11: Advice

This Is What Happy Looks Like



In Hye called in sick for the tenth time this month for work. For no reason, she was exhausted and she didn't want to have Minji interrogating her. She rolled in bed for a couple of minutes before dragging herself out of bed.

"Good morning, Honey." Her mother greeted as she walked down the stairs. 

"When did you get back?" She asked, surpressing a yawn. It was never nice to yawn while someone was speaking in her opinion.

"A few hours ago, did you have a good sleep?" 

"Not really." She took a seat next to her mother and looked up at her, "Mom, I need your advice." 

"What is it, honey?" 

"Well, remember the boy that appeared at our doorstep a few weeks ago?" 

"Ah, the idol? What was his name again? Luhan, right?" In Hye nodded and proceeded to tell her, "I told him we shouldn't hang out anymore." 

"But, why?" Her mother asked, confused, "you both weren't even dating." 

"I felt that I was beginning to be a hindrance and a hassle. He was always taking me out, always buying me things, always taking time off to spend time with me when he could've done more things and saved money. And besides, his fans spotted us the other day and some of them sent me a threat to stay away from him and I think I hurt him and am I doing the right thing?"

"Honey, you need to live a little. Obviously, Luhan made you happy. You were smiling every time you came home after a day out with him. I have a hunch that you like him so why on earth would you tell him that?" 

"Because, he's an idol and I'm just a...I don't even know what I am. Besides, I'm sure I don't like him. My heart doesn't beat rapidly like in those cliched stories when girls fall in love." she mumbled.

"Well, that's what you say, but your eyes tells me a different story. Just know that you only have one life, so why not live it to the fullest, darling? You've always taken things so seriously and have always been making matured decisions on your own when your father and i didn't even teach you to do those things. it's time for you to let loose and have a little fun." In Hye groaned, "I'm so confused." 

"Then take a break for a while and clear your thoughts. Maybe you won't be confused after that." her mother suggested with a heartwarming smile. In Hye nodded and her mother headed up to her room to sleep, leaving her all alone to think.


In hye spent half her day moping around at home, and it really upset her mother. Mrs Lee expected her daughter to get up and do something productive instead of sitting in front of the television and changing the channel every 2 minutes because there was nothing interesting to watch. Mrs Lee even noticed how In Hye avoided the music shows the most because she knew if EXO was to appear, her daughter would probably just throw herself off the roof.

"Honey, instead of moping, why not head out to the park? That always helped you clear your mind, don't you think?" Mrs Lee suggested, looking at daughter from the top of the stairs. In Hye just waved her hand at her and squished her face against a cushion, "I am too distraught to do anything now, Mom." 

"So much for the kind approach. In Hye I want you to get out of the house. Get ready in 15 minutes or I'll throw you out of the house." Mrs Lee said in her most demanding voice. In Hye let out a loud sigh and slowly peeled herself off the sofa and trudged up to her bedroom stating relatively loudly to her mother, "at least give me half an hour to get ready! I need a shower, gosh." 

Half an hour later, In Hye was dressed in the most comfortable clothes ever- a grey hoodie that had the word "LAZY" across it and a pair of black leggings. Usually she would've preferred more classy and presentable clothes because it felt like she needed to look presentable all the time (hence the large number of clothes in her closet)  but she decided to give 'comfortable' a try for once. She did however, smell like lavender. 

"Now, don't come home too early, otherwise I'll throw you out. Oh, and get some shopping done for school, I'm pretty sure you would like new clothes, right?" Mrs Lee winked at her daughter before shooing her out of the house, much to In Hye's frustration.

She took a long stroll to the park to waste time and when she finally reached the bench she usually sat on, it was already occupied by a familiar face- Kai.

"What are you doing here?" In Hye asked rudely, dropping her leather bag next to the bench. 

"Um, enjoying the peace? What are you doing?" In Hye frowned.

"I just wanted to be left alone for one day but no, you stupid idols had to just come into my life and ruin it! I JUST WANTED TO DRAW IN PEACE CAN'T ANYONE UNDERSTAND THAT?!" In Hye lashed out, breathing heavily from the sudden yelling. Kai looked at In Hye dumbfounded. He knew In Hye as the calm and collected, fun and understanding girl, what on earth got on her nerves? He quickly got up and let her sit down, only to have her let out a groan.

"I'm sorry, I'm just-"

"Frustrated? Annoyed? Sad? HUNGRY?" Kai guessed, earning himself a glare from In Hye, "I'm confused and yes maybe a little hungry." 

"Well then, why don't we grab a bite after you're done drawing?" Kai suggested, grinning widely. In Hye sighed, "No thanks, I have food back home."

Kai pouted but he nodded anyway, "What are you planning to draw today?" 

"I don't know yet, but why are you here?" In Hye asked, turning to look at him.

"I, uh- like I said, I was enjoying the peace." 

"Kai, it's freezing out here and your fans are everywhere, I'm pretty sure you're not here to enjoy the 'peace'." In Hye pointed out, waving her pen at him accusingly.

"Fine, I wanted to see if you were here and sure enough you came." his ears turned pink. In Hye smiled, "well, here I am." Kai just smiled back and stood around In Hye until she finally mumbled, "you know, you can sit down." 

"I thought you were annoyed that you couldn't draw in peace?" 

"Yes, but you're obviously not going to leave, are you?" 

"If that makes you happier." 

"It does." 

"Alright then, but I'll be back tomorrow, when you've calmed down." Kai stated, giving her a playful wink. In Hye sighed, she wanted to avoid the EXO members but here she was, having a conversation with one of them. 

"Wait." She called out rather unwillingly.

"Yes?" He turned to look at her. She sighed, "will you stay here and let me draw your eyes?" 

Kai accepted her request immediately and took his seat next to her, "what do you want me to do?"

"Just sit there and try not to blink too often." In Hye mumbled, quickly fishing out her drawing pen and flipping to a empty page on her notebook. She carefully draw the rough outline of Kai's eyes before adding in the details and after about an hour, she was done.

"Can I see it?" Kai asked as he leaned over her shoulder. In Hye quickly snapped the book shut and shook her head.

"No one can look in my notebook." 

"Why not?" 

"Let me answer your question with my own. Let's say that vintage looking bracelet on your hand was given to you by someone special, and your friend asks if he can borrow it. Would you?" Kai quickly shook his head and In Hye smiled, "that's my reason."

"Who gave you this notebook then?" Kai asked, his eyes still on the black notebook.

"My grandmother, before she died." In hye sadly told him, her gaze on the green grass. Kai made an 'O' with his mouth and sensing that it was a sensitive issue, he decided not to probe.

"Hey! There's a polaroid in your bag." Kai stated, pointing to the white vintage camera inside her bag. In Hye reached forward and took it out, "oh yeah, I take it out with me when I head out to draw sometimes." Kai smiled as he took the polaroid from her hands and turned it on. 

"Let's take a picture." he suggested, aiming the camera at them. 

"um, no thanks." Kai frowned, "fine, then you take a photo of my eyes and stick it in your notebook." 

In hye chuckled and nodded her head before Kai readied himself. The flash blinded him for a while and In Hye quickly scribbled a comment below it with the words, "Eyes". Kai on the other hand, snatched the marker from her hand and quickly signed the polaroid before handing it to her, "it's for you to remember who modelled for you."

"Alright, thank you." In Hye smiled, sticking the polaroid beside the drawing of the pair of eyes. There was a flash of a bright light and In Hye turned to look at Kai who was smiling widely at the photo he had taken. 

"What did you take?" She asked, attempting to snatch the film from his hands. Kai snickered and showed her the film. It was a photo of In Hye smiling as she looked at her notebook.

"Why?" She asked, getting annoyed. Kai was being childish and she wasn't really in the mood for that even though she did felt a little bit better after drawing. 

"You looked pretty, so I took a photo because it'll last longer." Kai explained cheesily and In Hye scoffed before packing up her things.

"Well, thanks for modelling for me today. I have to go now, so see you on tv?" In Hye greeted, waving goodbye to Kai. 

"Bye In Hye. Oh and whatever's going on between you and hyung, I hope it'll be over soon. A pretty girl like you shouldn't be so distraught or confused." Kai stated, looking at the polaroid film he took of her. In Hye froze but she quickly shook her head and continued to walk away, was it that obvious?

The door closed behind Kai as he walked into the dorm. 

"Where have you been?" Luhan asked, coming out from his room. Kai smiled, "Out." 


"The park. Funny thing though, In Hye was there too." Kai enunciated.

Luhan's eyes widened and he grabbed onto the younger one's shoulder, "What?! How do you know her?! Did she say anything to you??" 

"I met her at the park before and I sort of got her involved in a fan chase, no biggie. And no, she didn't say anything but I did get this." Kai mumbled, fishing out the polaroid film from his pocket before passing it to Luhan. Luhan snatched the film out of Kai's hand and looked at it, sighing.

"I can see why you're so concerned about her. She's an interesting girl." Kai stated.

"I wish she would stop avoiding me. It's been almost two weeks." 

"Lighten up, she just needs a break from whatever happened between you two." 

"And how you would know?" Luhan frowned. 

"When she found me sitting alone at the park bench she usually sat at, she sort of snapped and yelled at me. If you asked me, it was pretty hot that a calm girl like her could blow up like that." Kai chuckled. Luhan clenched his fist and glared at Kai, "don't talk about her like that." 

Kai simply shrugged and patted the elder on his back, "just give her some time to think. She'll have to talk to you sooner or later." 

Luhan sighed as he inwardly agreed to what Kai said. It was as if the two had swap roles- Kai being older and Luhan being the younger one- since he had given him such mature advice. He let out a groan and messed up his hair before falling back on the sofa, his mind in a mess.

Haha hey guys! 
Sorry for disappearing for a while, I've been trying to think of a new chapter to write but that obviously didn't go to well considering how short this chapter is =_= 
Anyway, I hope you liked it and do remember to subscribe and comment about what you think!
Comments always brighten up my day c:
Just a heads up, before you start thinking that Kai is going to fall in love with In Hye just because he hangs out with her, you're half wrong. I have something else in mind so do continue to read!

Thanks to: Gennay_ and kitanojunko for subscribing and xAngelExoticX for commenting!


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annanie #1
Chapter 12: Nice story authornim... ♡
Chapter 11: Is it wrong of me to ship her with kai or d.o i just
Chapter 10: I hope things will get back well for Luhan and In hye! they actually will be a sweet couple if they were together!
I'm loving this story..it's so cute...kekekeke...keep up the good work :)
Chapter 9: I love this story!
Chapter 9: I c muy name i cryed
Chapter 5: Jfc i did not expect luhan mistaking minji like that I DONUT
This is cute! Is it based off of the Jennifer E. Smith book? I love that book :33
Chapter 6: They are so adorkable ♥♥♥