
He's my prince, she's my love
Jinwoon POV:

Where was Seohyun? I checked the time.

It was 11:00 pm.

I sighed. I hope she was okay and didnt run into trouble along the way...

Suddenly I felt a slight impact from behind and trembling. I turned to see Seohyun. Uh oh....

"S-Seohyun! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked. She shook her head in my chest. I her hair and held her close. I let her calm down before she told me anything.


"Him too?!" I cried. She nodded and bit her lip.

Huh. So she did run into trouble on the way...

Oh Key...how could you be so idiotic? I sighed and sat Seohyun down on a nearby bench. I sat next to her and turned her way.

"Seohyun, are you even aware of all the boys who like you?" I asked slowly. She made a face.

"Yes. And I hate it." she said bluntly. I thought for a moment.

"Why do you hate it?" I questioned. Seohyun stuck out her tongue and sighed.

"Because there's no reason for them to like them or for them to like me." she murmured. I nodded, suddenly having an urge to protest. After all..I likes her too.

"Well don't worry okay? In the mean time, how about we play to pull your stress?" I asked. She stared at me wide-eyed: I grinned.

"I promise I won't kiss you." I joked. Her expression was kept straigt and for a second, I was scared she'd reject me. But hesitantly, Seohyun took my hand. My heart filled with relief. I squeezed her hand:

"Don't worry."

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k-monster #1
ooh. so cute~ ^^
nice story! yup yup ^-^ ~
wahhh!! finally it ends... the ending is unexpected!!<br />
but I think it's good...
Dawn it jnwoon when r u going to cnfess man, seriously?!?!?<br />
Sohyun, becareful Dongwoon did like Seohyun but now he likes you? Dongwoon make up your mind
dongwoon doesn't like seohyun?!!!<br />
what's happening here?<br />
update pls!!<br />
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Jinwoon confessed?!!!<br />
Owwww someone is jealous of Nett
TheRandom #9
Make longer chapters plz:D