8: A Day with You

This Is What Happy Looks Like


A Day with You 


"Meet at the park he says, doesn't state what time I say." In Hye mumbled as she checked her phone for the third time. She had arrived at the park she and Luhan were supposed to meet at at 5 and it's been over an hour. She couldn't contact him either because his phone was off (she had tried to call him earlier) and she didn't bring her notebook to occupy herself. She took out her phone again and dialled Luhan's number.

"Hey Luhan, I've been trying to call you the past hour but your phone's been off. So, call me when you're here." She sighed and placed her phone back in her bag when she spotted Luhan darting behind a tree. She raised an eyebrow in amusement. She remained sitting on the park bench and Luhan soon appeared behind her, saying "boo!" like a little child.

"Ha ha real funny Luhan." 

"Darn, that didn't scare you?" 

"No, I saw you with your colored hair darting behind trees." She grinned and he pouted, "at least act surprised." 

"yes sir." she gave him a small smile and he grinned, "ready to go?" she nodded and he pulled her a close, a gesture she found rather uncomfortable to accept. 

"Where are we going?" She asked, looking at him. 

"We're going to have dinner." Luhan blatantly stated, causing her to scrunch up her nose.

"Where?" She inquired. Luhan smiled, "you'll see."

Luhan had brought In Hye all the way to Myeongdong, the place that never slept. Many fans had noticed Luhan pulling along a completely confused girl and had hurled profanities at her. Luhan of course, repeated the same lie to his fans, telling them that he and In Hye were kindergarten friends and that they shouldn't get worked up because he would never hurt his fan's feelings. At this, In Hye couldn't help but smile and his thoughtfulness for both his fans and him. In the end, most fans left the two alone but some continued to follow them out of curiousity. This of course, didn't bother them at all because they knew In Hye was being protected by a harmless white lie. 

Luhan and In Hye strolled towards the street foods and Luhan had kindly bought In Hye 3 sticks of dakkochi to eat. 

"So we're spending our time here?" In Hye asked as Luhan bought more food.

"Nope, we're buying snacks for later." 

"But you're eating everything you buy." In Hye stated. Luhan chuckled, "okay, okay. I'll stop." 

It was already 8 when Luhan and In Hye ended up at the heart of Myeongdong. A huge crowd had gathered and Luhan grew excited.

"What's happening?" In hye questioned, looking around. Before Luhan could answer, the lights dimmed down and In Hye looked up. The sky was illuminated by brightly coloured fireworks. In Hye smiled, "it's beautiful." 

Luhan turned to look at In Hye and he himself smiled. You're beautiful. In Hye felt Luhan's eyes on her and she turned to look at him, her cheeks turning pink. A man blocked their view of the fireworks and In Hye frowned. Luhan chuckled and gently took her hand, pulled her in front of him to make sure she could see clearly. 

"Hey, watch this part." Luhan whispered into In Hye's ear. In Hye looked up and sure enough, the sky was illuminated once again with flower fireworks. 

"How'd you know about all this?" In Hye asked as the fireworks ended and the crowd dispersed. 

"I saw it a while ago." He shrugged.

"And you just thought 'hey let's bring a girl here'?" Luhan chuckled, "Don't mock me!"

"Well, is that wrong?" In Hye grinned.

"Yes!" Luhan exclaimed, flicking her on the forehead. She blew a raspberry at him and he messed up her hair, "You're so lame, In Hye." 

"I'm lame? You're the one that's lame." In Hye stated, poking him on the cheek. Luhan took hold on In Hye's hand and wrapped his arm around her waist so that she couldn't move, "I'll show you how lame I am then." 

Luhan started to mess up In Hye's hair and she started squealing. After Luhan let her go In Hye fixed her hair and Luhan decided to bring her home. 


"Thanks for taking me home." She said, fiddling with her hair.

"It's only polite of me to do so after making you wait for an hour today." Luhan joked, earning a glare from In Hye. 

"Well, this is my stop." In Hye mumbled disappointedly as they approached her house. A motorcycle drove past and unintentionally drove over a puddle of water, nearly splashing water all over the two but Luhan had reacted quickly and had gotten In Hye out of the way by taking hold of her hand and covering her with his body.

"L-luhan.." In Hye froze as Luhan looked at In Hye in the eyes.

Slowly, Luhan leaned in to kiss In Hye but stopped when their lips were millimeters apart. In Hye was breathing slowly but nervously. Luhan let out an inward groan and pulled away, unable to look at a stunned In Hye.

"I'll just see you around." Luhan mumbled before running off, leaving In Hye to stand in the darkness, outside her own home.

"I'm back." Luhan announced as he closed the door to the dorm. 

"Hey, how was your day out with In Hye?" D.O asked, coming out from the kitchen.

"I took her out to see the fireworks at Myeongdong." Luhan stated bluntly, taking off his watch. 

"Why the long face though?" Luhan remained silent and took a seat on the sofa before turning to look at D.O, "I tried to kiss her." 

D.O started to choke on his own saliva and he looked at a exasperated Luhan, "you did what?!" 

"I TRIED to, but I didn't." Luhan restated, picking up the television remote to turn on the tv.

"Stop, don't turn that on. We're not done talking. You tried to kiss her, but you didn't, right? So what did you do?" 


"You're back." Kris interjected, coming out of the bathroom with a towel covering his wet hair. Luhan nodded to acknowledge him before slouching back down on the sofa. 

"What's up with him?" Kris asked glumly. D.O shrugged, "ask him." 

"Yah, what happened on your date?" Kris asked straightforwardly, disregarding Luhan's already confused mind. 

"I tried to kiss her, but I didn't." 

"You what?!" Kris spat out. Luhan rolled his eyes, "what?" 

"If you didn't kiss her, what did you do?" Kris inquired, repeating what D.O had asked Luhan earlier on.

"I stopped myself before I could. Then, I sort of panicked, told her I'll see her around and ran off, leaving her to stand outside her house." 

Kris and D.O looked at each other with a smile tugging at their lips before bursting into fits of laughter, "seriously? You left her outside her house?" 

"Shut up, I didn't know what to do, alright?" Luhan grumbled, throwing cushions at the two.

"But it was such a dumb thing to do! How could you just leave the poor girl to stand there?" Kris teased, wiping away a non existent tear from his eye as he controlled his laughter.

"would you rather I kiss her, have the press write about it and jeopardize EXO's reputation or run away like a chicken?" Luhan pointed out. 

"Uh-" D.O paused and then shut his mouth, unsure about how to answer him. Luhan sighed, "even you don't know how to answer me." 

Kris took a seat next to Luhan and patted his back, "it's great that you thought about EXO's reputation and the consequences but did you stop and think about her feelings for a moment? Did you think about how this would jeopardize your friendship with her? More importantly, does she even like you?" Luhan let out a groan and he squished the cushion he was hugging to his face.

"I don't know I don't know I don't know." D.O and Kris looked at each other and shrugged.

"Think about it, Hyung. We've got to head to China for chuseok tomorrow, get some sleep after packing your bag." Kris gave a brotherly pat to Luhan and the two went into their rooms. Luhan threw aside the cushion and stared at the ceiling once he heard Kris and D.O close the door to their rooms and sighed. 

"I'm in deep ." 

"He what?" Minji exclaimed.

"He just ran away." In Hye mumbled, aligning the jars of candy behind the counters in a straight line. 


"Don't curse, it's not ladylike." In Hye flat out mumbled. Minji made a face at her and sighed, "Did he talk to you after that?" 

In Hye shook her head and rubbed her temples, "let's just forget about it. I doubt he did it intentionally. Maybe it was just hormones." She tried to joke but Minji just scowled at her. 

"Wait a minute, do you even like him?" Minji asked, blocking In Hye's view of aligning the jars of candy. In Hye shrugged. 

"Are you sure you don't like him? It seems like you do. I mean, if you didn't, you would've ran away from him a long time ago but you still agree to his unusual hang outs even though he's an idol." In Hye groaned. 

"Let's not talk about this anymore, alright?" In Hye sighed frustratedly. Minji rolled her eyes, "whatever you say." 

In Hye took out her phone and looked at the lack of emails from Luhan. She tapped on 'New Message' and started to type an email to Luhan before sending it.


To: [email protected]   

From: [email protected]

Have a safe flight to China.

Have a happy Chuseok.

Hello! My exams are over so here's a rather *annoying* chapter for all of you ;-) 
Keep reading to find out what happens next! 


Thanks to: Cold-TowardsYou and finiteshine for subscribing! 

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annanie #1
Chapter 12: Nice story authornim... ♡
Chapter 11: Is it wrong of me to ship her with kai or d.o i just
Chapter 10: I hope things will get back well for Luhan and In hye! they actually will be a sweet couple if they were together!
I'm loving this story..it's so cute...kekekeke...keep up the good work :)
Chapter 9: I love this story!
Chapter 9: I c muy name i cryed
Chapter 5: Jfc i did not expect luhan mistaking minji like that I DONUT
This is cute! Is it based off of the Jennifer E. Smith book? I love that book :33
Chapter 6: They are so adorkable ♥♥♥