03: Unexpected

This Is What Happy Looks Like



To: [email protected]   

From: [email protected]

yeah, our little secret.

p.s I live around there. Why?

"Time to lock up, newbie." Minji yawned as she took off her apron. In Hye stretched her hands up high in the air before pulling out her apron. Business was slow that day, and she spent half her time at the candy shop talking to Minji, as well as reply Luhan's rather amusing messages. 

"Sorry, are you locking up?" The two girls turned their heads to face a boy no taller than 176m, with a beanie and sunglasses on- even though it was already 6 in the evening. Minji chuckled, "yeah, we are." The boy smirked.

"Shame, I really wanted to buy some candy for my sister."

"Well, hurry up then." In Hye mumbled with a hint of annoyance. Minji leaned against the counter and looked at the boy with much interest. 

"He reminds me of someone." 

"Oh yeah? Who?" In hye asked, letting her hair down.

"Xiumin, one of the EXO members?" In Hye shrugged. With his hands full, the boy made his way to the counter to pay. 

"By any chance, are you...Xiumin?" Minji asked abruptly as the boy took out his wallet.

"Minji!" In Hye exclaimed. The boy chuckled and took off his sunglasses, "Caught, hmm?"

"Well, it isn't hard for you to get caught if you're wearing ridiculous sunglasses at night." In hye scoffed, looking away. Xiumin chuckled, "true that. Anyway, thanks for the candy. Keep this a secret, would you? Thanks, Minji and friend."

"oh my god, he knows my name!" Minji squealed with delight as Xiumin walked out of the candy shop, giving a two finger salute to both of them before heading to his van. In hye rolled her eyes, "that's because I screamed your name?" 

"Whatever, I'm telling my friends!" Minji said, quickly taking out her phone. In Hye placed her hand on Minji's and shook her head, "would you really want to rat out Xiumin and not see him again?" 

"Fine." She mumbled, putting her hand down. In Hye smiled and took out her phone from her pocket and as expected, she had a new email.

To: [email protected]  

From: [email protected]

Ugh, the company dyed my hair. AGAIN ):

In Hye chuckled. Luhan's use of sad faces always made her smile, whether for the right reasons or not. She put her phone back in her pocket and picked up her bag.

"I'm going shopping, wanna come with?" Minji asked, picking up her bag. 

"Nah, I've got a function to attend with my parents. See you tomorrow?" Minji nodded and In Hye left ahead of her, seeing as Minji was the only one allowed to keep the extra key to the shop.

"What took you so long?" Kris asked, annoyed. The manager started the engine and they headed back to their dorm.

"Sorry, I got caught." Xiumin smiled sheepishly. Luhan chuckled.

"By who?"

"The girl at the counter." 

"Was she hot?" Chanyeol interrupted. Xiumin chuckled, "there were two of them, actually."

"Two?" Baekhyun looked at him excitedly. 

"yeah, and both of them were hot." He emphasized, opening his bag of candy. 

"Want one?" he asked, holding out the bag of candy to Luhan.

"Isn't that for your sister?"

"It's only one piece of Candy." Luhan shrugged and put his hand in the bag, fished out a lollipop and put it in his mouth after opening it. Luhan looked out of the van's window and looked around. The 12 boys had forced their manager to drive them around the city for a day out and they ended up a street near Seoul Arts High, the area where In Hye said she lived around. 

Sadly, he couldn't look for her because he didn't know how In Hye looked, neither did he exactly know where she wass. It sounded crazy, but he really wanted to meet his friend.

You've got an email.

Luhan looked at his phone in his hand as it rang.

"Dude, you still use your email?" Chen mocked, looking over his shoulder.

"I prefer to email some of my friends, you got a problem with that?" Luhan raised an eyebrow jokingly while Chen laughed and held out his hands defensively, "woah, relax."

Luhan chuckled and turned his attention back to his phone.

To: [email protected]   

From: [email protected]

So... what color's your hair NOW?

p.s I met your friend, Xiumin, today. What guy wears sunglasses at night?

Luhan's eyes widened. 

"Stop the car."



Short update this week, I'm so sorry ): nontheless, I hope you all like it!

once again, comments, upvotes and subscribers are appreciated!


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annanie #1
Chapter 12: Nice story authornim... ♡
Chapter 11: Is it wrong of me to ship her with kai or d.o i just
Chapter 10: I hope things will get back well for Luhan and In hye! they actually will be a sweet couple if they were together!
I'm loving this story..it's so cute...kekekeke...keep up the good work :)
Chapter 9: I love this story!
Chapter 9: I c muy name i cryed
Chapter 5: Jfc i did not expect luhan mistaking minji like that I DONUT
This is cute! Is it based off of the Jennifer E. Smith book? I love that book :33
Chapter 6: They are so adorkable ♥♥♥