Chapter I

My Life, My Crazy Neighbors and My Lover [HIATUS]
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“Finally” Mina merely screams as she stretching out her half upper body. She was sitting on a corner side of Happee Coffee Shop where she always hang around and a place where she do here paper works. She is currently attending at Seoul University taking up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management. She got her new part time job as an assistant of an editor of a fashion magazine. She looks at her wrist watch and she sigh. It’s 7 o’ clock in the morning and she’s still too early for her 9 a.m. class. She was finishing her favorite strawberry and cream drink and a cheesecake when her phone vibrates.


From: Eunji Eonnie

7:05AM 08/15/13

Good morning Mina! I’m sorry to bother you this early but I want to remind you that I really need the articles I want you to work on. I know that I give you until next week to do and finish it but something comes up. Can you please email it before 8?


One thing that she likes about Eunji is she doesn’t boss her around stating the fact the she was her senior. Eunjie treats Mina as her younger sister.


To: Eunjie Eonnie

Good morning too eonnie! Yes I already finished the articles you’re asking for and I already send it to your email ^^


She loves her job. She loves writing. Mina wanted to be a writer someday. May be a journalist? May be a novel writer? May be a magazine editor? Anything that writing is involved.


From: Eunji Eonnie

7:07 AM 08/15/13

Oh thank you my dear. Sorry for rushing things up. And by the way after your classes make sure you drop by at my office. Be careful. Thank you again :)


To: Eunjie Eonnie

You’re always welcome eonnie! It’s my job anyway. Okay. I will call you before I go to your office. Be careful too :)



After finishing the sweets that serve as Mina’s breakfast she head back to her apartment to pick up some stuff she needed for school. She was punching the door’s code when suddenly it opened. She was surprised by his close cousin. It was Kim Namjoon. He was Mina’s closest cousin. Mina was one year older than Namjoon that’s why he’s like her little brother since Mina doesn’t have sibling.


“Hey! Yah! Kim Namjoon? What are doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at your school by this time?” Mina tempted to smack his cousin but failed since Namjoon is taller than him and towering her “Noona! Is that how you will great your favorite cousin?” telling Mina with aegyo and puppy eyes. “Aish! Then tell me why are you here at this early?” as Mina entered her apartment and get the school stuff she needed. “Eomma get 10% of my allowance and I’d been grounded for one month.” Namjoon told Mina as he sit on one of the couches in the living room “And why is that? Oh! . . . Is that is because you cut your classes? Or you ditch your tutor?” Mina put her hands on her waist “Aniyo! You know I will never do that! It’s because I fail some of my subjects. I fail because I wasn’t able to review for my exams. It’s not that I don’t want to study, It’s just it slip out of my mind” Mina sighs and walks to kitchen to get a glass of fresh milk and cookies and get back to the living room. She handed the glass of milk to Namjoon “I already told you that this can be a result if you don’t focus yourself on studying. It’s not that I’m telling you to stop doing what you want but you should prioritize what is important.” He keeps silent. “Okay. This would be the last time that I would talk and pursue Auntie about this. But promise me you will manage everything well next time.” Mina doesn’t want to see her cousin being so upset. She doesn’t want to see the cheerful Namjoon to be so sad. She knows the passion of Namjoon in rapping. Namjoon look up to her noona with a bright smile. “Really?!? Yes! Nonna I’ll promise that I will do well and prioritize my studies.” He told Mina as he raises his right hand. “No I don’t want that promise. We will seal your promise by this.” Mina raises her pinky to him and he took it without hesitation “Promise!”

 Namjoon chug down the milk and Mina gets the glass and put it in the sink. “Oh! And one more thing noona!” Mina looks at Namjoon with what it is again as she arches her brow up. “Can you also please tell eomma that I’m not learning with the tutor she’s paying with?” he tell Mina with a meekly smile and Mina just reply with an okay sign while nodding.


They leave Mina’s apartment and they both walk together to bus station together. She promised Namjoon that she will talk to his mother after her dinner and go to their separate way.


Today was just like any other school days of Mina. Attending on her classes. Doing school paper works. Hanging out with her friends.  This is the cycle of her life in school.


“Okay that’s it for today. I hope you will start doing your marketing plan. Initial draft would be submitted on last week of next month. That’s all for today.” the last remark of the professor as the students standing up from their sit and leaving the room.


“Yah! Kim Mina it’s Friday tomorrow and we only have one class since Professor Lee wouldn’t be able to attend because he’s on a seminar so let’s watch movies together!” with hopeful eyes Sohyun told Mina. “Mianhe Sohyun-a but I still don’t know if I’ am free tomorrow.” Mina giving Sohyun a sorry look. Sohyun is Mina’s bestfriend. She know her since first year high school until now. “But already you told me that we can hang out this weekend.” Sohyun pouts to Mina. “Okay. I will do my best to come with tomorrow okay? So see you. I really need to go” Sohyun brightens and hug Mina as she jumps like a kid who was given a candy. “Okay so see you tomorrow!”


To: Eunji Eonnie

Eonnie I'm trying to call you my classes are end I’m going to your office now.


She didn’t wait for Eunji’s answer since it takes too long and maybe Eunji’s busy on her work.


After about thirty minutes of riding a bus and ten minutes of walking Mina finally arrives at the building. As she enters the building she feels really uneasy. Something’s bothering her. She’s waiting for the lift to go down on ground floor.




When the lift opens a man in a suit that looks irrit

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XOZicoxClemXO #1
Chapter 22: I really enjoyed hope you will update soon ^^