16: Something's brewing

This Is What Happy Looks Like



something's brewing

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Hey, care to join me at a wedding? You'd probably be more interesting to talk to than the guests going to be there.

I promise I won't leave you alone if you don't leave me to fend for myself?

- Luhan

"In Hye, you're sure you're not joining us for dinner tonight?" In Hye's mother asked. In Hye had just finished putting on a diamond earring she had gotten herself a few days back after she received the invitation from Luhan and she was all ready to go.

"Yes, I'm sure!" she shouted back. Her parents already knew she was heading out but they still asked once more, just to be sure. In Hye was dressed in an elegant dress that reached all the way to the ground and showed off her figure, baring her back as well. Her hair was curled and bobby-pinned so that it stayed in place over her right shoulder and she had a pink cherry tint on her lips to top it all off.

Luhan had told her he would pick her up with the rest of the boys at around 6 and In Hye still had around 5 minutes to spare to pack all her necessities in her purse. She didn't want to overpack and have it overflow but at the same time, she didn't want to pack too little in case she missed out something and would have to go the night without it.

Her phone binged and she looked at her phone, knowing that Luhan had already reached and was waiting for her downstairs. She quickly threw on a pair of heels and walked down the stairs, waved goodbye to her parents who gave her compliments about her dress before opening the door. Luhan was waiting patiently for her outside, his hands getting clammy. He didn't think his invitation would work. Heck, he didn't even think In Hye would reply considering how they didn't communicate with one another for a while since he was busy with his promotions and she was busy with work. When she promptly replied his email, his smiled reached his eyes and he had that smile plastered on his face until it actually started to hurt.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Luhan exhaled, his gaze set on In Hye as she opened the door and fumbled with her dress for a bit. She smiled and he offered her a hand, seeing how she wasn't really stable on her feet in her heels yet. Together, they both walked towards the van, where the rest of the boys waited.

"Oh, whose wedding are we attending if I may ask?" In Hye finally spoke up after what seemed like moments of uncomfortable silence in the van.

"It's my aunt's wedding." Baekhyun replied, adjusting his hair. In Hye nodded and looked hesitant for a moment. Was she even allowed to tag along? Did Luhan just invite her, thinking it would be okay?

"Don't worry, there's a seat for you." Luhan assured, leaning over to whisper in her ear. He had noticed her tense up and he could tell she was nervous.

"Won't there be fans who would know we're going to her wedding though?" Tao asked.

"I doubt it, these kinds of things won't be publicised, will it hyung?" Baekhyun asked Suho, a slight tinge of worry in his voice. Suho paused for a moment before shaking his head slowly. "I doubt it."


The drive to the hotel took about 20 minutes from In Hye's home and there already many guests that were piling in when they arrived. It was then that In Hye's worries started to pile up and her hands started to tremble. Thankfully, Luhan was there and had held her hand as they slowly made their way out of the van. Little did they know, was that a fan had caught them and had quick reflexes to snap a picture and upload it to her social media.

The response from fans were instantaneous and overwhelming, with fans commenting about who this "mysterious girl" was and where exactly were the EXO members. By the end of the entire wedding ceremony, a huge crowd of fangirls had gathered outside the wedding venue, screaming and chanting. Not only were members of the wedding trapped, but so were EXO. 

"I don't understand. How'd they find us?" Xiumin asked, taking a peep at the chaos outside. 

"Someone must've seen us and taken a picture." Chen replied, loosening his tie. 

"Well, I guess we're stuck here forever. This is how it all ends my friends. Tell my mom I love her!" Chanyeol exclaimed, fainting dramatically to lighten the mood. 

In Hye looked at Luhan who was deep in thought. She couldn't help but feel guilty. Minji had texted her about the chaos, even attaching the fantaken picture of Luhan and In Hye. She couldn't help but think that if she hadn't showed up, maybe none of this would happen. Her worried face captured Luhan's attention and he placed a reassuring hand on hers.

"It's not your fault. We would've been caught regardless on whether you were or not." he let out a small smile and she tried her hardest to smile back, overwhelming with guilt.

"Alright boys, pack up. The vans are here and we need to make this exit quick." their manager clapped his hands together, ushering the boys to get up. Luhan and In Hye stood up, their hands now tightly interlocked. The constant need to move quick was something that In Hye knew she will never get used to and she knew that whatever relationship she had going on with Luhan will always lead to constant running and hiding. It was a lifestyle she knew she will never understand, let alone be a part of. She was too used to being invisible that being put in the spotlight so quickly scared her.

The boys stood close to the exit, preparing to leave. They had lined up in pairs, with In Hye all the way at the back. It was decided that In Hye would remain behind for a while longer, seeing as it wouldn't be smart for a mysterious girl to enter their van with them. 

"We'll see you in a while, okay?" Kai smiled, patting her on the shoulder. In Hye gave him a small smile and took a step back, watching as the boys rushed out to their vans in one swift movement. The fan's squeals and shouting were heard from inside the wedding venue. In Hye couldn't help but laugh at herself. She felt like a damsel in distress, awaiting her prince to save her.

It didn't take long for the fans to disperse after the boys left and In Hye could finally free herself from being trapped. EXO's manager had returned to pick her up in a slightly less than obvious car, and she sat herself in the front seat. 

"You must be real special for all this trouble, you know?" the manager stated as he drove. In Hye gulped and remained silent, not knowing what to say or do.

"Between you and me, I must tell you that it's going to be difficult to be with someone who isn't there all the time. I'm not saying it's impossible, In Hye, but are you willing to sacrifice all that you have for Luhan? The company has lightened their regulations on idols dating but I just hope that you'll understand that this isn't so easy to get over. Before you jump into anything with Luhan, think it through. Is this what you really want?" 

"I need to think it through, like you said. I can't give you an answer now, but I will." In Hye mumbled, slightly shaken. She knew that what EXO's manager was saying was right. Was she really going to give up all she worked for, for a boy she knew through email? 

"Here we are. Thank you for understanding what I'm trying to say." the manager said, pulling up in front of In Hye's home. She nodded and bowed politely once she got out and watched as he drove off. It was a rough day and she could feel exhaustion getting the best of her. Right as she entered her home, her phone pinged. 

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

I hope you got home alright. I'm sorry today didn't turn out great.

I'll make it up to you, I promise. Rest well. 

- Luhan

She let out a sigh as she read Luhan's email. He was too sweet to her, and she felt undeserving of it. Sure, she was attracted to him, but to her there were just so many things that were holding her back. In Hye locked her phone and climbed up the stairs, ready to take a hot shower deciding to ignore everything for the rest of the night.

Moments after In Hye cleaned up, her doorbell rang. It wasn't unusual, seeing as how people from the neighbourhood would drop by and talk to her parents when they were home. Once she opened the door, she noticed that nothing but a box was present. It was addressed to her and it was wrapped nicely. She looked at it curiously. She didn't order anything and neither did she have friends or family that would send things to her. 

Without a second thought, she peeled away the wrapping and unboxed it, revealing a dead rat inside. In Hye screamed and dropped the box in response, backing away as fast as she could. Apart from the dead rat was a note that had flown out when she dropped the box. In Hye, though terrified, gathered up enough courage to pick up the note. The text was blood red, with words that said: Stay away from our boys, or you'll end up like this rat. 

In Hye's heart raced as her grip tightened on the note. Her face had gone pale and she was shaking. Something bad was brewing and In Hye knew she was in the center of it. 

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annanie #1
Chapter 12: Nice story authornim... ♡
Chapter 11: Is it wrong of me to ship her with kai or d.o i just
Chapter 10: I hope things will get back well for Luhan and In hye! they actually will be a sweet couple if they were together!
I'm loving this story..it's so cute...kekekeke...keep up the good work :)
Chapter 9: I love this story!
Chapter 9: I c muy name i cryed
Chapter 5: Jfc i did not expect luhan mistaking minji like that I DONUT
This is cute! Is it based off of the Jennifer E. Smith book? I love that book :33
Chapter 6: They are so adorkable ♥♥♥