06: Getting To Know You

This Is What Happy Looks Like


getting to know you


"W-what are you doing here?" In Hye asked, more astonished than elated. Luhan frowned but quickly replaced it with a smile, "you're not happy to see me?" 

She blushed. How cute.

"In hye? Who's that at the door?" a lady, a head taller than In Hye came up behind her and was looking at me with a grim expression. 

"Um.." In Hye scratched her head, unsure of how to introduce Luhan. He decided to take matters into his own hands. 

"Hello ma'am, I'm Luhan." Luhan smiled and extended his hand towards In Hye's mother. In Hye's mother smiled and shook his hand. 

"Well, seems like I'm interrupting something so..." In hye mother patted In Hye's head and went back into the house. 

"Do you want to come in?" In Hye asked shyly. "Sure." 

In hye opened the door a little bit wider for Luhan and he took a step into the house. The interior of In Hye's house was simple and the environment was comfortable even though it was one of the biggest houses in the area which made Luhan smile unknowingly. 

In Hye led Luhan up to her room and they sat opposite each other- with Luhan sitting on a beanbag and In Hye on her bed. 

"Why'd you come here, Luhan?" In Hye mumbled, playing with her hands. 

"I told you, I'll find you." He grinned. In Hye sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sensing her frustration. 

"I didn't want to be found." 

"Why not?" 

"Because, what would people say about my family and EXO if they found out about this?" She waved her arms crazily, gesturing to the both of them. Luhan ran a hand through his hair. 

"They won't say anything." 

"You can't be so sure of that. Your fans are everywhere." she whispered. Luhan stood up and made his way to In hye. She dug her fingernails into her skin, a habit she never got rid off. 

"Even if they're everywhere, I won't let them hurt you if they know you're my friend." He assured. 

"Alright." She sighed, giving in. Luhan smiled, "let's get to know more about each other, shall we?" 


"Favorite color?"


"Favorite song?" 

"I don't have one." 

"How can you not have a favorite song?" In Hye shrugged, "I like all songs, especially english ones." 

"That explains your little knowledge about EXO, you don't listen to chinese or korean songs?" In Hye shook her head. 

"Hm, how about favorite food?" In hye's eyes lit up at the word 'food'. 

"Beef. Lots of it." she grinned then instantly turned red at her excitement. 

"I didn't expect you to be so shy." Luhan said, chuckling. 

"I'm not shy." she defended herself, crossing her arms. "You totally are." 

"Am not." 

"You are." 

"Woah, who's this?" In hye's father asked as he stopped in front of her bedroom door.

"Wait, aren't you one of Young Min's stars?" In hye's father answered his own question before Luhan could introduce himself. Luhan nodded and gave In Hye a look, "even your father knows who I am." 

In Hye scoffed. 

"Well, what did my daughter do to get your attention?" her father asked, chuckling. 

"Dad, it was-" 

"it's a long story." Luhan smiled. In Hye's father laughed, "well, alright." 

"Now, out of all the EXO members you've met, who's your favorite?" Luhan asked, a cheeky grin on his face. 

"None." In hye smiled. Luhan's shoulders drooped, "what?" 

"I like none of them." 

"Just pick one!" 

"Fine, D.O." Luhan grumbled, "why him?" 

"Would you prefer I chose you then?" 


"Egoistic idol." In Hye mumbled and Luhan laughed, "Are you always this serious?" 

"I guess, like you said, I'm 'prim and proper'." She remembered. 

Before Luhan could carry on with his 20 questions, his phone rang.


"Yah, where are you?" Xiumin asked. 

"I'm at a friend's place." He answered half heartedly. 

"Well, you better get back now before our hyung over here goes crazy." Luhan chuckled, knowing the hyung Xiumin was talking about was their manager.

"Alright." Luhan ended his phone call and turned to look at In Hye who was scribbling away on a notebook. 

"What are you writing?"

"Oh, nothing." In Hye quickly closed the book and held it close to her chest, "do you need to go?" 

Luhan nodded. 

"How about we finish our 20 questions tomorrow?" Luhan asked as he slipped on his shoes. 

"t-tomorrow?" In hye stuttered. He was still keen on seeing her? 

"Yes, tomorrow." 

"Don't you idols have a schedule or something like that?" She raised an eyebrow. 

"I do, just not tomorrow. I've got a day of freedom." 

"Don't you have other friends?" 

"Come on In Hye, it's just an outing with a friend." In Hye sighed, "fine." 

"Great!" Luhan smiled and patted her head, "see you tomorrow." 

And with that, Luhan headed back to the dorm, where an angry manager awaited his arrival. 


In Hye yawned as she dragged her feet towards the candy shop. 

"Morning." She mumbled to Minji as she put on her apron. Minji grinned at In Hye.

"um, what?" In Hye asked. 

"What's up with you and Luhan, hmm? How does he know you?" Minji bombarded her with questions. 

"It's a long story." 

"Spill. NOW." Minji demanded, grabbing onto her hand for dear life. In Hye groaned, "fine." 

As In Hye filled Minji in about how she and Luhan began their endless conversations over email, Minji couldn't help but swoon. 

"Being a fan of EXO and all, I definitely approve this ship." In Hye scoffed, "we're not dating, Minji." 

"Not yet at least." Minji winked at her before a customer entered the candy shop. 

The day went by slowly and In Hye was yet to receive any details from Luhan about their 'outing'. She was all prepared to pack up and leave for home when screams of fangirls were heard. The two girls looked at each other and walked out of the candy shop.  A black van pulled up not far from them and the crowd of fangirls quickly surrounded it. 

"Who do you think it is?" In hye asked. 

"Who do you think?" Minji laughed. The door of the van opened and a few of EXO members came out, big smiles on their faces. In Hye raised an eyebrow. What are they doing? 

Luhan turned to look at In Hye and he waved at her, causing her to widen her eyes and head back into the candy shop, with Minji following behind. Luhan inwardly chuckled at her reaction.

"What are you doing? He waved to you!" Minji exclaimed. 

"Yeah well, in front of his fans who will probably skin me alive." In Hye mumbled, picking up her bag. The doors of the candy shop jingled and In Hye looked up only to meet eyes with Luhan. 

"Hey." Luhan greeted. 

"Hi." She mumbled, slinging her bag over her shoulder. 

"Ready to go?" he asked, taking a lollipop from the jar of complimentary candy. 

"With you openly arriving here with your group members and your fans surrounding this place? I don't think so, Luhan." In Hye said sadly. Luhan noticed how upset she looked and took hold of her hand to try to cheer her up. 

"The others are here to help. We won't get caught." He assured, rubbing his thumb on the back of her delicate hand. 

"You told them?" In Hye asked. Luhan nodded, "Enough with the questions, let's get going before someone-"

"LUHAN OPPA!" A girl screamed, slamming the door of the candy shop open. In Hye quickly pulled her hand back and pretended to look clueless. The fan ran up to him and held out a bag to him. 

"T-this is for you." She mumbled, looking at her shoes. In Hye watched on with interest. 

"Thank you." Luhan smiled, bowing. The girl blushed and noticed In Hye and Minji. She instantly frowned, "Oppa, why did you come in here while your other members are out there?" 

"Ah, you see this pretty girl over here?" Luhan gestured to In Hye whose eyes widened. The fan nodded.

"This is my...preschool friend! We were planning to go out today since we haven't met up for so long." He lied while smiling at the girl. 

"Is she your girlfriend?" Luhan chuckled and patted the girl's head, "no, I just said she was my preschool friend!" 

"Oh, right!" the fan laughed. In Hye sighed. This is taking way too long.

"Promise me you'll keep this a secret alright? Otherwise I won't give you this." He took off his bracelet which didn't match with his clothes at all. 

"I promise, oppa!" The girl beamed as Luhan handed her the bracelet. He smiled and waved goodbye to her as she ran back out of the shop. Minji laughed out loud, "preschool friend?! you've got to be kidding me." 

"It was the only thing I could think of at the moment." he said, embarrassed. He looked at In Hye who seemed to have zoned out. He waved his hands in front of her and she blinked at him, "what?" 

"Let's go." he smiled, taking hold of her hand. Minji waved goodbye to them and they slowly but casually made their way out of the candy store with fans still surrounding the other EXO members. The both of them broke into a run and only stopped when they were at a good distance away from the candy shop. Luhan let out a hearty laugh while In Hye just panted but a smile was on her face.

"Wasn't that fun?" he asked. 

"I guess, tiring though." she admitted, giggling. Luhan took out his phone from his pocket and quickly sent a text to D.O, informing him that In Hye and him got away unnoticed. 

"So, where to now?" In Hye asked, looking around. 

"Down there." he pointed at a small cafe at the end of the street, a place where In Hye hadn't been to before. 


"So..." Luhan started. 

"So..." In Hye copied him and they both smiled. 

"How come your manager lets you run around freely?" 

"He doesn't, we stole the van." at that sentence, In Hye choked on her own saliva, "what?" 

"Yeah, it doesn't matter anyway, we all didn't have a schedule and we just wanted to have some fun so taking the van is nothing." In Hye made an 'o' with . 

"So, tell me more about yourself, In Hye. I've finally found you yet you're so closed up." In Hye scowled at him. 

"I'm a graduating student of Seoul Arts High, I'm a literature student, I know the languages english, chinese and korean, my father is the CEO of Lee entertainment and I work at a candy shop. Oh, and I got accepted into The School of The Arts." she grinned. 

"Woah, literature student and you're trilingual." Luhan smiled. 

"What about you?" In Hye asked. 

"ah, I'm a member of EXO-" 

"I don't want to know about that, I want to know about the non-idol Luhan." In Hye interrupted. 

"Alright. My name is Luhan, I was born in Beijing, China, I can solve the rubix cube in 2 minutes and I like soccer." 

"Sporty." In Hye mumbled. 

"How about we get some food? I'm starving." Luhan suggested. In hye nodded. 


As the In Hye and Luhan chowed down on their food, they talked more about their lives and the more comfortable they became with each other. It was about 9 at night when Luhan walked her home. 

"Um..." In Hye mumbled. 

"Listen, In Hye, I'm glad you didn't run even though you weren't exactly keen on going out with an idol like me." Luhan admitted sheepishly. 

"I'm glad I didn't run too. Thank you for tonight." She smiled.

"In Hye?" Luhan said her name softly. 

"Yes?" She looked into his eyes and that was when she took a good look at his facial features. Luhan was simply dashing. The little smile he put on made him look adorable and his eyes were glistening. Why didn't she study his face earlier? Oh right, she was too shy. She mentally scolded herself for being a doofus while Luhan planted a quick kiss on her cheek.

Upon noticing his gesture, In Hye's eyes widened. 

"Was I not supposed to do that?" Luhan asked, freaking out. 

"N-no, I just zoned out for a moment." She stuttered, her cheeks turning red. Luhan laughed, she's too cute to be true.

"Well, goodnight." Luhan said, turning to leave. 

"W-wait!" she called out. Luhan turned to face her and she froze. What do I say?

"uh-um, goodnight!" she said, not looking up at him before running into her house. Luhan chuckled and gave her a two finger salute and left. In Hye slapped her hand on her face once Luhan was out of sight, "goodnight, really?!" 


Was the transition a little odd? It seems odd to me as I read through it. Do correct me if you think I've made an error ^^; 
Anyway, my holidays are ending and I wished I could've updated earlier but I've been studying so pardon me! I hope this was a good enough chapter to make up for my abscense though! 

Thanks to: 

Imshanlee01 and luluhandeer for subscribing!

Comments and new subscribers are appreciated too! 



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annanie #1
Chapter 12: Nice story authornim... ♡
Chapter 11: Is it wrong of me to ship her with kai or d.o i just
Chapter 10: I hope things will get back well for Luhan and In hye! they actually will be a sweet couple if they were together!
I'm loving this story..it's so cute...kekekeke...keep up the good work :)
Chapter 9: I love this story!
Chapter 9: I c muy name i cryed
Chapter 5: Jfc i did not expect luhan mistaking minji like that I DONUT
This is cute! Is it based off of the Jennifer E. Smith book? I love that book :33
Chapter 6: They are so adorkable ♥♥♥