Chapter 17

Unexpected Joy

I tried the next morning to make it seem like I had a cold, so I wouldn't be forced to go to this public school. It makes me sound snobby, but after seeing what private school is like.. I was sort of frightened. My parents didn't buy it one bit. No mercy was shown in the car ride either. 

"And don't you dare find yourself another delinquent, got that? Not only will your mother teach you a lesson, but you'll be shipped back to San Fransisco with your mother." My father said sternly, looking at me sitting in the backseat through his mirror. 

"Have you ever considered that that could possibly be what I want?" I was so sick of hearing his voice, I thought I'd create a lie to make him shut up. He was my father, but when someone acted as thick as he did, they didn't deserve the title of a parent. "Have you ever considered I'm doing all this to move back, and get away for you and your tyrannical rule?" Just as I wished, his talking ceased. 

"Get off." Was all he said when he dropped me off. 

Would it be crazy if I said it looked much better than my previous school? 

Once I walked inside, I changed my mind. 

It was.... dirty. The students didn't wear their uniform at all, there was grafitti, the lockers were smashed, and so were some of the windows. The lighting was terrible, and none of the staff seemed to care that 5 students were fighting five more students. 

"Is this hell?" I sighed. 

"Close to it." smirked a guy that was walking past me. I groaned again. It looked like no one was going to help me find the office, so I just wandered around myself and found it on my own. They weren't much help though. The lady gave me a stack of papers and told me to find my schedule myself. The classes didn't seem too bad, History, English, Math, and Science. It was strange that there was nowhere on the schedule for lunch or two other classes. 

"Um, excuse me? When is lunch?" I asked the lady, who laughed. 

"we can't afford lunch. Bring your own next time." She said, and took the stack of papers. 

A school that couldn't afford lunch? This really was hell. (A/N: yes, it's overboard. But this is SunMi's hell we're talking about. No food = No joy~) I was stuck holding a map in front of my nose that day. It was hard enough making my way to English, but I got stares for actually wearing a uniform. These students were crazy. I found my English class and sat down where I could find an empty seat. I looked behind me because I could feel stares in the back of my head. I looked back to see Eunjung staring back at me. 

I think it's safe to say this place is hell. 

"Yah, Are you SunMi?" I looked to see a cute boy sitting next to me. I nodded slowly, slightly confused. "Okay, good. I can keep an eye on you now." He said as he laid back in his seat. 

"Excuse me? Who exactly are you?" 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Mino. A friend of Zico's. He told me to keep an eye on you. So nothing bad happens." I stared at him wide eyed. 

"Oh. is that so." Was all I managed to get out. The class itself was too easy, they were studying works I had read in middle school, it ended quickly too. 

"Um, Mino, why are periods so short?" I asked as we were walking to our next class, we both had the same schedule. 

"School gets out early." Was all he said. He didn't seem like a very talkative person. 

"How early?" I asked, dodging many students, trying to keep up with Mino's pace. 

"2." He said apruptly. It's as if it hurt to talk. 

"Oh... Then.. can I ask how you know Zico?" I wanted to know my bodyguard better than just knowing his name. 

"He helped me through stuff. I was in a gang and wanted out. I couldn't get out without practically killing myself. Zico and I used to go to the same school. I told him when I was sick of doing the gang's dirty work. He went and.. well let's just say he talked to them. " For some reason, this story of Zico made me nervous. Not because he was tough, more because he wasn't afraid of dying. I thought I was walking, but looked up and noticed I wasn't moving, and that Mino was out of sight. 

It was because someone was holding onto me, making sure I didn't move. I knew who it was without turning around. 

"Let go." I muttered. 

"Don't think so." Eunjung's tone suggested she had a smirk on her face. " You don't have your precious Zico with you here, there's nothing I can't do to you." She turned me around and grabbed onto my collar. Anger was almost bouncing off of her. 

"She said she wanted to be let go." Mino said in a deep voice. It surprised me that he even noticed I wasn't by his side, unless he was more observant that I had imagined. 

I don’t know if it was because she was scared, or she admired Mino, but she nodded and immediately let go. I gave Mino a small nod of appreciation and followed him to our next class.

As promised, school ended earlier than I would have liked. It bummed me out that I had to return to sick, twisted parents, but a smile spread across my face when Mino and I exited the building.

 “ZICO!” I shouted and ran to his embrace. He caught me. “What are you doing here?” I said once my happiness simmered down.

 “I don’t see a point in going to school if you aren’t there.” He said, pure honesty visible in his eyes. I smiled and tugged on his newly cut hair.

 “I like this. Chae Rin?” He smiled his adorable smile and nodded. He turned around and thanked Mino, and I quickly embraced him again.

 Seeing him and not getting yelled at for him was.. wonderful. It seemed as if I would never be able to see him again, to the measures my parents were going to. I tip toed and planted a kiss on his cheek.

“I missed you, Jiho.” It seemed like everything was perfect.

“He doesn’t seem as bad as he’s cut out to be.” Someone was watching us the whole time. Zico and I both turned, confused.



That marked the first day I was really restricted of you. And it hurt. Badly. 

They can't restrict us now, can they? 

9 More Cranes.



Oh hi little dubus. 

2nd update in one day keke c: 

I'm sorry It's short, but enjoy c: 

A lot of the comments I'm getting say that UJ is becoming depressing. 

I am here to advise you that it will get better.... and then get much worse. 

Sorry :c

If you think this will be a problem and you will take it out on the author, I suggest you not continue 3

I still love you all c: 


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Jikook8 #1
Chapter 28: This story was so amazing I'm literally crying right now! The whole time I felt like I was right there with them! Great job!T_T
b2utyYTF #2
love your story
lovessnsd2pm #3
Chapter 28: My eyes are red from crying~ This is an amazing fanfic. :D
Chapter 28: This story was absolutely amazing. I cried pretty much the last 10 chapters. Thank you for writing this!
Tiararogue #5
Chapter 28: Imagine me reading the last chapters in a public place and trying to hold back my tears and failing.....i loved every bit of this story. Thank you authornim
I cried so much reading this
Thank you for an amazing story ♥
dalamjwi07 #7
I cried a lot in 3last chapter. geez, how can you do this to me?
You dont know how much i cried!
I really love your story!
Keep up the good work.
Hwaiting! ^^
nianinini #9
oh my god. I am such a mess right now. sahfkjdbvhsqbmcx
maxxichu #10
love it<3