


Zelo’s POV
I slowly open my eyes and checked on myself. I’m still alive. I shocked to death. I scared to death. I almost pee in my pants just now. Luckily that gun was not loaded. This girl is really…. Ah, I don’t know what to say. Then, I heard ____ laughing.
You: Hahhaah. Are you that scared Zelo-ah?
Zelo: Ah… an.. ani… (Stutter)
You: This gun looks real. Should we play again?
I approached her and take that gun. Not again dear.
Zelo: We can play tomorrow. 
You: Waeee?? (Aegyo)
How dare this girl use Aegyo when she almost kill me.
Zelo: You must sleep now. You still need to go to school tomorrow. 
You: Aa.. you’re right. Good night Zelo-ah.
Zelo: Goodnight.
You: But... Zelo-ah, your face really looks funny just now. jinjja Hahaha
Zelo: =,=
I saw ___ heading to her bed and get ready to sleeps. I think I can’t keep this gun. I need to give back to Yonggguk hyung. I can’t let this thing happened again. _____ must be freaking out if she knows this is a real gun. Btw, how can she think this gun is toy? is she stupid or what? 
# End of POV
The next day you went to school as usual. Teacher Luna said that exam will be held soon. You felt nervous when think about it. You decided to get flying color result in this exam. When you were back from school you saw your dad and Zelo was playing Skateboard at yard. You chuckled when you saw your father keep fail in his skateboard. Silly Appa you think.
You: Appaa! What are you doing?
Jaesuk: oh, ____-ah.. You’re home? Erm.. Apppa got jealous of Zelo. I ask him to teach me how to skateboard. 
You: Hahaah. Did you manage to do it?
Jaesuk: So far… no. haha Ah, my back hurts.
You: Appa you’re old. Don’t force yourself. Erm.. Appa, you don’t go to work today?
You saw your father’s expression changed at that time. Then, he looks like he was thinking of something.
You: Appa!
Jaesuk: (Silent)
You: Appa! President Kim!
You waved your hand in front of your father face then he got startled. 
You: Are you okay?
Jaesuk: Yes.. I’m okay. Appa off today. 
You: Really?
Jaesuk: Yes dear. 
You: Okay then. I go to my room first. 
Zelo: ____-sshi come join us.
You: I can’t Zelo-ah.. I need to study. 
Zelo : (Burst into laughter) Appa… do you hear that?
Jaesuk: (Laughing too) Omo! This is first time I heard my daughter said she needs to study. 
You: Yaa! Don’t make fun of me. For your information I got an exam in this week and I will make sure that I will got A in my exam. You both just wait.
Jaesuk: Okay. We’ll wait. Good luck dear. 
Zelo: Good luck too. (Wink)
After that you go to your room and take a bath. Because of you afraid that your mood would changing you quickly went to your desk and sit there. You were studying will a full of concentrate. You even skip your meals. Not a long after that you heard people laughing. You look out through your window and saw your father was teaching Zelo driving. You envy them. They look like father and son. How you wish that you may join them. They were having fun together meanwhile you were fighting for your exam. It unfair you thought. 
You keep study as much as you can. Sometimes you ask Zelo to be your tutor. He seemed genius in math. Ever since Zelo started tutoring you, you understand a lot better. He was really patient while teaching you and he also clear in his explanation. In other times, you ask him stupidest question and he just laughed at you and show you his cute dimple. 
Soon, exam were around the corner. You've been doing quite well for all of your subjects except math. You don’t know why you felt like you couldn't seem to pass that subject. While you were daydreaming at your room’s balcony Zelo come with a bowl of cherry tomatoes.
Zelo: ____-sshi, I wonder whether you still remember our deal.
You: Deal? What deal?
Zelo: Haish.. this girl. Once ago I challenge you to get over 90 in your math test.
You: Of course I remember. I’m not that stupid. You know what that deal was like stuck in my head. 
Zelo: Good if you remember. Whaa… I think I need to think my 3 whishes in case you fail in your test. Hehe
You: Yaa!!... How could…
You can’t finish your world when Zelo already insert cherry tomatoes into your mouth. Because of you don’t really like how it tastes your face turn funny when you swallow it. Then, you heard Zelo laughing at you. 
You: (*Haish… this robot of mine so naughty)
It's Friday, it was also the day you’re gonna get back your scripts. You have gotten back the rest of your papers except for Math. You did very well for the rest of your papers. You were glad you didn't fail any yet. You started feeling nervous when your math teacher that is Teacher Luna walked in with a brown envelope on her arms. It contained your exam scripts. How you wish you get over 90 mark.kyaaa~
You have never felt this nervous while waiting for your exam scripts to be given out. Your palms were covered in cold sweat. You didn't like this feeling. It was like your future depended on this one paper. Teacher Luna then called out names individually. You waited anxiously for your name to be called. And suddenly..
Teacher Luna: Kim ______
You walked nervously towards her and take your script.
Teacher Luna: You improve a lot. Keep it up.
You: Kamsamida Luna Sonsaengnim (Bow)
You walked back to your seat, still not looking at your marks. You finally sat, you took a deep breath. You turned over the paper. Your hearts were shaking. This is not happening right? You've gotten 88.You started tearing. You were glad that you had improved. But you still unsatisfied why you can’t get over 90?
You started flipping through the pages hoping there was an error in marking or points which could have gotten more marks. Sadly, the marking was really accurate. Your mood dropped like crazy when thinking of it. Zelo must be laughing at you and you also need to fulfill Zelo’s three wishes. You pouted. 
You were back from school. You felt tired. You were about to open the door and suddenly that door open itself. You startled when someone cover your eyes with his hand. You know it was Zelo. He then ask you to guess him. You annoyingly yell.
You: ZELO!!
Zelo: Hee… Correct! How did you know? 
Zelo then release his hand and give you his sweet smile. You don’t know why but it seems like his smile was mocking at you. 
You: Duh… that is you when I’m about to open the door. (Rolled your eyes)
Zelo: You know me well. ____-sshi, how you result?
You faked a cry to make Zelo thinking that you were failed. 
You: Zelo-ah…. i… i… failed. Uwaaa
Zelo: Jinjja?Omo.. Pity you. It’s okay. Zelo was hoping that you would fail.
You wanna hit him but Zelo already run and you chase him around living room. After a few round you felt tired and slam your body on couch. Zelo then follow you. You pouted and crossed your arms.
Zelo: ____sshi, Zelo just kidding.
You: Not funny okay.
Zelo: Are you mad? (Poking your cheek)
You: No.
Zelo: Did you really failed?
You: No.
Zelo: So, you were passed?? (Excited)
You: Nae Zelo-ah! I’m passed!.... Weheee
Zelo: Wah… that’s great. 
You: But… I didn’t get over 90… (Showing him your script)
Zelo: (Take it) 88? It just two marks away. You did well. I’m so proud of you ___-sshi.
You: Really? But i‘m still lacking. 
Zelo: it’s okay.
You: So, Zelo-ah, don't hesitate to tell me your wish.
Zelo: Auw... glad to hear that. Ermm... since you looks tired right now i will tell you later okay? heehe. ____-ssi, I think you should show your result to Appa. He must be proud of you. 
You: You’re right. I’ve never passed in math before Appa must be happy. Hehe.. But wait, did Appa at home? He didn’t go to work?
Zelo: Urm… I think he was at home.
You: Okay then. I'm gonna show him. I will make Appa happy.Hehe
You quickly run to your father’s room. You open the door and looking for him. Suddenly you saw a body was lying on the floor. You know that body. He was your father and he's unconscious at that time. You immediately approach him and tapping his cheek a few times. You were afraid something bad happened to him. He still unawake and your tears start rolling on your cheek. You call out Zelo name. 
Zelo come and he was shocked to see what happened. 
Zelo : (*Omo! What happened? Did Appa pass out because of ____’s result? Aish… it can’t be. Pabo me.) (Slap himself)
You: Zelo-ah, why did you standing there? Pallie help me.
Zelo: (Approach you) What happened?
You: I.. don’t know.. (crying)
Zelo: Let’s bring him to hospital
You: Nae..
You nodded you head weekly and Zelo start to carry Jaesuk with his arm around Zelo’s shoulder. Then, you saw your father’s phone on the floor too. You were sure that there possibility your father passed out because he receive a call from someone. You take it and check on call log. Your heart start racing when you saw JUNG TAEJONG name on it. 
Ilhoon’s father? What really happened actually? Your puzzle was distracted when Zelo called out your name. You answer him and make your way. 
To Be Continue...
I'm sorry if this part is boring. I will make it interesting in next part. wehee.
Don't forget to comment. Your comment inspired me a lot. Saranghae.,.
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Double update! Hope you like it^^


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please update this story the first time I read this is on your facebook page :(
ZeloFarah #2
Chapter 25: Authornim!!!when u want to update next chapter??I always read the same chapter...ur story not boring..I like to read again & again& again...hehe...I hope me & zelo will be together!!!hahaha
Chapter 25: Please update *^*
vhope2310 #4
Chapter 25: please update more !! i want to read this story more ! hope u can update as faster as u can ~~ i love it !! daebak ! hwaitingg !! <3 <3
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 25: Mr. I-don't-smile....
Really Sehun -____-"
He's actually a cute maknae, but i don't know why he's more cool than cute....
let me just be with zelo without any obstacle please... but wait! im with ilhoon. hahahaha
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 24: Hahahahaha....
She went to prom night all alone...
No wonder she felt sad, beside whatever Zelo did.... ^^