9: Not So 'Scandalous'

This Is What Happy Looks Like


Not so 'Scandalous'

To: [email protected]  

From: [email protected]

Have fun in China. 

Have a happy Chuseok.

Luhan puffed up his cheeks as he read through In Hye's email. He hadn't had the time to explain himself after he got back yesterday and also partially because he didn't know how to explain himself to her. He was as confused about the whole 'almost kissing' incident as she was. 

Did he want to kiss her? Of course. Did he hate thinking about the consequences if he did it? Definitely. 

"Yah, stop being so flustered about this whole thing and be happy. You're meeting your friends and family after having to promote in Korea for the past few weeks." Kris stated, lightly hitting him on the back of the head.

"I can't stop thinking about it, alright? Try attempting to kiss a girl then not actually do it for the sake of your group members." Luhan grumbled, folding his arms. Kris raised an eyebrow at him, "seriously?" 

"Seriously." Kris chuckled and shook his head, "just reply her email." 

"I would but we're in a freaking plane, Mr Know-It-All." Luhan stated bluntly. Kris looked around and then gave a sheepish smile, "sorry, I forgot." 

Luhan shook his head and looked at his phone again, his finger hovering over the 'New Message' button. He took in a deep breath and tapped it;

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

In Hye, I know it seems like I've been ignoring you, but I'm not. I've been thinking about last night and I honestly don't know what to say...You probably think I'm an idiot now, do you?

p.s if you're willing to talk to me after this email, can we meet up? To talk about...this? 

Happy chuseok.

Luhan looked at his drafted message and smiled rather contentedly before placing his phone back into his pocket. He decided that the moment they landed, he needed the Wi-Fi password. How else was he going to keep in contact with her?

"In Hye...what are those girls doing outside the shop?" Minji asked as she stopped opposite the candy store with In Hye walking behind her. In Hye looked up squinted her eyes, "they look like they're sticking something on the glass display." 

Minji took a step closer and her eyes widened once the girls disappeared. She tugged at In Hye's hand and she stumbled forward. 

"Can you see what they're sticking on the glass display?!" Minji asked in disbelief. 

"Uh, no?" Minji rolled her eyes and tore off the piece of paper before handing it to In Hye, "where did you guys go yesterday?" 

"Myeongdong." In Hye mumbled as she read the words on the paper. "Stay away from Luhan oppa!" was written on the paper in terrible handwriting. 

"In Hye, you do know how dangerous that was, do you?" Minji questioned. In Hye nodded and folded up the piece of paper before stuffing it into her bag, "why are you keeping it?"

"Reasons." she stated, shrugging. Minji rolled her eyes and took out her phone, opening her naver application, "oh !"

"What? and don't swear." 

"T-there are photos of you and Luhan." Minji stuttered as she showed In Hye her phone. Majority of the titles for the articles were all speculating that Luhan and In Hye were dating. In Hye sighed, "it's not like we can do anything about it." 

"You're affected by this, aren't you?" Minji asked, scrutinizing her. She shrugged and put on her apron, "it's fine." 

Minji scrunched up her nose and just let In Hye be, knowing how stubborn she was.


As the day went on, In Hye became more confused and was constantly in a daze, which concerned Minji. Before Minji could even ask if her friend was okay, the doors of the candy store were flung open by a sweaty D.O and Chanyeol.

"In Hye!" Chanyeol exclaimed, a worried look on his face. 

"Well hi to you guys too." Minji mumbled, rolling her eyes. D.O looked around the candy store and quickly shoved Chanyeol further into the candy store. 

"What brings you both here?" In hye asked, handing them canned drinks to cool them down.

"Y-you saw the news on naver, right? About you and Luhan supposedly 'dating'?" Chanyeol enunciated, earning a death glare from D.O, "do you want fans to come running in here?! Be more suttle!"

"I don't get it, what's wrong? We're not dating." 

"But it seems like it."

"So what's the point of coming here and telling us?" Minji snapped.

"We just wanted to check if you're safe." D.O admitted. In Hye smiled, "well thank you, but I'm fine." 

"No you're not." Minji mumbled, picking up In Hye's bag and taking the piece of paper out before handing it to Chanyeol and D.O.

"Some crazy fans of yours stuck this on our glass display this morning when we arrived." 

"Well, at least they haven't done anything to harm you yet." D.O whispered to himself.

"Yet?" In hye asked, rather shocked. D.O looked taken aback at how In Hye could hear him and he quickly shook his head, "ignore that. The point is, just please be careful when you're outside with Luhan. We don't have restrictions about hanging out with our friends during our free time but we've been told to be careful especially with the opposite gender." 

In hye nodded, "I understand. Thank you for dropping by." 

"It's the least we could do. We have to head back before our manager skins us alive, happy chuseok!"

"You too." Minji and In Hye greeted back.

"Well, time to close up." Minji announced after the boys were out of sight.

"But it's only 5." In Hye stated, looking at her watch.

"Don't you want to celebrate chuseok with your family?" In Hye nodded and laughed at her silliness. Her phone vibrated and she quickly fished it out from her pocket. It was an email from Luhan. She read through his email and she couldn't help but smile. That idiot.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Yes, you're an idiot. 

Saturday, at the park at 8? Apart from last night's incident(?), I have something to tell you too.

p.s How's China?

Short filler chapter for you guys! I didn't go to school today because I intentionally skipped it, oops.
Nontheless, I hope you guys like this chapter!
Tell me what you think about it in the comments and remember to subscribe!
Thanks to: FarahGhannam, sasanatasha, lancaster, joolreeyah and yahell_girl for subscribing and Starlightspirit, sasanatasha and lancaster for commenting! 
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annanie #1
Chapter 12: Nice story authornim... ♡
Chapter 11: Is it wrong of me to ship her with kai or d.o i just
Chapter 10: I hope things will get back well for Luhan and In hye! they actually will be a sweet couple if they were together!
I'm loving this story..it's so cute...kekekeke...keep up the good work :)
Chapter 9: I love this story!
Chapter 9: I c muy name i cryed
Chapter 5: Jfc i did not expect luhan mistaking minji like that I DONUT
This is cute! Is it based off of the Jennifer E. Smith book? I love that book :33
Chapter 6: They are so adorkable ♥♥♥