood up after I collect all the stuff and rushed through the lift leaving Jiho on his place dumbfounded. I continuously press the lift button hoping that as I press it the lift will goes up as fast I press the button.


I am panting when I stooped on the bus stop but change my mind when I think of best way to get on school for ten minutes.  I glance on my wrist watch while I am literally jogging on the spot where I’m waiting for cab.

I can’t flag a cab since there are a lot of people who are also waiting. Now, I feel nervous. No. I shouldn’t be late. The professor I have on my first exam is pretty strict that he won’t give exams on late students.


I am frantically waiting when a black motorbike stops in front of me. The guy who was riding the bike throw a helmet on me that I hardly catch. I cannot saw his face because of the helmet was fully tinted. He removes his helmet and welcomed by Jiho’s smiling.


“You’re coming or what?” he asked.

“Who told you that I would come with you?” I raised my brow.

“I’m trying to be nice here. You’re on the rush. You’re having a hard time flagging cab . . .“ He look at his watch “rush hour, you should expect the heave traffic jam ahead.”


I rolled my eyes in defeat and walks toward the motorbike. I slid the helmet on my head. He helps me to get on the motorbike. I wait for him to dash off but he doesn’t move. I pulled up the glass of the helmet.


“Are we going or what?” I irritated asked him.

“Don’t be rushed baby you will get there in no time. Now hold tight.” Even if I can’t see him I know that he’s wearing his signature smirk.


I startled as he zoomed off. I moved my grip from his shoulders down to his waist. He drives so fast that I can’t see clearly the buildings we passed by. I hug his waist tightly when he drives faster to avoid the light that is now turning red. I hold my breath as much as I can. My fists are both turning pale. I tug his shirt so I let him know that I am no longer comfortable back there and thankful that he get so he slow down.


My eyes are tightly shut. I am holding, no, I am hugging him tightly. I didn’t notice that we arrive at the university.


“Mina? We’re here.” I heard him speaks.


I go down and felt my knees are still trembling. I finally felt relief when I felt the ground. I remove the helmet and yanked it to Jiho.


“I almost die in fear here. I told you to drive safely!”

“What? Aren’t you should be thankful that you arrive here and you don’t get late?”


My eyes wander around and realized that I should not waste any time arguing with Jiho.


“I have to go. I have no time arguing with you.”

“Yah! Aren’t you saying at least thank you?” he asked.

“Thank you. Happy?” I mocked him and walked passed him.


He gets on to his motorbike and yells “Yah! Kim Mina! You owe me one!”



I am running up. I only have less than five minutes.


‘Oh shjkfkdhg’ I mumble to myself as I am searching for my phone but I can’t feel it anymore from my front pocket.


I saw Sohyun on the end of the hallway waving at me. I run towards and stops drench on sweat and panting hard.


“Yah! Why the fudge are you late c’mon now we need to get inside Mr. Lee will arrive any minutes.”

“I’ll gonna tell you later!” Sohyun pulled me inside the classroom.


After the two consecutive exams that Sohyun and I take this morning I feel drained. Its lunch time and we’re heading to university’s cafeteria.


“I’m calling you hundred times this morning but you don’t even budge to answer. I hate you!” that I realized that I haven’t seen it.

“I think I lost it when I ride on Jiho’s motorbike.”

“What?” she stops walking and looked at me.

“What ‘What’?” I confusedly asked.

“Jiho? Driving you here?”


“Yah! Don’t over think. He offered and I have no choice.” I continued walking “I bumped him in the hallway because I am so much in rush. Then I run to bus stop but I think that I have no time so I wait for a cab. I had a hard time on flagging a cab and he suddenly appear. He said that he’s trying to be nice and I need to get the fastest way here so I agree. Wait. Why do I need to explain myself to you?”


“I thought he’s a jerk?” he asked as we walk side by side.

“Yes he is.”

“No. I don’t think so.” She disagrees.

“Yes he is.”

“Why don’t you date him so you will know?” Sohyun suggested.

“Are you crazy?”

“Maybe I am. But you and him will I think be a cute couple.”


I rolled my eyes and don’t mind her as I continue walking.


We took the final exam and head to Auntie Jiyoung’s house. She tags along because she had nothing to do for the rest of the day. It’s only two in the afternoon and it’s too early for tutoring. I decided to go to

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XOZicoxClemXO #1
Chapter 22: I really enjoyed hope you will update soon ^^