The End

The Blithe Café

Double Update so plz read before chapter. Thx!




It's been a year. 

Doojoon was let out of the hospital with a clean bill of health, and he and Dongwoon have been dating ever since.

The police caught the organization that set the trap, and they're all currently in jail. 

Minho, two months after T.K passed, retired from his post, saying that he couldn't do it alone. To our surprise, he offered the positions to me and Kikwang. We accepted, seeing no reason not to, and Bluthe has been running smoothly. 

A new carving on the wood wall in Blithe shows an entwined T and K, with these words under them: May you be within our heart for as long as we last. Henry finished it the day before we finally reopened. 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol didn't grow back as close as they were before; there was, and still is, too much between them. But they're at least making eye contact now. 

Blithe seems so quiet, sometimes, without our youngest. But adding Kangjun filled a little bit of that huge whole, and time is best healer of all. 

And me? Us?

Two days ago, I told Kikwang I loved him. 

One day ago, he said it back.


And so, even though he is gone, and the winter is blowing in, the world is beautiful. Blithe is still warm, and Blithe is my home. 

Blithe will always be my home.

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AnnoNiji #1
Chapter 24: It's true the end is a little rushed, but it's still beautiful, because there are a lot of feelings and i loved read you story, it touched me a lot.
AnnoNiji #2
Chapter 23: I'm happy for KiSeob. Anyway it's still so sad... (and what about JunHyung ?)
AnnoNiji #3
Chapter 22: Omg i'm still crying, i can't stop myself T_T
AnnoNiji #4
Chapter 21: Now i'm crying. It's horrible.
AnnoNiji #5
Chapter 20: What the was that ? O_O I'm so curious and scared for them !! ><
AnnoNiji #6
Chapter 19: Channie be strong ;___;
AnnoNiji #7
Chapter 18: Omg. Just... omg.
AnnoNiji #8
Chapter 17: Omg. I don't know what i can say. Junnie, Seobie... ;w;
AnnoNiji #9
Chapter 16: Seobie i want to hug you ;;
AnnoNiji #10
Chapter 15: Ohw ohw... it will hurt for sure... ;_;