13: Using your senses

This Is What Happy Looks Like


Using your senses

"You wanted to see me, hyung?" Luhan asked as he entered the room where his manager slept in. 

"Take a seat Luhan." he said, pointing at the bed. Luhan did as he was told and he rubbed his sweaty palms together, "Did I do something wrong?" 

The man sighed as he messed up his hair and took a seat next to Luhan. "No, you didn't. But..." 


"What you did during the fanmeet...it caused a bit of a ruckus." 

"You're talking about how I let In Hye sit on my seat, right?" the man nodded and Luhan let out a sigh, "what did Mr Kim say?"

"He hasn't said anything yet, but I'm sure he will soon. But that's not the main reason why I called you here. I'm worried  for your friend, In Hye. I'm afraid those sasaengs would do something to her, Luhan."  

"I probably shouldn't have let her sit on my seat, right?" Luhan chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Well...yeah, you shouldn't have." 

"But what was I supposed to do? She's my friend and if I let her faint-" 

"I know, I know. But those sasaengs-" 

"I'll protect her, Hyung." 

"And how are you going to do that? You can barely protect yourself from those sasaengs." Luhan frowned, "I'll think of something." 

"You better use those senses of yours before you do anything stupid then." Luhan scoffed, "Please, I always use my senses." 

The man rolled his eyes and Luhan grinned, "By the way, it'll be okay if I bring her here to meet the others, right?" 


"Yes? Thanks hyung! you're the best!" Luhan exclaimed before running out of the room.

"Yah! I didn't say yes!" the manager yelled, frustrated.  


"Miss, it's time to get up." In Hye groaned as she pulled her covers over her head, "leave me alone, Mom." 

"Miss, your parent's have left the house already, I'm the housemaid." the old lady stated, opening the blinds. 

In Hye shot up from her bed and looked at the housemaid, "left? to where?" 

The old lady shrugged, "They left in a hurry, not sure when they'll be back." In hye sighed, "another day of being lonely." 

"Ah, the perks of being an only child. Now get up, you've been asleep for more than 8 hours." In Hye nodded as she dragged herself to wash up.

Once she was done, she trudged downstairs to the dining area and ate her breakfast. The housemaid, seeing how sad and dejected In hye was, decided to take pity on her.

"In Hye, how about you go grocery shopping with me today?"


"It's depressing watching you sit here and eat your food alone, so yes, really." In Hye smiled widely as she bowed to the housemaid, "thank you ahjumma."

"No need to thank me, just be ready in 30 minutes." the old lady said, smiling.

After having her breakfast, In Hye shot up to her room and threw on a  white tank top, frayed denim shorts and a oversized black cardigan, before throwing on a pair of black converse and putting her hair into a side braid. 

"So what do we need to buy?" In Hye asked, stuffing her hands into her cardigan pockets. 

"It's all on this list." the housemaid stated, patting the piece of paper in her hand. 

"Oh, do we need the shopping cart?" 

"Yes please oh and take a basket while you're at it." In Hye nodded and did as she was told. 


However, as she walked back to find her housemaid, she heard the whispers of two girls who were not much younger than her. 

"Isn't that the girl that sat on Luhan Oppa's chair during the fanmeet?" 

"She is? Well, she isn't really that pretty." 

"Really? I think she is...." 

"Are you stupid? What if Oppa falls in love with her? Would you want that?" 

"It's not like we're going to get married to them anyway." In Hye turned her head to look at the two girls who were now glaring at one another before shaking her head and walking off. 

"What took you so long?" the old lady asked as she placed the carton of milk into the shopping cart. "I heard a two girls arguing over me." She chuckled, thinking about the two girls again.

"Oh? What about?" 

"Mm, it's nothing bad." She smiled at the old lady and in return, the old lady sighed, "alright then. Come along, we've still got lots to buy." 

In Hye let out a sigh of relief as she spotted the two girls again. 

"Nothing's bad for now, but I'm not too sure about later on..." she mumbled to herself as she pushed the shopping cart. 

So i've been gone for a pretty looooooooong time, sorry about that. I got lazy to update and 
I bet you guys must be pretty bummed about this chapter since it's just a boring filler and not all about 

luhan like i promised, BUT, 
DON'T WORRY! There'll be much more interesting things coming up in the other chapters later
on, so anticipate! 
I'll be updating more frequently from tomorrow onwards because my holidays started so I'm free!
Well, until next year then I'll have to go on a hiatus until maybe...after my major exams? So I'll probably TRY 
to complete this story before the start of next year otherwise you guys would become grumpy and send me hate
messages (
loljk y'all are nice...right? o_o

Anyway, remember to comment/subscribe!

Thanks to: annanie for commenting // Gennay_, kitanojunko, xoxo_88_kiss, annanie, 032197, parkhyunri and kpopmusiclover for subbing!



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annanie #1
Chapter 12: Nice story authornim... ♡
Chapter 11: Is it wrong of me to ship her with kai or d.o i just
Chapter 10: I hope things will get back well for Luhan and In hye! they actually will be a sweet couple if they were together!
I'm loving this story..it's so cute...kekekeke...keep up the good work :)
Chapter 9: I love this story!
Chapter 9: I c muy name i cryed
Chapter 5: Jfc i did not expect luhan mistaking minji like that I DONUT
This is cute! Is it based off of the Jennifer E. Smith book? I love that book :33
Chapter 6: They are so adorkable ♥♥♥