05: Finally

This Is What Happy Looks Like



To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]   

Eye contact? 

I'm going to find you, whether you like it or not, In hye.

In Hye chuckled at Luhan's email before putting her phone back in her pocket. 
"What's so funny?" Minji asked, noticing In Hye's smile.
"oh, nothing." Minji rolled her eyes and took out a can of Sprite from the Candy Store's fridge.
"Isn't that only for customers?" Minji shrugged and opened the can.
"Great." Minji mumbled, turning around to look at In Hye. In Hye tried to control her laughter as a dripping wet Minji walked towards her. Apparently, the can of Sprite exploded when Minji opened it and she was now drenched.
"Shut up. Find something that I can use to wipe myself dry." In hye who was laughing loudly, grabbed a towel and tossed it to her. 
"How am I going to survive the day in gross and sticky clothes." Minji moped. In hye took pity on her friend and took off her pullover, leaving her clad in her ripped jeans and her black collared chiffon top, "take it." 
"You sure?" In hye nodded, "It's not like I'm ."
"Thanks, I'll give this back to you tomorrow." In Hye scrunched up her nose, "I suggest you wash it first." 
Minji nodded and changed into In Hye's pullover. After she came out, the door jingled and the two girls turned their heads.  
In Hye and Minji froze. The guy tousled his hair and strided towards them. In hye could've sworn they made eye contact. 
"Hello." The guy directed his greeting at Minji, only to confuse In Hye. 
"H-hi, L-Luhan." Minji's cheeks flushed red. In Hye took a seat and took out her phone, pretending to be preoccupied.
"Nice place you've got." 
"What brings you here, Luhan?" Minji asked, still in shock.
"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to have dinner with me." In Hye cleared and looked out the window. Why was she even getting angry? It wasn't as if Luhan knew how she looked like. She mentally scolded herself. 
But what are the odds of Luhan strolling into a candy store and asking a girl out? Zero to one. 
"With me?" 
"S-sure!" Minji exclaimed. Luhan smiled.
"I'll pick you up at 8." he said before putting on his sunglasses and leaving. Minji turned to look at In Hye who was deep in thought.
"Luhan just asked me out on a date!" Minji squealed with delight. "uh, okay." 
"You're not happy for me?" Minji asked, frowning. 
"no, it's not that. I'm just tired." In Hye smiled. Minji nodded.
"I think I'll go home and rest, have fun on your date." In Hye patted Minji's shoulder before picking up her bag. Minji waved goodbye to her and In Hye left the candy store and sulked her way back home.
Luhan rang the doorbell to the house, adjusting his tie. He wanted to make a good impression so he put on a tuxedo and styled his hair real nicely. 
Minji came out of the house and smiled at Luhan. 
"Ready to go?" Luhan asked. He had finally met her. The girl he had been emailing- In Hye. 
"Won't your fans see us?" Luhan shook his head. 
"I know of a place around here that won't get any of us caught." Luhan winked, taking hold of her hand. 
"This place is beautiful." Minji admitted as Luhan helped her with her seat. The restaurant was a small one, but it was classy with professionally set tables and white decor. 
"Glad you like it." Luhan smiled. 
"So, what made you want to take me out to dinner?" Minji asked. 
"I told you, I would find you, whether you liked it or not." Luhan chuckled. Minji looked at Luhan with a confused expression.
"Sorry, what?" Minji asked. 
"In the email? Don't you remember?" Luhan asked, getting confused himself. 
"You are In Hye...aren't you?" Luhan questioned. Minji nearly choked out her water, "no, that's my friend..." 
"But you were wearing the nametag that said 'In Hye'!" Luhan exclaimed. Minji laughed, "ah, she lent me her shirt. She must've forgotten to take off her nametag." 
"Minji, is that you?" a guy interrupted them. Minji looked up.
"Minhwan?" Minji's eye brightened at the sight of her crush.
"You look beautiful, Minji." Minhwan said, smiling. Minji blushed, "thank you." 
Luhan cleared his throat and Minji jumped, "right, sorry." 
Minhwan looked and Luhan and glared, hard.
"I'm sorry, but-" Minji smiled, "I know, you want to know where she lives, don't you?" 
Luhan nodded, "I'm so sorry, I'll make this up to you." 
"No need." She smiled, looking at Minhwan who was leaning against a wall watching them.
"She lives two streets down here. It isn't very hard to spot, it's the biggest house in this area." Luhan got up from his seat.
"Thanks, and I'm so sorry once again." Minji only smiled and shooed him off.
Luhan darted down the street to find In Hye's home. 
"Please don't be mad." Luhan mumbled, slowing down in front of the largest house Minji mentioned. 
He walked up to the gate and pressed the intercomm button. There was a 'click' sound and the gate opened. Luhan took a step in and walked towards the door. The front door opened and In Hye took a step outside, looking at Luhan with her big brown eyes. 
"Hey." Luhan tried to smile at her. He was tired and hungry but he didn't mind at all. 
"Hey." She smiled back. 
"We finally meet, In Hye." Luhan grinned, taking hold of her hand. 

I'll edit my errors tomorrow, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Thanks to:

sujufied, andi_chan and melospirit16 for subscribing

and thanks to

rika_h for commenting! I'm glad you like my fanfic!




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annanie #1
Chapter 12: Nice story authornim... ♡
Chapter 11: Is it wrong of me to ship her with kai or d.o i just
Chapter 10: I hope things will get back well for Luhan and In hye! they actually will be a sweet couple if they were together!
I'm loving this story..it's so cute...kekekeke...keep up the good work :)
Chapter 9: I love this story!
Chapter 9: I c muy name i cryed
Chapter 5: Jfc i did not expect luhan mistaking minji like that I DONUT
This is cute! Is it based off of the Jennifer E. Smith book? I love that book :33
Chapter 6: They are so adorkable ♥♥♥