Just Us

The Blithe Café




The funeral was five days ago. It wasn't much of a funeral, since we were mostly the only ones that really knew of T.K. We were his family, we were his friends, we were most of everything. 

Baekhyun couldn't stop crying. Taemin and Henry were the ones to comfort him, even though Taemin was crying as well, since Chanyeol couldn't bring himself to. 

Kangjun cried too, but silently, the way you cry when you don't want to miss a word. Kangjun didn't want to miss this, this little ceremony, of his best friend, because it was the last time. He didn't want to miss catching the slipping spreads of the boy. 


We closed Blithe. Just posted a sign on the front door, shut off the lights, retreated upstairs. Nothing about T.K, yet, though. The customers who came by enough to know T.K personally will be heartbroken, but now, this is our pain. This is our pain to bare, and all we can do is sit, and cry, and wait. 

Kikwang bakes and cooks all day. He needs something to keep his hands busy, to keep his mind straying, and sometimes I go down to help him, frosting cakes, mixing batters, fetching ingredients. 

Chanyeol broke up with his girlfriend. We heard it, two days ago, full of screamed words and harsh tongues, but it was never going to work anyway. There were signs of that before, we just didn't notice them enough. Baekhyun didn't do anything, though. He can't look Chanyeol in the eyes anymore. 

Doojoon's still in the hospital, but his condition is getting better and better. He told us about these people, people that have been following him since he left his home, that had set the trap. The police are looking now for them.

 Dongwoon visits Doojoon everyday, for most of the waking hours. I think he just needs to get away, get away from this clotting sadness. 

Minho's writing something, I think. Maybe a story, maybe about T.K, maybe about a world different than ours. We don't know, but he just sits there, typing away, day after day. 

Henry spends all his time downstairs in Blithe, now. He's making something, or he's doing something to the shop. It's never light enough down there to tell.


It feels like time is at a standstill. It feels like we're floating, floating on this pain, and the world within this little shop is so different than the big world outside. But I don't want to leave. 

Minho told Kangjun that he, when he turns 18 in a couple months, can stay at Blithe while he figures his life out. Kangjun nodded, thanked him. Quietly. Everything is quiet. Something too loud will wake the dead, and the dead already haunt this shop and these halls. 

And now it's just us. 

Just us. 

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AnnoNiji #1
Chapter 24: It's true the end is a little rushed, but it's still beautiful, because there are a lot of feelings and i loved read you story, it touched me a lot.
AnnoNiji #2
Chapter 23: I'm happy for KiSeob. Anyway it's still so sad... (and what about JunHyung ?)
AnnoNiji #3
Chapter 22: Omg i'm still crying, i can't stop myself T_T
AnnoNiji #4
Chapter 21: Now i'm crying. It's horrible.
AnnoNiji #5
Chapter 20: What the was that ? O_O I'm so curious and scared for them !! ><
AnnoNiji #6
Chapter 19: Channie be strong ;___;
AnnoNiji #7
Chapter 18: Omg. Just... omg.
AnnoNiji #8
Chapter 17: Omg. I don't know what i can say. Junnie, Seobie... ;w;
AnnoNiji #9
Chapter 16: Seobie i want to hug you ;;
AnnoNiji #10
Chapter 15: Ohw ohw... it will hurt for sure... ;_;